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Film of the Year 2013 - Closed

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    Film of the Year 2013 - Closed

    Okay all, it's that time of the year when voting begins on what you feel have been the most enjoyable three films you've seen this year.

    Voting is now open but in case you're still waiting to see one of the late 2013 releases don't worry, voting will be open till early 2014 so you don't need to cast your choices straight away.

    This year the catagories are as follows:

    The Film of the Year 2013
    01 -
    02 -
    03 -

    Worst Film of the Year 2013
    01 -
    02 -
    03 -

    Most Anticipated Film of 2014
    01 -
    02 -
    03 -

    We're looking for three choices per catagory however you can list in no particular order as it will be a tally voting system. Where a draw comes up, first to the vote count wins.

    Feel free to list beneath each catagory your noticeable mentions that ddn't quite make the final cut for you or to discuss your choices.

    Results of this, the fourth annual polling for Film of the Year, will be listed early in the New Year. Enjoy!
    Last edited by Neon Ignition; 06-01-2014, 07:00.


    01 - Monster's University
    02 - Hunger Games: Catching Fire
    03 - Gravity


    01 - Fast and Furious 6
    02 - The Bling Ring
    03 - 47 Ronin (I haven't seen it but having seen the trailer and loving the Japanese original[s] as I do it offends me)


    1. Interstellar
    2. X-Men: Days of Future Past
    3. The Imitation Game (Alan Turing Biopic, bit of a local/personal hero)
    Last edited by Pikate; 15-12-2013, 23:07.



      1. Man Of Steel
      2. Star Trek Into Darkness
      3. Prisoners


      1.The Hunger Games Catching Fire
      2. Grown ups 2
      3. Pacific Rim


        I dont think I saw a lot of films this year, like gaming I've gone a bit retro and just re-watched old films.


        1. Man Of Steel
        2. Fast 6
        3. Monsters Uni

        Special mention to Pacific Rim which I have to applaud for going all out bat**** crazy on gorgeous, loud and hugely destructive visuals but just narrowly missing the mark for me by totally ignoring the acting/human element.


        1. Ironman 3
        2. Gangster Squad
        3. Hangover III
        4. Die hard 5
        5. This is The End
        6. Life Of Pi
        7. Pain and Gain

        I could go on and on to be honest.


        1. Godzilla
        2. The Raid 2: Berandal
        3. American Hustle
        4. Mad Max: Fury Road
        5. The Wolf of Wall Street
        Last edited by bash; 16-12-2013, 12:32. Reason: Your mum


          Not seen too many films is year but I can definitely pick a top 3.

          01 - Man of Steel
          02 - Gravity
          03 - Monsters Uni

          Worst Film of the Year 2013
          01 - Iron Man 3

          I expect The Desolation of Smaug to muscle into my top 3 when I get round to seeing it.


            Wow, my best pick would probably be Ironman 3, whereas the worst by far was Man of Steel. Totally opposite to you guys so far.

            Edit - not anymore...

            New NEW top film: Gravity
            New second place : Rush
            Now in third: Ironman 3

            Worst: Man of steel
            Last edited by Darwock; 06-01-2014, 01:28.


              This might help jog your memories. Things like Django Unchained was 2013 in the UK:
              Here you can peruse the schedule of films for release in the UK and EIRE over the past and coming months. Please note that future release dates are subject to change and that this schedule is updated weekly. General enquiries: [email protected]. Calendar info sourced from Comscore Movies: You can view the information by


                I just worked my way through that list and there's a lot of films I'd like to see, but have yet to do so.

                I'm with Darwock, though. I liked Iron man 3, but found Man of Steel incredibly frustrating. It wasn't horrific by any stretch of the imagination, but it just seemed to miss the mark by a little bit so many times. I just walked out of seeing it going "...oh and another thing!".

                It felt like it was lazily written where ideas were picked up and dropped off as and when they were useful.
                Let's not derail the thread!


                The Film of the Year 2013
                01 -
                Pacific Rim (Giant robots Vs. giant monsters? Hell yes!)
                02 -
                Gravity (Total roller coaster ride of a movie that was a real experience on the IMAX)
                03 -
                Metallica: Through the Never (another assault on the senses that felt like a real event movie)

                Worst Film of the Year 2013
                I didn't hate anything I saw (don't get me started on the ridiculous Looper from last year), but Man of Steel was a missed opportunity.

                Most Anticipated Film of 2014
                01 -
                The Raid 2: Berandal
                02 -
                03 -
                Jupiter Ascending

                It's all about The Raid 2 for me though...


                  Man of steel was special becuase it had an emotional core that most films in the genre lack. It also featured some jaw dropping action to complement that.

                  I liked iron man 3 but I can understand where its detractors are coming from, beyond its snappy dialogue and showy performances was a pretty hollow and unspectacular film.


                    The Film of the Year 2013
                    01 - Iron Man 3
                    02 - Pain and Gain
                    03 - Man of Steel

                    Worst Film of the Year 2013
                    01 - Hangover Part III
                    02 - Die Hard 5

                    Most Anticipated Film of 2014, couldn't pick just 3
                    01 - Spierman 2
                    02 - Guardians of the Galaxy
                    03 - Captain America 2
                    04 - Transformers 4

                    I'd like Rocobocop to be on the list but not sure if it will end up being meh.


                      I'm surprised to see Monsters Uni crop up so often. For me it was fun but continued the sentiment that Pixars finest hours may be behind them. Light, at times humourous but totally uninspired and nowhere near as good as the first


                        Not seen that many films so I'll list the single best and worst:

                        Best - Thor 2
                        Worst - The new hunger games film


                          I haven't seen that many new films either.

                          The best:
                          Django Unchained
                          (it came out here in January)
                          Zero Dark Thirty

                          The worst:
                          Elysium (total garbage)
                          Escape Plan
                          Last edited by Guts; 16-12-2013, 11:59.


                            heh forgot about Thor 2 and Zero Dark Thirty, would be on my best list as well, guess mines more like a top 5!


                              Originally posted by crazytaxinext View Post
                              I'm surprised to see Monsters Uni crop up so often. For me it was fun but continued the sentiment that Pixars finest hours may be behind them. Light, at times humourous but totally uninspired and nowhere near as good as the first
                              I think it's more a reflection of the year than the film. If Django Unchained is 2013 then it's by far and away the best in my opinion.

