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    12 kingdom's, good show, top story. Not watched that in years, loved the way the stories intertwined with each other at points and you get see the effects of one characters conquests against anothers living through it. Also liked the way they slowly built a backbone for the Red Haired girl turning her from a whiney, crybaby(some times psyhco) in to a hero, not many animes/mangas get that bit so right (i can only think of Kei from Gantz right now)

    Can't remember what happened to have the story cut short (lack of Popularity i think as it was certainly 'canceled' once during its run while it was being subbed and then continued on) as the novel's go on forever. Still have episode 43-45 to watch myself as the last 3 episodes from the subbers took them nearly a whole year to release. I do remember an interview someone translated ages back about them wanting to continue making them if they had the funding.



      I've been looking for something like that but havent had any luck yet, you recommend any websites to get them from?


        Sorry don't know any, try searching for its japanese name Juuni Kokki.

        a quick google search brings up loads of stuff, looks like what you may be after, didn't look to closely.

        Last edited by Tobal; 07-11-2005, 16:33.


          Yeh those are the only two i've found too, well hopefully the actual books will be sold in the U.S. or something and I can import them.


            Suzuka 19 looks to be the "Honoka break up episode".

            I'll have a proper watch of 18 later.


              Not sure to hold off watching ep18 so i have it and 19 to watch together....
              Gonna check our ep1's for karin and Lamune instead i think.

              Also updated the 1st page with the current season, i kept losing the list when i see a anime up for download.


                watch the streetfighter 2 (V) anime series over the last few days, not bad at all

                sets the story for teh actual game but not the animated movie - obviously since they dont know each other and ken/ryu actually learn the hado-ken and hado-shyryuken

                but people like

                nash gets killed and Sagat gets out of prision to obviously join shadowlaw

                also watched black cat episode 4 - pretty good

                starting samurai champloo tonight, already watched the 1st episode but gonna blitz a few this evening


                  Well I've just seen Suzuka ep18. Pretty much what I expected from the ep preview I saw from the last ep, so no real surprises. Pretty much the way you'd expect all the characters to act by now. Yamato being his usual dumb self, Suzuka still with a hint of bitchiness and Honoka being jealous. Next ep looks to be the one I've got to feel sorry for Honoka tbh, even though it was obvious it was coming.

                  Episodes 3 of Cluster Edge and Solty Rei, got me hooked on the respective shows. They're not fantastic but did enough to keep me interested. That Vespia guy/girl(well they all look like girls don't they ) in Cluster Edge needs a good beating I reckon.

                  Really enjoyed Blood+ so far as well. Had no idea what it was about, didn't follow the apparent hype surrounding it and I was pleasantly surprised. Really like the OP and ED as well. Intriguing to say the least.

                  Maybe you should add a bit more description to your opening post Tobal. Some are criminally underlooked. Paradise Kiss for example should have a bit of a bigger description I reckon, one of the most enjoyable shows of the season for me. The more people know about it the better.

                  Also from what I understand Canvas2 and ToHeart2 aren't sequels in that they don't have the same main characters as the preceding shows. Canvas2 for example does have one or two small appearances from characters that were in the first show but nothing more than a couple of seconds screentime. Although I'm not too sure you're at all bothered by these shows so maybe you'll leave it as is.


                    It was a cut'n'paste job for the pre-hype stuff before the season started back on p154

                    Think i got away with that

                    I'll have a crack at updating them while i'm bored a work tomorrow, and being im not watching either Canvas2 or 2H2 wanna provide the description

                    Not sure how you can enjoy Cluster Edge, the combo of camp characters, horrible animation/art and extremely bishi ways put me right of it and its not because im against camp characters or wouldn't be watching Paradise Kiss or sat through 16+eps of Karou Karou Marou. Also watched and dropped Happy7, terrible Magic Girl Customer show(worse than normal ones) and Capeta(ep1 and 2) made me wish death on all the characters bar the blonde girl!

                    Also Anyone watch Wild Striker?


                      Originally posted by Tobal
                      Not sure how you can enjoy Cluster Edge, the combo of camp characters, horrible animation/art and extremely bishi ways put me right of it and its not because im against camp characters or wouldn't be watching Paradise Kiss or sat through 16+eps of Karou Karou Marou. Also watched and dropped Happy7, terrible Magic Girl Customer show(worse than normal ones) and Capeta(ep1 and 2) made me wish death on all the characters bar the blonde girl!

                      Also Anyone watch Wild Striker?
                      Well I like the setting of it, I think the designs of the aircraft and stuff are nice. I will agree about the campness of the characters though it was a little offputting at first but I've seen a few shows with quite feminine looking male characters such as Fruits Basket, so it doesn't bother me too much. I didn't really think much of the first two episodes but as I said before I enjoyed the third one more. I can't agree about the horrible animation/art though, what I have seen of the show is nothing compared to Suzuka which is the benchmark for bad art/animation for me. Watch the karaoke scene in Suzuka episode 17 again and you can see all their faces changing from scene to scene, some of which look nothing like them in particular Yamato and Suzuka. If Cluster Edge gets this bad then I'd agree but as it is I've not noticed anything like it and it's good enough for me.

                      Is Wild Striker any good? I've seen torrents of it but never really thought about trying it out.


                        It?s ok, enjoyable even. On the Captain Tsubasa scale of impossible footballing moments, 10 being purposely kicking ball against the cross bar and overhead kicking it 10 feet in the air, the show would be would a 6.5CT.

                        While not as good as Whistle(realistic while still being very enjoyable) its not as stupid as Tsubasa all out one-man shows with crazy tricks. Story follows Kanou a red haired boy(hot-headed and full of energy), at first not playing football because of comparisons to his Ac Milan playing brother. Joining the school football team and with 2 other school outcasts who have a talent for the game (Brazilian transfer student looking to make into the ?easy? Japanese pro-leagues, and English goalkeeper who?s father moves around a lot, also a lady?s man). After that it all about the team gelling together over huge differences in personalities and progressing in the annual tournaments, with older students moving on to Uni or professional playing leagues and new students coming in it doesn?t get old.


                          I was getting a little fed up with Blood+. It seems to be moving a little slowly for me. Maybe that's because I think I know what's going on (lesbo manga for teh win \o/ ). It was all the moaning and groaning and "Oh, I'm useless" stuff, that didn't seem to be getting anywhere.


                          Kai got the utter crap kicked out of him in ep 5.

                          I'm now very, very interested. This younger David (compared to the OAV) obviously has some utterly filthy moves up his belt. Though I personally would have taken the rocket launcher myself


                            Watched 2 new show?s Karin and Lamune,

                            Karin ep1 ? No idea what show I was getting, starts up like vampire setup,

                            but jumps the other way following a strange vampire that can walk around in sunlight and so attends school, she?s pretty much the blacksheep of the family. Enjoyed the first show, the Boy with the ?evil staring eyes? which for some reason I found really funny, the way her would just stare right though people like he wasn?t paying attention, and his excuse of ?Being born with this eyes? makes it funnier that he?s about his problem, and then to top it of with Karin?s own problem of being (simpson quote) a ?Reverse Vampire? by producing Blood instead of sucking.

                            Lamune ep1 ? very, very cute in an almost sickening way, but lucky the characters are likable the interaction between the 2 long life friends enjoyable to watch. No idea where there going to take this as they?ve only introduced 2 people and they get along so well together it properly won?t take long for something to happen? also I really want to know why he hates the ?wagon?

                            Bleach manga 200+

                            anyone getting the feeling Chads going to become the Piccolo of Bleach, powering up enough to land a punch and then get a total whooping, cos I just know he?s gonna get powerup somehow, maybe full bodied armor suit in those colours his arm has(that would rock) and then get whooped by the next big bad.


                              finished Samurai Champloo and it was very good

                              usual anime - story revolves around real japanese events, set during feudal japan but mixed with a hint of hip/hop music and rapping

                              Story is about a young 15 year old girl called Fuu - who sets out on a journey to find the samurai who smells like sunflowers and she enlists the help of a criminal called Mugen and a Ronin called Jinn by freeing them from certain death - the 3 of them set across Japan heading towards Nagasaki to find the samurai

                              loads of blood - loads of fights - loads of funny points and superbly animated

                              as usual my favourite sound in anime is here in abundance - the empty stomach and Fuu loves to eat and when she does the animators turn her into the fat lump and i found it funny when she walked and talked just after she had something to eat

                              oh and her pet is a little flying squirrel called momo-san


                                Suzuka Ep19

                                Yamato is a bastard. Not only did he split up with Honoka, he also make light of their relationship in front of Suzuka (she got pissed at him). The **** doesn't deserve any girl!

                                The animation during the breakup scene seemed to be of a much higher quality though.

                                In other Suzuka news, the first chapter has been released (previous chapter being 0). Excellent art all round IMO.

