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    Originally posted by kazurm
    I'm currently watching (and enjoying) the following:

    - Hunter x Hunter
    - Naruto
    - Last Exile
    - Tenjo Tenge
    - Ghost in the Shell Stand Alone Complex
    - some others...

    Does anyone know in what frequency Hunter x Hunter OVA 3 (Final) are broadcasted? It's been a while since Ep. 6 and can't wait for it to continue.... ft:
    there not broadcasted episodes (hence the ova moniker), 2 episodes are released on dvd and vhs per month. Usually at the start of the month, can't be bothered to get up and check jump for the date i'll check in the morning.


      Thanks newmiymoto-san! Didn't know what OVA stands for...


        OVA = Original Video Animation

        funnily enough it says it on this series of HxH.

        and don't worry about it, I didn't know one thing a short time ago.


          Originally posted by newmiyamoto
          OVA = Original Video Animation

          funnily enough it says it on this series of HxH.
          Ooops, too true,'s been some time since I last saw Episode 6, I've seen a large number of other series after that, my memory's starting to fail me obviously...

          *Looks for newest FMA episode*


            Well, I finally saw Naruto up to and including episode 19. Still not that impressed. Yes, it was almost emotional at the end, but I have a few questions?

            a) Does Naruto ever stop being the worst ninja ever?
            b) Does Sakura ever actually do anything?
            c) Does someone beat the living crap out of Sasuke?

            If the answer to c) is yes, then I'll keep watching. Moaning twat that he is.

            I still don't like the stringing out of the fighting. In 19 episodes, only around 20 punches and kicks have actually landed. These are ninjas, I expect people to actually get hurt badly (Naruto's uber-punch on Haku excepted). Having had a quick look through the episode guide, the next set looks more promosing, in that the kids actually have to fight people of similar ability. To save me a lot of anguish, can you just put in spoilers whether they actually pass the exam, or is it just an ongoing thing?


              Originally posted by Moodmon
              Well, I finally saw Naruto up to and including episode 19. Still not that impressed. Yes, it was almost emotional at the end, but I have a few questions?

              a) Does Naruto ever stop being the worst ninja ever?
              b) Does Sakura ever actually do anything?
              c) Does someone beat the living crap out of Sasuke?

              If the answer to c) is yes, then I'll keep watching. Moaning twat that he is.

              I still don't like the stringing out of the fighting. In 19 episodes, only around 20 punches and kicks have actually landed. These are ninjas, I expect people to actually get hurt badly (Naruto's uber-punch on Haku excepted). Having had a quick look through the episode guide, the next set looks more promosing, in that the kids actually have to fight people of similar ability. To save me a lot of anguish, can you just put in spoilers whether they actually pass the exam, or is it just an ongoing thing?
              There's a good reason why fights are strung out, cos its like all long running fighting series (like One piece for example), but things to pick up and most major fights end in 2 episodes, 1 for secondary fighters. Also what did you expect from the lowest level ninja you get(Genin) + 1 Jounin(kakashi) Vs 2 A/S rank criminals(Chounin+Jounin), naruto and co didn't stand a chance really, it was Haku being to soft and in not wanting to kill Sasuke and Naruto that lead to they're defeat, as Zabuza said "he is to Kind". The exam arc only just ended in anime (exam test>forest of death>tournament>training/filler>finals>NINJA WAR)

              Ninja ranks as far as i know (Genin -> Chounin -> Jounin -> ANBU -> Sanin(sp?) ->Hokage -> Itachi A/S rank criminals are normally Jounin to Hokage level.

              a) yes and no, he'll still get overshadowed until he proves himself in the chounin finals, and Sasuke starts to become jealous of his hidden power(which only adults know he has)
              b) Nope, not in even in the manga, she's still used to just motivate Naruto/Sasuke into fighting.
              c) yes 3/4 times and often quite bad.


                Originally posted by Moodmon
                Well, I finally saw Naruto up to and including episode 19. Still not that impressed. Yes, it was almost emotional at the end, but I have a few questions?
                I have a few questions too. Why did you watch 19 episodes of something you don't actually like?

                Are you a masochist?

                Is someone making you watch them, e.g you're being held captive?

                Assuming each episode is 30 minutes long, that's like 9 and a half hours.
                So, try and rate the likelihood of ever saying this out loud:

                'Well, I didn't like the first 4 hours... maybe the next 4 hours will be better!'


                  thats the great thing about anime, even if you don't like a series much it still compells you enough to watch it.


                    If you want to be picky, then with three minutes of intro, three minutes of outro, and around five minutes recapping the previous episode, I only watch 15 minutes of Naruto per episode. Plus, I spent so long downloading the buggers then I will watch them all, whether I like it or not.

                    I'm more use to watching songle series stuff, like Evangelion and Nadesico. By this time in the series, something has usually happened. I also cotinue to watch because they're ninjas. Ninjas with magic-stuff flowing through them. It's gotta get good sooner or later .

                    I appreciate Naruto and co. are only weak ninjas, and they never really stood a chance against Haku and the other guy. It just seems a shame to watch it for so long when they aren't really going to do a fat lot about anything. Just the fights lasted for an awfully long time. Two episode fights I can quite happily deal with, and with the influx of characters coming up there should be a little less talking, and more beating of faces.

                    Still, onto better news. Ninja war! Sasuke gets beaten up! Yay! 8)

                    One final thing. You didn't quite answer my question. Do Naruto and party actually become chouiuoiuoin (spelling, arf) level ninjas? Sorry, but I also have to finish with this smiley. Kage Bunshin No Jitsu


                      Originally posted by spoiler
                      No, but they come close. however, one of the other genin's does become a chounin can you guess who?


                        Given that I have yet to download most of the episodes about the exam, I'd say Dave Ninja, with his amazing flaming campness attack.


                          Originally posted by Moodmon
                          Given that I have yet to download most of the episodes about the exam, I'd say Dave Ninja, with his amazing flaming campness attack.
                          A million miles off.


                            shhhh..... don't tell him.


                              Actually, Sakura does do something, during the Chounin Trials. Y'know, in the forest. When the Sound Ninjas appear. That was fairly hardcore. Plus the fight with her and her opponent in the preliminaries after the Forest bit...


                                Ah. It had to happen eventually. Finally got to episode 31. It is in the Forest of Death. All hell has broken loose.

                                Originally posted by spoiler
                                Giant snakes. Sasuke freezing like the moron he is. Naruto stopping a snake with his hands! Sasuke doing a five-storey piledriver and a rather impressive piece of flame breath. Sasuke getting the crap beaten out of him (it cannot be overstated how wonderful this is). Rock Lee!
                                Oh yes, this is why I stuck with Naruto. Oh yes. My only small problem is the insistence of calling people male when they are obviously not. Long hair? Female voice? It must be a girl for crying out loud. Anyway, keep up the good work, I have a feeling it is only going to get better.

