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What Films Have You Watched This Week - The Sequel.

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    Originally posted by QualityChimp View Post
    I've not seen either Machete, but I've seen the fake trailer from Grindhouse.

    I bet Danny Trejo couldn't believe his luck Rodriguez said "Today we're filming the waterfall scene. You know, the one where you get nekkid with a couple of chicks?".
    It's well worth seeing, I hadn't enjoyed a movie so much for a long time

    Pop me your address & the BD will magically appear on your doormat if you fancy seeing it QC

    Originally posted by kryss View Post
    Shame one of them is Lyndsay Lohan.

    "Machete don't text".
    Meh her bewbs weren't too bad tbh

    That made me crack up.


      It's not Lindsey Lohan in the Grindhouse trailer though, is it?

      Yeah, I'd like to see it, so that'd be lovely, Soundwave! Top man.
      I'm worried that it's going to be better as a trailer than a full film, but I've had it queued in LoveFilm for aaages.

      I'm worried Kung Fury won't work as well as the fake trailer when they try to make a story out of it. I still backed it, though!


        I watched The Last Member earlier this week - it's a odd documentary film on the Icelandic Phallological Museum.


          Originally posted by MartyG View Post
          I watched The Last Member earlier this week - it's a odd documentary film on the Icelandic Phallological Museum.
          I'm scared to click that link.

          It's some kind of phallus museum, isn't it?


            Yes that's right - both links are quite safe for work


              Watched a Clockwork Orange last night bonkers film, had to read IMBD afterwards to make sense of it all, couldn't watch the scenes of them putting the things on his eyelids, rest was ok therefore I'm sick


                One of Stanley Kubrick's greatest films if not the greatest and definitely in my top ten films of all time. Arguably the greatest sex scene of any mainstream film in existence.


                  Been watching the old Indiana Jones trilogy in HD via BBc3. I've come to the conclusion that Raiders is the best of the lot. I enjoyed TOD as a kid and its aged quite well, Last Crusade is too light hearted for my tastes although it wrapped things up quite well, the Nazis werent quite as good in that one as Bulloch and co from the first.

                  Also saw Training Day again, its a really great if totally unbelievable film. One thing I think gets downplayed is how Hoyt is so ambitious he easily swallows Lorenzos bull**** about the law of the streets. I dont think Denzel has or will better this role though, as much as I loved him in X too.


                    Went to see American Hustle last night. Superb stuff. Really feels like it belongs back with 70's cinema classics. Too soon to call it my personal film of the year but it's going to be in contention.


                      Went on a This Is England binge and watched the film followed by the series. Loved it. I mean, it's pretty miserable and a tough watch in places but it's brilliantly done. The movie is small, character-driven and just so full of heart. I was a kid in the '80s and, though younger than the main characters, I recognised a lot of what I saw, much of which I had forgotten. Much of the acting is superb, especially Lol which made it easy to see why she ended up the core of the show. Great stuff.

                      Also made me a bit sad that now, politically, we seem to have gone back to the '80s in some ways when we really should have moved on.


                        Originally posted by tonyk100 View Post
                        Watched a Clockwork Orange last night bonkers film, had to read IMBD afterwards to make sense of it all, couldn't watch the scenes of them putting the things on his eyelids, rest was ok therefore I'm sick
                        I literally cant think of a better film...

                        Brilliant story on the flakey nature of morality/free will seen through the eyes of a murderous, but intelligent kid. Only kubrick would have dared take this material on.

                        I love the lingo, i love the soundtrack, i love the main antihero, and its probably in my top 3 films of all time.

                        Quote from the book which for me perfectly explains what the film is really about:

                        "Does God want goodness or the choice of goodness? Is a man who chooses to be bad perhaps in some way better than a man who has the good imposed upon him?"

                        Mini kubrick rant over.
                        Last edited by PaTaito; 04-01-2014, 14:52.


                          Personally not a fan of much of kubricks work if I'm being honest

                          Clockwork was more hype since the director banned it due to copycats

                          Anyway watched bad grandpa and the overall assessment is the first word in the title

                          Couple of funny moments but a lot of a why, why , why


                            American Hustle...I would have ignored it tbh but for the Amy Adams/Jennifer Lawrence posters.

                            It was better than watching Villa get knocked out the cup...just.
                            The two leading ladies are great though.


                              Watched About Time last night...

                              Brilliant romantic comedy with the lovely Rachael Mcadams, some ginger leading guy i've never seen before, and the fantastic Bill Nighy.

                              The story of a shy guy who gets told one day that the men in teh family have the power to travel back in time, what you expect could easily stumble in an admittedly slightly cliched story, turns out to be generally heartwarming, comical, and lovingly acted out by all involved.

                              Great stuff.

                              Clockwork orange would be an absolute masterpiece regardless of initial hype...i watched it for the first time in 1998 after all.
                              Last edited by PaTaito; 04-01-2014, 18:25.


                                The Wolverine

                                Better .. a lot better, although the twists in the plot were so obvious most of it was figured out within about 20 minutes. I liked the whole 'John Rambo' style bit at the beginning .. I wonder if that would have worked as a whole film?

                                Otherwise very good ... I loved the

                                'Diamonds are Forever' Pool scene

                                reference (or was it just a copy?) .. and seeing

                                famke janssen

                                in not much through the film is always nice .. Although I think she needs to take it a bit easy on the botox.

                                Of course it wouldn't be a Marvel film without the obligatory post credits teaser, which in this case sets up

                                Day's of Future Past


