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What Films Have You Watched This Week - The Sequel.

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    Originally posted by buster_broon View Post
    I haven't seen any of them but now I have 3 films I need to watch

    Kinda hoping my life turns like first blood who's going to be my Brian dennehy
    Buster: There wouldn't be no trouble except for that king-sh!t cop! All I wanted was something to eat. But the man kept pushing Sir.
    Trautman: Well you did some pushing on your own Buster.
    Buster: They drew first blood, not me.
    Trautman: Look Buster, let me come in and get you the hell out of there!
    Buster: They drew first blood...
    Trautman: Buster, are you still reading me? Covey leader to Raven! Buster! Acknowledge! Busteeeeeeeer!

    I talked about them longer in this thread when I saw them, but Kill List is an odd one. I didn't enjoy much about it, but I was riveted enough to want to find out what happened at the end, so it must have been gripping! I'd be curious to hear your thoughts on it, but it's easily the hardest to watch of the three.

    Dead Man's Shoes was really good. It's got a lot going for it for a low-budget thriller. I thought it was going to be pretty straight-forward, but it's peppered with twists and a lot of black humour.

    The Veteran was a suggestion on here, but I can't remember if it was in this thread or after somebody posted the video below. This has quite a few threads to the story that kept me interested. Anybody standing up to criminals gets my vote, so it was great to see the protagonist wasn't scared of anybody.


      I think I posted on here about Kill List last year sometime. I think it had the same impact, it's REALLY grim viewing, there is something very dark about it, it's not enjoyable to watch, it's more like being a voyeur into a very nasty place and you can't take your eyes away. The fact that stuff like this just might be still happening, too, it's pretty close to the bone...

      Also, it's got that oddly stunning lass out of Ideal in, and she's always mesmerising to look at, plus the Blu can be had @ 2 for ?5 in that cheapy 1st/2nd hand high street CD/DVD/games shop that I've currently forgotten the name of (there's one next to the escalators on the lower section of Leeds St. John's Centre!!!!)


      Last edited by JazzFunk; 11-02-2013, 16:52.


        Originally posted by JazzFunk View Post
        I think I posted on here about Kill List last year sometime. I think it had the same impact, it's REALLY grim viewing, there is something very dark about it, it's not enjoyable to watch, it's more like being a voyeur into a very nasty place and you can't take your eyes away. The fact that stuff like this just might be still happening, too, it's pretty close to the bone...

        Also, it's got that oddly stunning lass out of Ideal
        I absolutely agree with everything you said there, JF!

        Such a unique film, but a bit of a slog.

        I'll definitely check out Ben Wheatley's next film, Sightseers.


          Just seen sky fall. Bloody terrible film, really can't see what all the fuss was about. Was at least 45mins too long and the action scenes were boring and unoriginal. Decent performances but I just could not give a damn about any of the characters. Its just a parody of British stiff upper lip attitudes which just annoys me. And the car featured in the end was just unnecessary fan service, completely out of place. Can't believe how much money this film has made which just proves how big an export Bond still is. Mind you I never liked the character or any bond film ever made so I was hardly gonna be converted by this shizznit. And the product placement is just embarrassing.


            Watched The Kite Runner on BBC4 tonight, Khaled Hosseini's story about two young friends in Afghanistan. Not a bad film, but the book's better.


              Originally posted by bash View Post
              Just seen sky fall. Bloody terrible film, really can't see what all the fuss was about. Was at least 45mins too long and the action scenes were boring and unoriginal. Decent performances but I just could not give a damn about any of the characters. Its just a parody of British stiff upper lip attitudes which just annoys me. And the car featured in the end was just unnecessary fan service, completely out of place. Can't believe how much money this film has made which just proves how big an export Bond still is. Mind you I never liked the character or any bond film ever made so I was hardly gonna be converted by this shizznit. And the product placement is just embarrassing.

              ...finally someone else who thought it was a turd.


                Watched Stephen King's IT last night. Love it! The young actors are superb in it, a great sense of camaraderie which seems pretty natural on screen. Special FX are a letdown but it was a TV movie.


                  Oh and this version is well worth another watch.


                    Originally posted by nakamura View Post
                    Oh and this version is well worth another watch.

                    LOL best video ever...and best sf music.

                    What was the silly bastard who walked forward in defense of that stupid skinny runt at the end thinking? dare he fight back!?

                    And the "this is getting sad bro" comment was so expertly timed lol.


                    Although the one where that guy beats down on two yobs who mouth something to his total demo probably the funniest thing i have seen of its type.
                    Last edited by PaTaito; 15-02-2013, 18:27.


                      Human centipede.

                      Utterly horrific. Wish I hadn't watched it.


                        Lollers. What were you expecting?


                          watched mega shark vs giant octopus.....awful

                          ground hog day...great film....have a feeling i have seen it before though ...

                          Enter the dragon. really enjoyed it looking a bit dated but still great


                            Saw Tin Tin tonight, really enjoyed it. As someone who loved the books as a child I felt the film did them justice and was clearly made by someone who loves the original stories. Funny, mad cap and in places non-sensical. Great old fashioned story telling with a modern lick of paint.


                              Closer was on in my house the other night. A whole movie of people just talking about themselves. Do people do that in real life? I wouldn't have the patience for it. I mean why talk all that much when you could, you know, just not talk. Some people must do that though, right? The whole, let's talk about us thing over and over... do they? There's so much about the real world I don't know.


                                Just saw Die Hard 5, not as terrible as the trailers made out but I dont think I'll see it again for a long time. This should not have been a Die Hard sequel, the plot and action felt out of place and forced. It should've been a completely different father/son buddy action movie instead. Like most people have already said, if you clear your memory of Die Hard and imagine your watching a new franchise then its a forgettable larf. In fact this will probably be more enjoyable at the cinema than at home on Blu Ray. HD wont do Willis grey balding hairs any favours.

