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What Films Have You Watched This Week - The Sequel.

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    It's a seriously fun movie. Well, a ridiculously fun movie would be more accurate. Actually, I rewatched Tokyo Drift last night and the two fit together remarkably well given how separate they have been. Although it did bring home to me that F&F can exist well on a much smaller scale and I hope they resist the urge to one-up Fast 6 when it comes to action and size in the next one. It did go beyond ridiculous in places and I'm not sure it would get away with going any further.


      Yeah, like a Tokyo drift 2. They'll need to stop jumping out of military planes and into cars n trucks. If you take the thrills of fast 1 and compare it to fast 6 it's grown too big for its "universe". Really it kinda started from fast 4 I guess. 1-3 were a lot more car/driving focused.


        Yep, I'd love it to become a Tokyo Drift 2. The end of Tokyo Drift did show that
        was there with the intention of racing and said he had been racing around Asia and the FF people have said they want to take the series back to its roots for the next one so it could well be mostly a race movie.


          I don't know, considering Jason Stathem is in it Id like some well choreographed fight scenes. It's what he does best.

          Also, the main problem with "going back to the roots" of the series would be that it will lack spectacle in comparison to the last two films, which will mean many people might end up disappointed and lose interest in the series. The reason the last two films have been well received is mainly because they moved away from their roots.

          I know there are some people who probably prefer the fact that the first few movies were just about people driving around in flashy cars, but Im sure there are many more people who want a bit more to the next film than that.
          Last edited by rmoxon; 01-06-2013, 10:31.


            I dont see why they cant do a combo of the 2, I'm just saying having the Rock jump outta air convoys perfectly into army jeeps is pushing the limit. Fast 6 was borderline superhero **** at some other points too.

            I like the fact that since Fast 4 its more action based than racing. Seriously its better at doing action than the last 2 die hards or any other action franchise of recent times. They've upped 80's style cheese as well though. How many times did Rock say, "come on you sunovabitch" Or "Lets get these bastards" or words to that effect. AND I LOVE THAT! But also Tokyo Drift had that karate kid element of having to learn to drift. 2 completely different animals really.

            Another good thing about Fast 6 was less Paul Walker too. He's nice for the homos and girls to look at I guess but wooden as fook. I also thought having Rock AND Vin on the same team wouldnt be as fun but the rock is just frickin awesome in nearly everything. He's like the speed of Paul Walker with the strength of Vin Diesel. Just a frickin force of nature. He's nearly getting to Arnies level but needs more hard R rated **** in his portfolio

            Gonna check out Snitch soon.


              Snitch is well worth watching, he's really good in it, playing someone who is less superhuman. It's not really an action film though, just so you know.

              I have to give special mention to his flying headbutt at the end of Fast 6, there aren't enough flying headbutts in films.


                Originally posted by bash View Post
                I dont see why they cant do a combo of the 2, I'm just saying having the Rock jump outta air convoys perfectly into army jeeps is pushing the limit. Fast 6 was borderline superhero **** at some other points too.
                Yep, I agree with this. The bridge scene kind of pushed it past the limit. This is about as far as this can be taken and so, from here, if they try to do similar again they will either end up unacceptably ridiculous or feeling like a retread. Part of the reason the series has survived this long is that it hasn't feared change. I love 6 but it was the first one that really felt like more of the same to me. I think that's not a problem once but it's a path to diminishing returns. It also locks the series into a formula that will feel wrong if changed, something never a problem before.

                I'd like to see them go smaller and tighter and focus on some new characters.


                  The Purge

                  Enjoyed this, there's some decentness to the concept and ideas at work but it's very undermined by some flaws with the scenario and some stupid dumbassery by the characters. A much better film exists somewhere in there.


                    Originally posted by rmoxon View Post
                    Snitch is well worth watching, he's really good in it, playing someone who is less superhuman. It's not really an action film though, just so you know.

                    I have to give special mention to his flying headbutt at the end of Fast 6, there aren't enough flying headbutts in films.
                    That was Vin Diesel with the flying headbutt, not The Rock. Still fricking awesome though. The Rock must've jumped fricking 10ft in the air to flying clothesline that big dude on top of Vin's shoulders. I think for me that was the maddest moment of the lot. But why not? If you're gonna have the Rock in your movie then you gotta chuck in the odd wrestling move.

                    Also big shout out to one of the henchmen/baddie who was also Caption Jaka in The Raid: Redemption. Johannes Taslim. Theres a bit where he takes out quite a few peeps and even though he's a bad guy its still bloody fun to watch.

                    Hell, so many of the cast get a chance to kick ass in this film, from the girls and even Paul Walker and Luke Evans handle themselves well.

                    Gotta give credit to Justin Lin, he's really moved up since Better Luck Tomorrow. This guy could direct the next Bond, Die Hard and Terminator. All completely different beasts but I think plot and action would be well handled by him as long as the casting and budgets are on point.
                    Last edited by bash; 01-06-2013, 16:58.



                      LOL. I enjoyed it, especially the crazy plot which actually all hung together really well due. Excellent B movie style gore. Completely random music. Some lovely visual set pieces. A highly disturbing moral dilema is presented too. It was free on Xbox Live in HD a couple of weekends ago.

                      Note: I'd never watch it again, but I'm sure some of you here with leftfield tastes will also enjoy it as a one off.


                        Originally posted by bash View Post
                        That was Vin Diesel with the flying headbutt, not The Rock. Still fricking awesome though. The Rock must've jumped fricking 10ft in the air to flying clothesline that big dude on top of Vin's shoulders. I think for me that was the maddest moment of the lot. But why not? If you're gonna have the Rock in your movie then you gotta chuck in the odd wrestling move.

                        Also big shout out to one of the henchmen/baddie who was also Caption Jaka in The Raid: Redemption. Johannes Taslim. Theres a bit where he takes out quite a few peeps and even though he's a bad guy its still bloody fun to watch.

                        Hell, so many of the cast get a chance to kick ass in this film, from the girls and even Paul Walker and Luke Evans handle themselves well.

                        Gotta give credit to Justin Lin, he's really moved up since Better Luck Tomorrow. This guy could direct the next Bond, Die Hard and Terminator. All completely different beasts but I think plot and action would be well handled by him as long as the casting and budgets are on point.
                        Yeah I was probably thinking about the clothes line, that fight was pretty bonkers anyway.

                        Agree about Justin Lin, he seems to be one of the more capable action directors about today. Although that doesn't say much when you consider that his competition are people like Paul W S Anderson and John Moore(Who made Max Payne and A Good Day To Die Hard).


                          Has anyone been to see After Earth?

                          It's getting absolutely annihilated by reviewers. Quite a few 'this is the worst film ever made' tags.


                            Review of The Sword of Justice (1980) up on my blog. I watched it with vanpeebles on Friday night. It's a cracking little Taiwanese swordplay film.


                              Originally posted by Kit View Post
                              Has anyone been to see After Earth?

                              It's getting absolutely annihilated by reviewers. Quite a few 'this is the worst film ever made' tags.
                              Well it is night shamalyan isn't it? He does hold a few of those titles IMHO


                                Originally posted by Kit View Post
                                Has anyone been to see After Earth?

                                It's getting absolutely annihilated by reviewers. Quite a few 'this is the worst film ever made' tags.
                                Damn!! I kinda fancied seeing this as the trailer made it look ace.

                                Had no idea it was Shyamalan. They kept that quiet.

                                Finally watched Django Unchained on Tuesday. Thought it was excellent though not as good as Inglorious Basterds.

                                The constant use of the "N" word started to grate after a really short period of time too.

