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    Originally posted by MartyG
    Ep 5 - didn't find it a particularly good episode, didn't laugh once tbh.
    Glad I wasn't the only one.

    Disappointing IMO.


      i thought it would be like part 2 of cartoon wars where it would only last for 5 minutes and then it would cut to Cartman watching the TV

      But it kept going and going then teh credits came up


      You're a towel


        Yeh, its the worst episode Ive seen. I cant help but feeling this was done deliberately, its out of character for Matt and Trey even by their bizarre standards. Actually, a friend has invited me to a talk in London that Matt and Trey are holding, if I get the opportunity to ask WTF this one was about Ill do so


          To be honest i have not really kept up with south park for the past few years

          Was thinking of getting a dvd series which series should i get?


            I think the DVD series' are way behind the current ones, I think its up to 6 or something. I like them all, but Season 8 in particular was great, as was 9 and the beginning of 10. Just grab a few torrents or something and check them out.


              Series 5 had some very good episodes, including perhaps my favourite South Park ep: Scott Tennorman must die!


                Yeah, the Towlie ep was quite crap, apart from the "You're A Towel" lines

                Saying that, maybe if we were up on US Entertainment news and knew what they were talking about with teh Oprah thing it would have been better.

                As a rule, any episode without the boys is rubbish - this wasn't as rubbish as the episode 'Pip', though.


                  From fans on the South Park website:

                  All and all, I did enjoy the episode and for all of us that saw Oprah turn ghetto on that man for lying to her, this episode was awesome because this really did happen on the Oprah show. The only difference was this man wrote about him living in poverty and Towelie wrote about him being a towel and alw ays getting high. Oprah did in fact bitch someone out for lying to her and her audience exactly like that. It was so funny, I saw it. That guy was scared out of his mind too.


                    I suppose you had to of seen the Oprah things to of found them funny, or something.


                      I think I'd of been hard pushed to find it funny even if I had. Ah well, occassionally all shows misfire, at least the decent to poor ratio is good.


                        Yes, its a shame that Towlie appeared in that episode. He should have been used a lot better than that.


                          That was probably one of the worst, if not the worst, episode of South Park I've ever seen.


                            Going back to the Mohammed thing, where comedy central supposedly censored the bit where he shows up - is this for real? - - Im probably falling into the trap, but I presumed the censoring to of been just a part of the irony of it all, not CC actually censoring it? I dunno, its all far too clever for me.


                              Lots of debate on the SP site about whether or not the Towlie episode was funny or not, I guess if you dont find

                              You seriously don't think Oprahs ass and Vag calling Geraldo Riverra is funny? Oprahs Vag killing a police officer? I laughed out loud the whole episode.
                              funny, then its not for you.

                              I did laugh once though, the 'im a towel, no you're a towel' part was amusing.


                                All the ratings for this episode rank it far far below any South Park episode in history.

                                There are now many theories that the creators tanked the episode on purpose to get back at Comedy Central.
                                Matt & Trey pissed off about CC censoring Mohammed..?

