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What Films Have You Watched This Week - The Sequel.

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    Originally posted by rmoxon View Post
    The only good bit of Green Lantern was when he used his powers to create a giant machine gun to fight the big monster thing, it was pretty well done, quite spectacular in fact. The rest of the film lacked that sense of scale, it was just a big mess of too many plot strands that never had any real pay off or seemingly much impact on the overarching plot line. It felt a bit like the third X-Men movie where they just seemed to throw random idea after idea at the viewer.
    Agreed. Should have been an origin story only. Too much going on.


      Stargate - Extended clich? Edition

      Still love this film after all these years, oh its so clich?d its unreal, pretty much every one you can think of is used here, and then used again just to make sure. Its still Emmerich's best film, which I know isn't saying much, but it still works at a basic level after all these years and is one of the more significant sci-fi films that come along.

      And lets not forget of course it spawned numerous TV shows and created its own universe, which is slightly more believable and less fantastical than either Star Wars or Star Trek.

      The slightly more up to date Bluray edition (?5 - sainsburys) is at least better than the original release which was bloody terrible, and barely looked better than the DVD.

      Saturday night, leave your brain on neutral, Popcorn stuff at its best.


        Zero Dark Thirty

        Bigalow does it again, awesome.

        EDIT: and yeah stargate is great, i'll never forget the wonderment of seeing it at the cinema as a kid.


          The Living Daylights - I remember the one that was Daltons last being meh but this was one of the weakest Bonds full stop. Quite looking forward to Licence now

          Chronicle - Been waiting too finally see this for a while and by jesus what a let down.


            Glad to see Im not the only one who thought Chronicle was a major disappointment.

            Watched Taken 2 Extended cut. The theatrical cut was terrible, with some of the worst editing I have ever seen. This version is a massive improvement and almost feels like a worthy sequel... Almost. It's worth a watch.


              Watched Taken 2 today, went into it thinking there's no way it's going to be as good as the first, to prevent disappointment, I was right, not as good as the first, but still a decent enough film, lost a few marks when Kim who was struggling to pass her test suddenly became an expert getaway driver!

              Also watched the new Dredd last night, I wasn't expecting much tbh but was pleasantly surprised and really enjoyed it. Definately worth a watch.


                Natural Born Killers DC

                Like it more these days than i used to, and RDJ is hilarious when he has his little meltdown...

                Killer soundtrack too.


                  Gonna rewatch Drive, the blueprint of badassery, blazed. Love Refn's stuff.


                    Originally posted by JazzFunk View Post
                    Gonna rewatch Drive, the blueprint of badassery, blazed. Love Refn's stuff.
                    Keep meaning to watch that, but I never seem to be the the right mood.

                    Saw Hugo the other night, overall impressions were positive. Some decent performances and an engaging story. Some elements didn't work, but I loved the style of the film and I think I will watch it again soon.


                      ^Kieran, watch it, it's free on Netflix and in HD!It's a bit like Vice City, it's a bit Risky Business, it's a bit Scorsese, yet it's all also like a meisterwerk from the Kubrickian guy who gave us Bronson! It's a really strange product!!
                      Last edited by JazzFunk; 06-02-2013, 11:40.


                        Curious to see who wins out of the current Arnie-Sly-Willis release line up so after The Last Stand watched Bullet to the Head today. I imagine some will get more from it but for me it was a miss, Last Stand wins though Die Hard has an open goal to aim for.


                          ^Is Last Stand vintage, bone-crunching, violent Arnie or is it PG-13 ****e? And is he still credible as a badass? I mean, Harrison Ford almost made it in Crystal Skull (rmoxon, rmoxon...), but his body - muscular, as it clearly was - was all saggy and he looked a bit like Tesco chicken fillets, didn't he? I remember seeing an old German porno where this grandaddy guy with a 60s-style quiff was banging the back doors out of a very petite, 18/19 yr old. Yeah, he looked a bit like HIM, saggy and sweaty and straining, the fat git.


                            The Last Stand is kinda's an R rated film anyway... You actually see blood spurt about when people get shot and stuff.

                            Arnie is still a terrible actor, he clearly hasn't been taking lessons while he's been gone, but he still delivers one liners better than virtually anyone else too so its ok.
                            Last edited by rmoxon; 06-02-2013, 23:56.


                              ^Ah, cool, I'm definitely interested now. I also wanna see that recent Mel Gibson one, I like him in thrillers, esp. loved Payback.


                                How I spent My Summer Vacation... Yeah, that was good, even if it had a crap name.

