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What Films Have You Watched This Week - The Sequel.

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    Iron Sky...

    Holy ****!

    This has to be seen to be believed. It's so shocking but you can't help but stare, jaw hitting the ground, at it's awfulness. It's not bad in a cheesy good way like They Live or something, because the special effects are actually quite good, it's just bad - which is a shame as I loved the the idea, the execution was just terrible.

    Originally posted by rmoxon View Post
    The Dark Knight Rises special effects looks so fake becuase like the rest of the film they had not had any effort put into them, it was always gonna make money and be hailed as the greatest thing ever by fans no matter what, so Nolan couldn't be bothered making somthing that was very good. He simply didn't need too.

    I have a mate who loves Batman (he even likes Batman and Robin) and he agrees with all my criticisms of TDKR, but then says he loves it anyway becuase it's Batman. Which is weird when you think about it,because Batman is actually only in the film for about a total of 20 minutes.

    The rest of the film centres on Bruce Wayne stuck down a hole being all Emo about losing a fight and then he

    trains for 3 minutes, recovers from a broken back and climbs a 6 thousand foot wall to save the day

    . Yes Christopher Nolan, after being so restrained and boring with the action sequences throughout the rest of the film you really went for a grounded and realistic Superhero tale there didn't you?
    Pff... I'll give you it going over the top and the fight choreography being on the lazy side, but Bane was superb and it's one of the most quotable films I've seen in years.

    CIA guy: "Tell me about Bane! why does he wear a mask!? a lot of loyalty for a hired gun?


    *Sean Connery voice*

    "Or Perhaps he's wondering why you would shoot a man, before throwing him out of a plane?"

    Brilliant. The voice was awesome.


      I still think Bane's voice was slightly altered for Bluray, it doesn't seem quite as hard to understand here than at the cinema. That may be because of the amount of bass at the cinema, it may not, but there is definitely a difference.

      Considering it was altered after the first test screenings of the film it makes you wonder how bad it actually was, probably one of those situations where the sound guys were listening to it every day and realise how difficult it was to understand it.


        Not terrible but the voice is certainly missing the Connery-esque quality of the final version.


          when i watched it at home banes voice was louder and clearer than everybody elses, it was pretty distracting as he didnt seem to fit in the scene naturally


            Yeah, I felt the same when watching it on Blu Ray. It's like his volume was turned up max no matter where he was.


              Glad it wasn't just me that thought that.


                Re: What Films Have You Watched This Week - The Sequel.


                  Originally posted by originalbadboy View Post
                  I still think Bane's voice was slightly altered for Bluray, it doesn't seem quite as hard to understand here than at the cinema. That may be because of the amount of bass at the cinema, it may not, but there is definitely a difference.

                  Considering it was altered after the first test screenings of the film it makes you wonder how bad it actually was, probably one of those situations where the sound guys were listening to it every day and realise how difficult it was to understand it.
                  He was inaudible for the most part at the cinema, so however it sounds on blu-ray(it is cleared up) is an improvement.


                    Originally posted by PaTaito View Post
                    He was inaudible for the most part at the cinema, so however it sounds on blu-ray(it is cleared up) is an improvement.
                    This. The movie was all but ruined for me because of that stupid voice. They were told it was a problem and still didn't sort it out properly. The audio in my living room is better than the cinema though so I shall look forward to watching it at home.


                      Originally posted by FSW View Post
                      This. The movie was all but ruined for me because of that stupid voice. They were told it was a problem and still didn't sort it out properly. The audio in my living room is better than the cinema though so I shall look forward to watching it at home.
                      Oh man you are in for a treat, one of the best soundtracks period.


                        Hells yes, from the hijacking intro and onwards my speakers were rocking mate.


                          Originally posted by yvrmikiw View Post
                          when i watched it at home banes voice was louder and clearer than everybody elses, it was pretty distracting as he didnt seem to fit in the scene naturally
                          I had to keep turning the volume up and down because of this - friggin' annoying.


                            samsara - a beautiful journey from the ancient to modern and a reference quality blu ray to boot

                            some scenes may shock you though


                              Originally posted by Finsbury Girl View Post
                              I had to keep turning the volume up and down because of this - friggin' annoying.
                              I had this problem with Thor.

                              "I'm Thor, God of Funder: Checkit"*


                              I had to give up because I either couldn't hear what was being said or the action was likely to wake my sleeping baby.

                              *Not actual quote.


                                You probably could've used Thor to send the baby to sleep anyway QC, utter borefest.

