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Battlestar Galactica........

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    Spoilers, Mr. Darwock. I use them - up to others if they do or not.

    It's called Music, Movies and TV for a reason.


      Yeah I know but once it starts, the whole topic of discussion shifts onto stuff that hasn't been shown yet over here.... then folk start doing stuff like this:

      "couldn't believe it when [spoiler] died, didn't think it was going to happen considering the [spoiler] in the previous episode"...

      It basically makes any topic a dangerous place to visit for those of us who like to watch these shows on telly! Bah humbug.

      P.S yeah, 'music movies & TV', NOT 'music, movies, TV & torrents' :P


        Originally posted by Swanky_Yankee
        Just a little clarification for way back in the thread:

        The military numbering system doesn't work that way. It's not a linear progression from 1-onwards. For example, I fly in the 67th Special Operations Squadron. There are not 67 special operation squadrons in the Air Force.
        Right thank you, I didn't know that.

        But, in hindsight, it was a bit naive to think that it was linear progression.


          Holy ****, what an episode we got tonight! Now that's how to do cliff hangers, the writers of 24 should be taking notes!

          P.S. wasn't that Ensign Roe?


            just wait until you see the season 2 finale

            just fantastic


              Far more controversial than the Pegasus cliffhanger, though, which pretty much everyone loved. Some BG fanboys are having negative conniption fits about the series finale.


                Back in your box anephric. The Darwock police will be out to get you for being ahead.


                  If you only knew the pooowwwwer of the tor... *cough*...
                  Last edited by anephric; 14-03-2006, 21:30.


                    Originally posted by Darwock

                    P.S. wasn't that Ensign Roe?
                    No, it was Captain Haddock


                      Yeah, looks like I'm off this thread... need to find somewhere else to talk about it!


                        Originally posted by Darwock
                        wasn't that Ensign Roe?
                        Yes it was Ensign Ro playing Admiral Cain.

                        Quick FYI: We get two episodes next week, one in the slot SG-1 had (S9 finale tonight) and one in it's usual slot.

                        I wish I hadn't read the titles of those two episodes, I've got a pretty good idea as to what that mysterious Cylon ship is, and what it does, now.


                          Originally posted by anephric
                          Far more controversial than the Pegasus cliffhanger, though, which pretty much everyone loved. Some BG fanboys are having negative conniption fits about the series finale.
                          yeah i read about that

                          more do do with

                          the timeline advancing 1 year

                          i love the series - and its just one of the tv shows that can stick out a bad episode and its still pretty decent and better than most stuff on tv


                            What a strange final episode. I can't believe the new series is going to start from that point. I refuse to watch it if

                            Adama keeps the moustache.

                            Great series though (after a slow start). The highlight for me was the

                            Adama VS Kane standoffs.

                            Also, please remind me: who, in the first series, knew that Sharon was a skinjob and wrote "cylon" in her locker?


                              It was a long time ago, but I thought it was her subconcious fighting itself?


                                Originally posted by Vanicent
                                Yes it was Ensign Ro playing Admiral Cain.
                                she was also in 24 Season 2 wasnt she (fell down some stairs)

