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    Well I've seen Noein and I was really impressed with the first episode. Especially the action sequence at the beginning. I look forward to seeing some more action in the future episodes, especially if they look as good as the bit in the beginning. The setting seems really interesting as well with the whole different dimensions thing. I'm hooked, I'll be particularly interested in finding out what that Karasu guy meant at the end of the episode.

    I've just seen Angel Heart and again enjoyed it. It has an interesting set up in that the main character was an assassin who committed suicide and survives when she gets a heart transplant, which is stolen from a donor's body or something. It might just be the look of it but it reminds a bit of Monster(which I've recently gotten addicted to), although it's been slightly more lighthearted in places.

    If you don't get saddened at what happens in ep2 of Shakugan no Shana then you're dead inside. It was handled really well I thought. Episode 3 has a bit more action than ep2 and it seems like you find out what Yuuji's "treasure" does plus more characters are introduced. I'm really liking the setting and the story so far, a bit more action would be nice though.

    Canvas2 ep3 was hilarious IMO. Really great comedy scenes especially with Elis and Kiri(sp?) involved. I especially liked the bit at the end with Hagino. Seems good so far and there's not been an unnecessary amount of panty shots/fanservice.

    I've still got to watch Mushishi and some other stuff.


      Noein is brilliant, the art style, animation and the sound effects are really different.

      That start bit with the fight is nuts and the story seems it?ll be good with dimensional, possibly time travellers or could that crow/Karas guy be the craft knife kid in another dimension or perhaps the future edition of him, its throw up so many questions already and has me on the edge of my seat.

      Need more!

      Angel Heart, old looking art direction, seems like a good story if a little stretched with the transplanted heart stuff, looking forward to seeing where it goes.

      Solty Rei, managed to watch the 1 ep, not sure what to make of it, super android girl with the weirdest hair cut in a while, got to much of superman vibe to it which I?m not usually a fan of as there?s never a danger of her losing, she even whooped those super suited girls at the very start.

      Still didn?t get around to watching Shakugan no Shana or Mushishi


        Channel 4 is showing 'Metropolis' at 4am Saturday Morning! weird!


          Just watched the first Episode of Black cat to see if it was anything like the manga, seems they've kiddie'd it up.

          Also..FINALLY the "curry of life" arc has ended in naruto...stupidest arc ever...well except for maybe some Bobobo stuff


            Originally posted by Orgun
            Just watched the first Episode of Black cat to see if it was anything like the manga, seems they've kiddie'd it up.

            Also..FINALLY the "curry of life" arc has ended in naruto...stupidest arc ever...well except for maybe some Bobobo stuff
            Aside from kiddying it up, which I agree with(Train for example looks a lot older in the manga IMO), it is a lot different from the manga. I don't recall any of the stuff in the first three episodes occurring in the manga. Well volume 1 of the manga at least, since that's as far as I got.

            Personally I thought the arc with Mizuki (or Tony the Tiger as someone called him, can't remember who) was a lot worse than the "curry of life" one. From what I've heard there's a whole season of fillers to go through before they start tackling the manga stuff again, not sure if that includes the twenty or so filler eps that have already aired though. I look forward to seeing the manga stuff animated, but I have to say the fillers have sapped my enthusiasm for Naruto from me. I'd much rather they'd taken a six month break, sort of like what they're doing with Tsubasa Chronicle


              Some of the stuff has been in the black cat manga but they have done things slightly different.

              Heh apparently there is 22 more weeks of Filler crap from Naruto, so it won't be back on track until next year.

              EDIT: Finally watched the last few episodes of Gundam Seed Destiny today, good stuff, heh did anyone else notice that the Chair the chairman is sitting in on his base looks a hell of a lot like the Emperors chair on the Death Star...and the window looks similar

              Another EDIT: Just watched first few episodes of Blood + , I completely didnt realise it had anything to do with the movie Blood that i've had on dvd for likes years heh. So is this set before or after hte movie or completely not related? Dont really remember what happens in the movie.
              Last edited by Orgun; 29-10-2005, 00:03.


                watched full metal alchemist: conqueror of shambala

                i love fma - so the movie was good as well - kinda ties everything up as well

                but its available on torrents - but the copy is ****e, dubbed thou


                  Anybody watching Solty Rei at the moment? Despite its many clich?d elements, I'm finding myself really enjoying it, more so than the over-hyped Blood+ for my action fix.


                    Only watched the first ep of it, enjoyable if by the mill. As said earlier so far to much of a superman vibe for me, hopefully that will change.

                    Shakugan no Shana, surprisingly good as I wasn?t expect such a good story to come from it.

                    As for ep I didn?t feel attached enough to that girl for it have any impact, I felt the ep3 was more powerful with him getting his class mates involved and sacrificing his torch life for them.

                    Bleach ep154-155, manga 201

                    Wicked episodes with Ichigo looking a total badass, and his Rukia moments are always funny especially that ?saving? throw. And his demolition of 3 lieutenants using just his fists in slow moe rocked.

                    Manga -- If Rukia had that kind power then why did she let herself get so whooped in the fight of bleach?. I can only explain saving Ichigo by taking the hit. Oh well it still cool to see her finally whoop some ass.

                    Hopefully Suzuka new ep will be ready newsgroups or irc when i get home, also got 3 new eps of Eureka Seven (15-17) on the download.


                      Originally posted by Tobal
                      Shakugan no Shana, surprisingly good as I wasn?t expect such a good story to come from it.

                      As for ep I didn?t feel attached enough to that girl for it have any impact, I felt the ep3 was more powerful with him getting his class mates involved and sacrificing his torch life for them.

                      I just found it quite saddening/depressing how

                      she just faded out of existence and pretty much everyone forgot about her, except for Yuji. Especially the way he tried to make it the best day ever for her because he knew she'd be gone soon. Just thinking about it get's me depressed There was enough there in ep1 and 2 to get me attached in such a way that it brought about that reaction. So you mean to tell me it had no effect on you? Like I said dead inside

                      As for episode 3, It didn't have the same impact on me because at the end of the ep you see his torch get brighter IIRC, which means he'll still be around for a while yet as long as he doesn't get attacked or whatever. I thought it was a brave thing to do, without a doubt. To sacrifice what's remaining of your existence for the benefit of others, but as I said I guess the impact of the act was dampened by what happened at the end of the ep. Now if he had disappeared at the end then it would have had me more depressed than ep2.

                      Looking forward to seeing more PetoPetoSan(still got to watch episode 5 and now ep6), Eureka 7, Shuffle, Canvas and Suzuka tonight. Might watch Black cat ep 4 tonight if it finishes soon.


                        Mushishi ep1, watched the 1st episode and it is something special. its got that magical atmosphere you only find in stuff like Ghibli films, really soothing, slow pace with a good story to tell as well, sound and animation are above par and its a widescreen sub from C1. Looking forward to watching the 2nd episode.

                        Suzuka ep17 -

                        suzuka becoming a right meddler now, i kinder cheered when Akitsuki used his head for once inthe karake bar, Honoka's friend did have good point to make about his relationship with honoka so far, i hope this books up his ideas.

                        Yakitate 42 -

                        that eldest brother unleashing his skillz was proper lol funny, one after the other of powered up skills that all had in one packagex10, brilliant!

                        Shuffle ep15 -

                        Go Go Go Asa!! It's looking like her illness won't go away, hopefully the thought of losing her will make Rin realize she's the one, but he's dumbass so i doubt it. Nice stuff about Lycrois/Nerines past, and Lycrois saving the say once again, wouldn't mind seeing a proper super fight Sai and Nerine with that kind of animation. Looks like Sai will take centre stage again with her new 2nd personality.... on well. Kaede doesn't stand a chance.


                          Originally posted by Tobal
                          Mushishi ep1, watched the 1st episode and it is something special. its got that magical atmosphere you only find in stuff like Ghibli films, really soothing, slow pace with a good story to tell as well, sound and animation are above par and its a widescreen sub from C1. Looking forward to watching the 2nd episode.
                          Agreed. It's again different to some of the other stuff I've been watching from this season which is always nice. The pacing of that first episode reminded me a bit of Aria in that it's as you say a very slow relaxed pace. Really enjoyed that first story and it seems like there'll be a different one each week. Overall very impressed with the first episode.

                          Suzuka ep17 -

                          suzuka becoming a right meddler now, i kinder cheered when Akitsuki used his head for once inthe karake bar, Honoka's friend did have good point to make about his relationship with honoka so far, i hope this books up his ideas.

                          I think I've already made it clear how I feel about Honoka-Yamato relationship but yeah Honoka's friend is right. It does seem sort of fake and they don't know each other too well, but then to be honest it's the same with Yamato and Suzuka(well maybe he knows a bit more about her but not that much more). The only thing I don't like about Honoka is how paranoid/jealous she sometimes is. The incident in the Karaoke bar being an example. I mean it's only a song, would it really have been that bad if Suzuka and Yamato had sung it together?

                          Yamato does get on my nerves sometimes. I mean he says stuff like "I won't hurt Honoka's feelings anymore" and then goes and asks Suzuka to help him pick out a present for Honoka(looks to be that way from the episode preview). Imagine how Honoka would feel if she saw them, given how bad she was with just the karaoke thing. Not exactly the best way to go about not hurting her feelings.

                          Shuffle ep15 -

                          Go Go Go Asa!! It's looking like her illness won't go away, hopefully the thought of losing her will make Rin realize she's the one, but he's dumbass so i doubt it. Nice stuff about Lycrois/Nerines past, and Lycrois saving the say once again, wouldn't mind seeing a proper super fight Sai and Nerine with that kind of animation. Looks like Sai will take centre stage again with her new 2nd personality.... on well. Kaede doesn't stand a chance.

                          I'm actually quite surprised. At the start it seemed like Kaede would be favourite to get Rin IMO. However she's hardly had anything in the episodes since then. She's pretty much been seen in the kitchen or cleaning the house or something. All the focus has been on the other girls. Like you say she doesn't stand a chance unless something happens in the next few eps. As it is, it seems to me that Asa has the advantage at this point. I don't really like the thought of another Sia episode, that girls had quite a few eps to herself already. More Asa episodes would be nice or perhaps bit more focus on Kaede. Hopefully with all the seriousness of the last few episodes, we'll get back to the more lighthearted tone of the first few episodes which I really enjoyed.

                          edit: Wannabefansubs releases School Rumble ep25 That's two episodes in two weeks. Pretty fast all things considered.
                          Last edited by Zapp$ter; 04-11-2005, 14:05.


                            Mai-Otome - ep3-5

                            Watched them together, very enjoyable must like Mai-Hime, the fighting when it happens rocks and love the little hints of Mai turning up, which is quite a surprise as i thought Arika was Mai at first until ep four when the president mentioned her room-mate rivel it just clicked, and then the poster in shop in ep5 clearly shows Mai is in it wooo


                              Sorry if this is old news...

                              3 New Short Films by Miyazaki to Premiere at Gibli Museums:
                              The Gibli Museums announced yesterday that 3 new short films created by legendary anime director Hayao Miyazaki will be screened at the museum starting on January 3rd, 2006.

                              A detailed list of screening dates has not yet been released but the film included will be:

                              Yadosagashi (Looking for a Home): A 12-minute original story, written and directed by Miyazaki.

                              Hoshi wo Katta Hi (The Day I Cropped a Star): A 16 minute movie that is based on an original story by Naohisa Inoue, an artist that contributed to the film Whisper of the Heart. The film takes place in the world of Iblard, a creation of Inoue's. The film will be written and directed by Miyazaki.

                              Mizugumo Monmon (Water Spider Monmon): The short film will be written and directed by Miyazaki from an original concept.



                                Just got through watching all 45 episodes of Twelve Kingdoms and I throughly enjoyed it.

                                Only gripe I had is I wish it was longer as they didnt really explore most of the Twelve Kingdoms and they kinda left the Taiki story hanging.

