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    Is there any Death Note subbers left? I had been using Animanda but they've stopped due to getting a C&D as have Kuro-Hana. I'm desperately downloading the four episodes that Animanda were behind from Kuro-Hana, but will there be anyone to finish off the last few episodes?


      Originally posted by On The Edge of Insanity View Post
      Is there any Death Note subbers left? I had been using Animanda but they've stopped due to getting a C&D as have Kuro-Hana. I'm desperately downloading the four episodes that Animanda were behind from Kuro-Hana, but will there be anyone to finish off the last few episodes?
      You may wish trying to do a search for C&D fansubs (cease and desist) on tokyotosho. Amazingly enough, they look fairly similar to Kuro-Hana. (wink wink, nudge nudge).


        Really enjoying Lovely Complex at the moment. Love the characters, the comedy less so. It reminds me of a more angst free Bokura Ga Ita. My personal favourite romantic comedy this season. I would have given that to Seto No Hanayome (which I've found to be one of the funniest shows this season if not the funniest) but that seems to focus more on the wacky comedy then anything else, well as far as I am in the series (ep 8). Got much better with the intro of Lunar.

        Also been having fun with Overdrive. I find Shinozaki's antics to be hilarious and also there's the evil moments from Fukazawa. I especially loved it when he became arrogant and cocky, only to be brought back down to earth.

        Kissdum... well ep 5 was better but for me that's not really saying much. It's the new musashi IMO. I start laughing when I sense I'm watching some serious scenes. Still the OP and ED are nice...

        Still not even had a chance to watch the 4th (and maybe final?) Kyo No Go No Ni episode. Would be great if there was a full season's worth of episodes coming up especially if they maintained the level of the OVA episodes.

        Genshiken was class as ever. All three extra episodes have been fantastic. Just makes me look forward to the second season even more. Really can't wait for the fall. It's one of those shows that I almost wish would never end, such is my love for the characters.

        And as usual, I'll end my post by complaining about the amount of stuff I have to catch up on. One of these days I'll get there. On a side note Tetsuko No Tabi is starting soon and it sounds like a unique idea and take on a show. Slice of life/comedy, so it already has me interested. I'll certainly be checking out a few episodes to see if they can pull it off well.


          Is Lovely Complex any good? I watched the first episode but the main characters seemed a bit irritating to deal with since they both have the same sort of personality.

          Edit: I'm sure I've asked this question before somewhere... Gah, my memory sucks.
          Last edited by Mr.Jeff; 22-06-2007, 00:16.


            Well I think so, otherwise I wouldn't have watched it up to this point. It seems going by opinion on other forums that most people had a meh feeling after the first episode, and it was only really around episode 5 or 6 when some of the doubters truly changed their minds, even those that disliked the characters as you seem to. I'd say it's worth watching past the first episode as 5 and 6 were great with a certain surprising character. Won't say anymore than that. I suppose if you're not liking the characters and the show by that point it won't do it for you as that's about when some of the relationship drama starts to kick in.

            Bokurano ep 8 - And with the revelation at the end of ep 8 it just makes me hate that teacher even more.

            I wish Chizu had squished him now. Some more interesting revelations with the lights on the Zearth. Wonder if those two will be able to become pilots. As it would all be nothing if they couldn't.

            This is supposed to be fairly clean so I'm kind of curious as to what the manga is like in that respect. I guess I can kind of understand why the director might hate the original manga if there's more sickening stuff than in the anime.


              As always, thanks for your opinions Zapp.
              I'll see about downloading some more of Lovely Complex tomorrow to give it a better test.

              The thing with Bokurano I'm finding is that because so many people have said how "terrible" it's going to be, I always end up watching each episode with the stomach curdling dread of whats going to happen to them. Like, I know that something terrible's going to happen but I just don't know when it'll strike.


                Seto No Hanayome ep 10 - That was hilarious.

                Loved the bit at the end with that guy's exit. Shame there wasn't more of Lunar and Masa in that episode though, would have really topped it off nicely. Still...

                Great stuff.


                  Death Note 36 - Could they have ended that episode at any better point? As he was counting I was on the endge of my seat and by 38 I found myself standing and cheering for Kira hehe, then they go and end it there, don't think i've ever shouted "B*stards" so loudly before. Great episode.


                    I thought it was a 36 episode series so I was mighty confused!


                      Tengen Toppa 13 - Things are getting interesting with the Spiral King/Viral (think Viral is my favourite Beastmen so far), also find out where the Beastmen come from. Next episode looks to be a big one.


                        Gurren Lagann ep13 - damm good, looks like Yoko may make it s three way dance with simon and nia now, one kickass mega stunt by the Dai-gurran and Viral acting more like kamina . I hope he makes through the end the of show, i want the final to be Viral vs Simon.

                        Aria the Natural ep25/26 finish!!! ep25 was ok, not much to it though i'am disppointed Ai-chan seem to have not aged at all, with them being on Mars and 2 mars years passing that would make Ai-chan 4 years older than when we 1st saw her in season one. At least ep26 finished the show on a good note, great little episode that had the strangely very rare combination of just Alicia and Akari playing about in the snow. Wonder if we'll ever get a 3rd season...


                          Well there is an Aria OVA planned for release on DVD around september with a premiere screening before that. I think there's still a fair bit of material for them to cover from the manga and stuff so it could happen. Maybe they'll announce a new season on the DVD. It seems to be popular enough to have run for two seasons plus to have gotten an OVA so I guess time will tell. Another series I still have to finish off too, but I'm getting there. Currently working my way through Death Note episodes so I guess I'll be fitting in the remaining Aria episodes in the next couple of weeks too.


                            Death Note - 37 Final -

                            I suspected this would end on a whimper, and indeed it did. After the amazing cliffhanger in 36 I knew Near would get one over Light, but I thought Light would still have the last laugh. He didn't and the annoying albino baby won. Bah. I liked the final scenes though, with the lovely orchestral medley of the show's themes as Ryuk wrote Light's name in the book, Misa committed suicide and Light slowly died. Overall a great concept stretched too thin, and with a cop out ending. I really expected some kind of crazy Urotsukidouji type ending where the bad guy wins. Ah well.


                              i really didnt think it would end like that.

                              i was expecting one more final twist. i guess the surprise is that there isnt one.
                              a bit annoying that near/mello won as the original L was clearly the cooler character.

                              on the whole an excellent series imo, and anybody who still hasnt seen it should do so straight away.


                                I must be the only one

                                who loved the ending. Light started getting on my nerves about halfway through the series and had to get his come-uppance eventually - and he did - although wish'd it had been the real "L" that had done it.

                                Thought it was an absolutely brilliant series in all!

                                On to History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi, which I've started on and seems like it could be good...

