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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

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    Spotted this on Twitter already. Didn't take long...


      Hm. Is it wrong that I don't hate it yet?




          Aside from the turtles themselves it reminds me a lot of the TF films, not sure I need two at once.


            Loving the Turtle Designs. Loving them.

            Not hyped about The Shredder being a white guy but whatcha gonna do, looking forward to it still.


              Originally posted by Superman Falls View Post
              Aside from the turtles themselves it reminds me a lot of the TF films, not sure I need two at once.
              They've recycled some of the sounds.


                Yeah, Bay and his crew realised long ago they can do wtf they want with 80's/90's kids shows and it'll still **** money. This seriously needed a different director and production crew.

                Still there's a generation of kids who will grow up with this new franchise and probably love it.


                  The trailer looked great. Seeing as I really enjoyed the Transformer movies (the first one was great, the last two so-so), I'm sure I'll like this. I never understood the Bay hate myself. I was a huge TF/TMNT fan as a kid, had all the toys and watched the shows, and I like the new renditions quite a bit.


                    Dude, this is the internets! What are you playing at being all positive and stuff?!


                      I'm excited. I love William Fichtner thanks to Prison Break. I know Shredder's meant to be Japanese but I prefer it this way.

                      As for the turtles: crikey they're big! And I like the designs but now I can't unsee Shrek

                      Can't wait!


                        As a huge turtle fan, all I can say is this.

                        If Michael Bay was hit by a car tomorrow turtles fans across the world would cheer. That trailer is truely awful, I have no interest in paying to see that **** everyone boycott this rubbish please I don't want to see a sequel to this crap.


                          Upside of these designs though compared to TF is that we might be able to tell what the hell is going on


                            I liked the part where the turtle OBLITERATED a hummer by being thrown at it.

                            I think that really captured the essence of what being a stealthy ninja living in a sewer is all about.


                              I like the designs but i hated that trailer! Which, funnily enough, doesn't bother me too much because i loved the trailers for Transformers 2 and it's one of the only films ever (that and the newer X-Files film) I've walked out of.

                              So with that said, i dont care much for trailers anymore (hated the look of Gravity from the trailers - adored the film... Was obsessed with the trailer for Matrix 3... and... yeah). So im not worried that the trailer looked awful.

                              I would like to see some fight scenes, i want the turtles to do actual martial arts rather than jumping, exploding and smashing into cars. That's what i would like to see - and i'm hopeful of that due to their designs...

                              One to rent at least so far - due to my love for the turtles. In fact.. gonna watch the original now!
                              ----Member since April 2002



                                Reading your post, as soon as I got to the end I suddenly had a flashback to the original movie... which I saw on my own in a cinema full of kids because I was stood up by a girl. That might explain why I'm one of the few who think the Ninja Turtles were just stupid to begin with. I hold a grudge... Still, joke's on her - I haven't yet died alone and miserable listening to the Smiths.

