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Film of the Year 2013 - Closed

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    Cheers dude!

    Bloody hell! Dredd was 2012?! It just seems like yesterday that I saw it at the cinema! How time goes fast!

    My bad haha.

    OK in replacement of Dredd then (and I can't believe why I didn't remember this?!) Has to be Star Trek: Into Darkness. Reasons being is that I was a huge fan of The original Wrath of Khan back when I was younger which really traumatised me for it's just hard core story and proper darkness. (I was only 10! ) I thought that Into Darkness was a really nice homage to that film, Benedict Cumberbatch really played Khan well imo and I thought it was a huge improvement over the first reboot. Although it had been clearly toned down to appeal to a wider (younger) audience and I thought because of that it wasn't as dark or gritty as it should have been. I mean Khan is a proper sadistic piece of work and the character clearly deserves to be in a 15 (or even 18) film. Just look at how Wrath of Khan presented him to really see what I mean.

    I guess I'm just nit picking? Because over all it was a bloody good tight film.
    Last edited by darkangel; 03-01-2014, 17:17.


      Star Trek 2: Wrath of Khan has quite a history regarding its BBFC rating, the original cinema release was the PG equivalent, it's also had a 15 version and its current classification is also a 12 rating


        While i dont expect everyone to love wreck it ralph, i cannot believe people think its unoriginal???

        Its one of the most unique, inventive, and original pixar type cgi movies since.....possibly, how to train your dragon, or perhaps even the original toy story.

        It pays homage to the very thing that we all love too.

        The mind boggles.


          Into the final hours now, it's now or never!


            Changed my worst movie of the year to bad grandpa

            Nearly put rush in my top 3, but will keep it as it is


              Changed my original post again, saw Gravity yesterday and it restored my faith in the cinema as a place worth going to... and that is despite the idiot next to me who fell asleep 2 minutes in and proceeded to snore LOUDLY all the way up until the last half hour ><


                Nothing blew me away this year to be honest. I really liked Man of Steel and Thor Dark World both were great and were probably my 2 fave movies of the year, but it all feels like a come down after Avengers lol.

                Pacific Rim didn't live up to my own hype, i loved it but it could have been so much more.

                Iron Man 3 was the biggest disappointment ever and i haven't even bothered to watch it again since the cinemas, easily the worst Marvel Studios movie for me, really didn't like it.

                The Wolverine on the other hand i wasn't hyped for at all and enjoyed quite a bit, it was like an action film more than a super hero movie, doubt i'd ever watch it again but i did enjoy it.

                The Worlds End again was a disappointment, it was decent enough but really skimped on the laughs and isn't one i plan to watch again anytime soon unlike Hot Fuzz and SOTD which i can watch over and over.

                Hobbit Part 2 was great but i enjoyed the first part more, 2nd one felt dragged out by a good 40 mins.

                I haven't seen Gravity yet.

                But yeah not a great year in my opinion for the big blockbuster movies.

                Next year it's all about GOTG, Cap 2 and Godzilla for me really. I actually think Cap 2 is gonna be the one that shines but i have so many things crossed that they don't screw up GOTG.


                  Now officially closed

