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    Just finished watching the first episode of Clannad myself and I'm thinking the same kind of thoughts about Nagisa myself.

    You start to notice that no-one has actually said anything to her apart from Tomoyo so it would make sense.

    Fair whack of familiar voices in it as well which I must confess that I have a thing for Nagisa's VA. Definitely keeping this series going. If it's as good as Kanon and Air were, I'll be happy. It's becoming more and more obvious from my posting that I have a thing for series like this.

    (Also, I liked the sound effects/wierd noises from Air/Kanon. Gauu~)

    Not seen many other subs of the new stuff beyond Clannad and Dragonaught yet. I'll post something about the latter once it finally finishes downloading.

    Edit: Also depressing is that I've watched so much anime now, I was able to name the band doing Clannad's opening theme straight away. -_-


      Dragonaut then. First impression; Haruhi cast! In the first 5 minutes you're assaulted by 3 of the 5 main leads of the haruhi characters as well as simon from gurren lagann(nia providing the ending theme song x.x) and kirihara from darker than black (later on, the last 2 members of the haruhi people also appear) so quite a recognisable cast really. Storywise...hmm. I can kinda see where it's going really but it seems decent enough. Bit of a geass/Gundam SEED vibe going on between the 2 best friends being pitted against each other looks like. Couple of nice action pieces but it'll be interesting to see how they pull off the dragons and their fight sequences.

      Conclusion; not rubbish enough to warrant removing from my weekly list but not outstanding so far.


        I really liked Clanned, the main lead is the best version of Kyon scene the original and the girls all seem likable. As for speculation i'm hoping we don't get a similar 'fake girl/s' we got in Kanon but the foreshadowing in ep1 as Zap says has all signs pointing to 'yes'. Still get characters, some nice slap stick and general comedy, and top animation, also for the first time in a harem a decent Opening/ending credits. Certainly a must watch for me.

        Da Capo 2 - At first i thought i was watching Da Capo 1/1s2 but Koko and her 2 friends don't seem to fit into the classic Da Capo mold my closest guess is Mako, art style is different as they seem more 'meaty' compared to the stick thin Sakura/Asakura of old. Speaking of which, is the Principal Sakura of this story the Sakura(childhood friend/Witch) of Da Capo? As it looks like new Shirakawa could be the daughter of Kotori older sister? Again im just hoping for some connection

        Anyway its on the 'watch list' for me, wonder if we'll get the crazy ass short stories again.

        Gundam 00, Kaiji, Myself;Yourself, and Blue Drop to go for current new stuff.


          Sorry for posting so much but I like talking to other people about new series that have aired and Tobal and Zapp are the only people I know that watch as much as I do.

          Gundam 00: Liking what I see. Less angst in the first episode compared to SEED which a plus. The mech's look really swish and sems like a decent storyline this time round. I'm keeping an eye out for a hd version of this. It'd look stunning if it had the same picture quality as DtB did.

          Kaiji; Not really feeling this although that may be down to my own personal dislike of the artwork. The main character just doesn't strike me at all as someone I could watch a series about.

          Myself;Yourself: After getting used to the ear-stabbing voice of Chiyo-chan again (not actually called Chiyo-chan) it looks like a fairly standard rom/com series. Bit of a mystery surrounding the main character but overall it's acceptable enough for me to continue on.

          Blue Drop: An odd one this. Don't really have a clue whats going on with this. You get so used to it being a school situation type series that it's a bit of a surprise when there's space and mech?ships? involved. Intriguing.

          Gundam and Clannad definitely heading up the top of my to watch series list at the moment. Hopefully, Shana and Genshiken 2nd series and Ghost Hound will also find their way in there too.

          Finishing off last season; last afk release of Lucky Star. Nice touching episode this one. It wasn't exactly an astoundingly different show and it has a lot of people disliking it but I'm going to miss the weekly banter between all the characters.


            What subs do you guys recommend for Gundam 00 and Dragonauts?


              Infinite-Zero for Dragonaut and I used a subber called GundamSnet for Gundam but it's a speed subber so it's not terrific quality. Readable until something else trundles along though. Mendoi-Conclave are suppossedly picking it up so they should be reliable for quality.


                Clannad seems nice enough to me, although i think i mixed it up with something else i was reading about, as i expected something totally different.

                gundam 00 looks pretty good too. some cool mecha designs, a pretty big cast already, and i'm sure there'll be plenty of twists along the way. i'm sure this will turn out to be good.

                Blue drop. wtf. just as i was thinking it was a bit boring it goes all weird. deffinately got me interested, and i think this one is only a 13 episode thing, so i'll certainly stick with it a bit longer to see what weirdness happens next.

                none of them stand out as being super amazing yet, havent seen any of the others everones mentioned so i'll have to get them soonish too.


                  Originally posted by Tobal View Post

                  Da Capo 2 - At first i thought i was watching Da Capo 1/1s2 but Koko and her 2 friends don't seem to fit into the classic Da Capo mold my closest guess is Mako, art style is different as they seem more 'meaty' compared to the stick thin Sakura/Asakura of old. Speaking of which, is the Principal Sakura of this story the Sakura(childhood friend/Witch) of Da Capo? As it looks like new Shirakawa could be the daughter of Kotori older sister? Again im just hoping for some connection
                  Yeah I think it is. Same name I believe, Yoshino Sakura. Plus there's the other two girls who are apparently sisters and one of them was called Asakura Yume or Otome (as in Junichi and Nemu) I forget who it was but it was the scene in the nurse's office. Then there's suginami who looks almost exactly the same as before and has the same VA, maybe more to him than meets the eye. He always was a bit of an oddball. And of course the new Shirakawa. Looks like plenty of connections. Wonder if we'll get to meet the parents at some stage. That would be quite nostalgic. Decent enough start and one that I was pretty much definitely going to be keeping up with anyway.

                  On the subject of Gundam 00 subs the menodi-conclave joint should be decent. The people I've talked to said they've got more dedicated subbers onboard and the aim is to keep up with it weekly. Whether that will happen remains to be seen though. It'll be in HD and standard flavours too. I'll probably wait for that version myself. There's already a hd subbed version floating about I believe.


                    Need help fellow anime fans.

                    Does anyone know the name of this song that plays during the intro of onepiece pirates carnival on the gamecube. I know its probably from one of the intros but i have no idea as im not that far in yet.

                    Or even better does anyone have the song?


                      It's Kokoro no Chizu by boystyle. I think it's either the 5th or 6th opening for one piece. Should be available on kaizoku-fansubs bittorrent page (google should lead you to the right place).

                      edit: yeah just checked and they've got a torrent for it. It's a flac lossless file though. Anyway it's the 5th opening single according to that site.
                      Last edited by Zapp$ter; 07-10-2007, 21:48.


                        5th One Piece opening direct download


                          Thanks both of you (^_^) i now have it for monday mornings bus ride


                            I'm so far behind in One Piece, been followng K-F releases forever now

                            Gundam 00 ep1 - certainly a better start than the Seed opening episodes but god dammit, it just like another WING. The mecha are already seriouly overpowered compared the low tech mecha of the 3 countries, lets just hope these country aces are a match in there low tech mecha against the WIN.. i mean Celestial Beings Gundams. Opening credits are awful, but the ending is good

                            Myself, yourself ep1 - pretty average, but i'll watch it anyway inbetween Clanned and Da Capo.

                            Shakugan no Shana s2 ep1 - its out, bit of a messy first episode couldn't tell what suppose to be going on. About the only plus points were the comedy at the end. Good opening, crap ending... i miss the ace endings the first season had.

                            Lucky Star ep24 - it's over ;_; no more small talk/slice of life. Don't think we'll have another show like for a while.


                              Originally posted by Tobal View Post
                              Lucky Star ep24 - it's over ;_; no more small talk/slice of life. Don't think we'll have another show like for a while.
                              You mean aside from the slice of life awesomeness that is going to be Genshiken's second series obviously.

                              But still, gonna miss Konata, Kagamai and the rest. ;_;

                              Edit: Must get round to watching the other second Da Capo series so I can watch the new one (if that makes sense)


                                On the topic of slice of life awesomeness, watch out for Sketchbook ~full colours~ It's basically the same team as the one behind Aria and from what someone tells me is just as enjoyable (I think this was from the manga). It shares quite a few similarities and I believe there's even a reference to Aria in the first episode. I'm just waiting on someone to sub it now. I hope it meets my expectations.

