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    I wouldn't say there's anything which screams "You must watch more next week!" aside from perhaps Gundam 00 but I'm quite liking this season. A lot of the shows are really enjoyable and there's been a few nice surprises from some of the ones I knew nothing about.


      the shows for me which are much watch as soon as there downloaded are Gundam00, kannagi and Index, and of the older stuff Naruto and Bleach(still but the current arc is ace), DMC and souleater. Best of the rest being great shows like Nodame, Clannad and Casshern this seasons been well above standard for me. Even stuff like KemekoDX is a nice surprise.

      Toradora meanwhile been letting me down abit,JC are doing there thing with the budget(poor animation) and story just like ZnT and Shana, but even if i know it's going to turn sour i'm going to watch it anyway like an idiot.

      Got that football anime onthe download, don't think it ever be as good as Whistle! or even to the standard of Wild Striker but i want to give it a chance as long as it's not Captain Tsubasa stupid.


        It doesn't usually bother me if a show is must watch or not, although obviously it's a nice feeling to have. Over the past few years the shows that I've tended to label must watch have often ended up being trashy action affairs and over time my opinion of them usually deteriorates (as they progress and often after they've finished). Some examples included Shakugan No Shana, Black Cat, Code Geass, Pumpkin Scissors, Claymore etc.. Generally the shows that I've really rated highly I've not always watched as soon as they've been subbed. Some times I watch them in batches of 5 or 6 episodes or the entire run if they're short e.g. Kurenai and Kaiba. It sounds weird but that's just how I've found things panning out. I guess part of it is not wanting to be finished with the show so trying to draw out the experience a bit. I think there's only really a few shows that I can think of that I've watched asap after subbing and that I've still held in high regard afterwards

        But anyway I'm in the same camp as Tobal and Jeff. I think it's been rather good so far, although I've yet to cover all the first episodes. I don't think anything has been as soul crushingly bad as soul link for example (maybe I'll change my mind after I've sampled all the shows ). Plus I think there's a nice variety to the lineup
        Last edited by Zapp$ter; 20-10-2008, 18:39. Reason: apparently can't spell


          Gundam 00 ep3 - Haha that was enjoyable,

          loved the balls out plan of dropping the ship straight into the ocean as i just didn't expect that and the aftershock to happen and finally some proper teamwork from CB for once which cut them ALAWS up. Looks like we found this season Zanzibar vs Whitebase, always enjoy the good guys ship getting hunted by the enemy parts of gundam, they where the best bits about SEED/MGS and they should be good here.

          Also i hope Marina doesn't eventually turn Setsuna in to Jesus Yamato pussy by just disabling enemies.


            Wagaya no Oinari-sama End - Finally subbed the last ep. Not a bad series in the end but nothing really struck me as be outstanding about it. When it delved more into the folklore side with the various monsters and explanations of how the elements and so forth interacted it was fairly good but some of the high school slapstick stuff was fairly weak and in the end, it never really went anywhere probably because it was the first of many novels.

            Kamen no Maid Guy End: Another ending. Kogarashi is just awesome. The sheer insanity of the things he does is brilliant. Not a bad series in the end. Few too many "holy **** she has huge tits" jokes but I suppose it's inevitable in a series like that.
            Last edited by Mr.Jeff; 21-10-2008, 02:21.


              DMC 9 and 10: All right, ep. 9 was meh, but 10... Two-words:


              . So... Wrong, yet so disturbingly


                Last one yay. ef - a tale of memories 1: Interesting spin for the second series in that it seems to be both a sequel and a prequel to the first one. Still has some fantastic animation and music though with the typical shaft style which makes it a little more unique. I have a feeling that

                it might be similar to the first series in a way. Himuro looks like he'll be having the old 2 girls wanting 1 guy problem that the manga lad had in the first series and violin man looks like he has some kind of problem, possibly medical, much like memory girl.

                If you liked the first one, this one should be right up your street.

                Edit: Oh and Funimation licensed Shikabane Hime so Lunar have stopped subbing it. TMD have a version of ep 3 out at the moment though. Seems alright translation wise but I'm not sure whether the video is glitchy or if it's intentional.
                Last edited by Mr.Jeff; 22-10-2008, 01:31.


                  Originally posted by Mr.Jeff View Post
                  Edit: Oh and Funimation licensed Shikabane Hime so Lunar have stopped subbing it. TMD have a version of ep 3 out at the moment though. Seems alright translation wise but I'm not sure whether the video is glitchy or if it's intentional.
                  Searching for Shikabane Hime on Tokyotosho now returns an e-mail from Funimation, a DMCA takedown notice and of course no results. The e-mail says they're going to stream the show on Youtube and a couple others quite soon -- an interesting move, seeing that 1 episode was definitely not enough to sell me on it.

                  Makes sense, business-wise. Say what you will about Funimation, they did their homework.


                    Heh. Must have been recent. The search was working fine yesterday. And now it seems like someone is reuploading the torrents to tosho.


                      Originally posted by Mr.Jeff View Post
                      Wagaya no Oinari-sama End - Finally subbed the last ep. Not a bad series in the end but nothing really struck me as be outstanding about it. When it delved more into the folklore side with the various monsters and explanations of how the elements and so forth interacted it was fairly good but some of the high school slapstick stuff was fairly weak and in the end, it never really went anywhere probably because it was the first of many novels.

                      Kamen no Maid Guy End: Another ending. Kogarashi is just awesome. The sheer insanity of the things he does is brilliant. Not a bad series in the end. Few too many "holy **** she has huge tits" jokes but I suppose it's inevitable in a series like that.
                      Just watched the last eps for both, Kogarashi being ace as always and Wagaya no Oinari-sama which i've enjoyed quite a bit, shame nothing really went anywhere with the relationships other than to setup the family unity, but if you say there a crap ton of novels in this universe then i can see why they held back or didn't have much to tell if there going of the 1st novel or 2. Don't think i save either show to dvd.


                        Originally posted by Wild_Cat View Post
                        Searching for Shikabane Hime on Tokyotosho now returns an e-mail from Funimation, a DMCA takedown notice and of course no results. The e-mail says they're going to stream the show on Youtube and a couple others quite soon -- an interesting move, seeing that 1 episode was definitely not enough to sell me on it.

                        Makes sense, business-wise. Say what you will about Funimation, they did their homework.
                        Wow that was quick. I seem to remember them doing something similar before with some series; might have been Slayers Revolution.

                        Anyway, fine stream it but at least trying and copy Gonzo's example of having the subs ready to go on the day it airs. Having people hanging around for a series only encourages them to fansub it; even if it's only released as .ass file to mix with a raw. My big problem is that the sites that offer the downloadable version usually have quality issues or they're lacking in payment options which I can use.

                        Meh, if it comes down to it, I'll just stream it and bitch about it regardless.


                          Linebarrels ep2 - late the party with this but boy is the main lead an annoying twat, i don't think i've ever hated lead like this, even destinys Shinn while cocky was no where near this bad or wimps from eva,fafnr,rahxephon. Sadly it doesn't have 00's aces to cheer for as thge badguys are just as hampfisted. If im going to carry on watching this the boy needs a bitch slap, which i wouldn't be surpised if it turned him into a spineless wimp which then needed another bitch slap for the finale to get the balance right.


                            Gundam 00 s2ep4 - good episode,

                            some nice hot feldt action, Sumeragi in a tight costume and the total comedy of Graha... i mean the mysterious man being called Mr.Bushido and his Samurai ALAW.... hahahhhaaa, Mr.Bushido's the best.

                            edit* also GOOooooo Billy, its time to get that using drunken harlot back by building a Mega FLAG, and putting Graham in it being he's not turned up yet

                            Index ep4 - bit of a let down,

                            i was expecting some hot blooded action but we get beat down and telling off. At least they explained why the church is after her, even though thats a bit stupid, why let her get away in the 1st place.

                            Last edited by Tobal; 26-10-2008, 23:08.


                              Finally got roudn to watching some more stuff.

                              Lucky Star OVA - Quality episode Enjoyed the live action bit, the "SHE'S AFK!" and the trippy part...I just enjoyed the whole thing.

                              Man i've got a lot more to watch


                                Argh, backlog!

                                Chaos Head 3: I'm really enjoying this. The way it switched between normal and creppy is really good and I like trying to work out what the hell is going on. Need to try and install the game and it's english patch again without it messing up.

                                Casshern Sins 4: Probably my favourite episode so far. Animation was amazing for the fight sequences and Sophita was a very interesting character.

                                Kurozuka 3: Bit of an explanation as to what's happened previously. Wasn't sure if I'd like the sudden jump in time periods but it looks like it might work quite well. Some fantastically done bloody scenes too.

                                Yozakura Quartet 3: I want to like this. It has characters that seem like they could be really good but it just falls so flat in terms of execution. I really have no idea what this episode was trying to do other than give some kind of minimal backstory.

                                So the dog dies but there wasn't really any kind of point to the whole affair? No lesson that Hime learns that somehow makes it all worth it.

                                Edit: Mouryou no Hako 2: Goddamn but this series hurts my head. Trying to follow what they're saying and what the hell is going. It's certainly very interesting though. Feels very much like a properly done supernatural detective series. It'd be nice if it made complete sense by the end though.

                                Edit 2: Ef melodies 2: Liking the development between Mizuki and the guy. Fairly obvious now that

                                he has some kind of terminal heart problem or something

                                . The other guy is quite interesting as well although I feel a bit sorry for the

                                naked drawing girl since it seems like she's going "lose" as it were.

                                Once again, some really interesting animation by Shaft too.
                                Last edited by Mr.Jeff; 29-10-2008, 03:08.

