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    Lucky Star ep 14 -

    New character introduced. Had some pretty hilarious moments with Konata, who seems to have someone she can take the piss out of for their lack of height rather than being the butt of all those jokes. I thought the bit about finding it hard to be the older sister was quite funny, especially when Konata thinks of what Yui is like . The ED as well... rofl, tops the one from last week for me. One of my favourite episodes in recent times and surely among the pick of the bunch in the series.


      Originally posted by Zapp$ter View Post
      Lucky Star ep 14 -

      New character introduced. Had some pretty hilarious moments with Konata, who seems to have someone she can take the piss out of for their lack of height rather than being the butt of all those jokes. I thought the bit about finding it hard to be the older sister was quite funny, especially when Konata thinks of what Yui is like . The ED as well... rofl, tops the one from last week for me. One of my favourite episodes in recent times and surely among the pick of the bunch in the series.
      Great ep enjoyed it all, also it was about time we had some new characters , and that ending was fantastic and i even knew the song straight of the bat, but the graphics and the film just totally made it, hope he gets another one next week. Loved it when Akira said about Shiru's getting cocky cos of his last show and then ending just matched it perfectly.


        Lucky Star 14 was great. Bonus points for having Nagato's voice Actress appear in it as well.

        Just caught up to date with a manga by the name of Kodomo no Jikan since I saw anidb had it listed in it's july section. It's quite...creepy. Imagine the loli-factor of Ichigo Mashimaro crossed with the teacher/student relationship of Great Teacher Onizuka and you'll have some idea of what this is like. It's quite good mind but also very wrong at the same time.


          Just started to watch the first series of Zero's Familiar after hearing you guys talk about teh second and omg, I can't believe I missed such a great series; its like Harry Potter meets anime Although I dont think Dumbledoor is as perveterted haha

          Lucky Star Ep 14, hahaha the end song was great..well the actual song wasnt but the video was.

          Still can't bring myself to watch the last episode of Death Note

          Claymore - Excellent, its finally getting to the goooood stuff.

          Also finished watchign Sola over the weekend, not sure what to think of the ending.

          As soon as I found out that Aono was a yaka and after finding out that Yorito had died in the past it was a bit blatant that Yorito wasnt real


            So, uh, unbeknownest to me, the manga I was talking about in my last post has already been under a huge controversy about it's content already which probably explains why it's so creepy to me. Adding to the creepiness, the english title was going to be Nymphet. Hmmm. Very creepy stuff. Might just get rid of it.

            Anyway, Sola's supposedly getting a couple of extra episodes added on the dvd's when they release in Japan. I'm not sure whether they'll add anything extra to the series or whether they'll just expand some more on the background though.
            Last edited by Mr.Jeff; 16-07-2007, 12:08.


              Heh like maybe where that sword came from and the origin of Yaka?


                Just finished watching the first episode of Zero's Familiar 2, the scene when the musketeer burst into louise's room Haha

                I hope this series will be longer than the first, actually I think im going to have to look around and see if I can find the manga...if there is one.


                  Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagannn - 16, well I watched the whole episode even though it was just a summary ep. Looks like 17 is going to be after a seven year time skip, although I do hope they give some hint as to whats been happening in those seven years. Simon looks pretty cool, Rossiu still has a large forehead Nia looks almost exactly the same from I could tell, unless those images of her in the outro were what she looks like and not just concept pictures. I wonder how many new characters they are going to introduce. Also was that a wedding ring I saw on someones finger? Maybe Nia and Simon got engaged.

                  Aaaah why isnt it next week yet! >_<


                    im skipping ep16.. gonna leave txt note file saying recap wheni archive them

                    Anyway are Ureshii sub for Dennou​ Coil​ good, Lunar are getting forever with there's.


                      Ureshii are a great sub as far as I can tell. Obviously I have no idea on the accuracy of the translation but I can't remember them making nay grammatical or spelling errors and they're nice to read subs.

                      Gurren 16 was actually pretty good for a recap. Might have preferred if they'd combined into 17 for a double episode but it was good to rewatch the entire series again in just 20 minutes. Still hung up about episode 8


                        Yep. I've gone with Ureshii to watch and get the sub file from the mkv. I'll replace it with the Anime-kraze version for archiving which I personally think is the best sub available. They're only on ep2 though. This way it's the best of both worlds. Of course doesn't help if you have monthly limits and stuff.


                          Moonlight Mile 12 - Things are getting interesting, love the look of those new craft - especially the 'star fighter'


                            Gurren Lagann ep 17 - Watched BSSs version 2 sub file with a 1280x720 raw. The subs were good enough, around the same level as anon's so yeah go for those, available in the usual places. The episode itself:

                            Well the timeskip occurs and alot has changed. Kamina city built where the old capital fell complete with huge monument to the man himself There seems to be two factions in the human camp now, the old guard from the Dai Gurren-dan and the new generation under Rossiu, with a possible conflict in the next episode and future eps? Seems like Rossiu's lot have got the Spiral/Helix king in stasis or something and are doing experiments on him (at least I think it is him in that containment tube thingy.

                            The helix king also seems like he was trying to stop humans from being wiped out, well it was what he said himself so it shouldn't be any surprise. What I make of it is that these new enemies only keep tabs on the number of humans on the surface, so underground numbers don't matter. This probably means that Rossiu's tactic of getting accurate population numbers inadvertently led to the speeding up of the new enemies' arrival. It was interesting how it mirrored the situation in Rossiu's village. I was thinking they might have gone down the road of killing the 1 millionth human and thinking it might be that new kid that one of the sisters had. That certainly would have made for some interesting stuff unfolding, IMO. It was also cool seeing Viral back and this time protecting the humans who want to stay underground which also might mean he'll end up joining the Dai Gurren-dan. That would be cool.

                            Major lol moment for me was when Nia rejected Simon's proposal especially her reason for it It seems even after 7 years of hanging out with these guys she still doesn't get everything. Then of course there was evil Nia... Boota is the same as ever.

                            New op video, and the rest of the OP song used. Kamina in the OP again, wonder if he'll make a return. Maybe in a Kamina clone vs Simon final epic battle... The new ED song is okay, preferred the other old one but I suppose this one might grow on me.

                            Maybe it was just me but it almost seemed like a different show. The feel of it and everything. Not quite as epic/action packed as some of the other top episodes but it was probably just as good in its own way. Very good ep in the end, IMO. Lots to talk about/think about with the new stuff that's been revealed. Long post and I'm sure I forgot to mention some stuff too. Can't wait for the next episode.


                              Originally posted by Orgun View Post
                              Moonlight Mile 12 - Things are getting interesting, love the look of those new craft - especially the 'star fighter'
                              Is that the last episode? Shinsen say the series is complete now, although that could just be because it's been licensed.


                                It was the last episode of the season, so they'll be a 2nd season sometime... Decent show dispite its awful character art.

                                Nana 41-45, finally caught up with Nana and it keeps getting better and better. the last couple of episode had me twisting and turning over the Yaso/nana/Ren tri-angle, Nobu finally getting over Hachi with whats seems ot be to be a pretty decent girl for him only to have a possible relapse in ep46... i can't wait for this reunion if it goes to plan, but im betting it doesn't. Something, somewhere gonna throw a spanner in the works for a Nana/Hachi get-together, but can they wrap it all up in 2 episodes ><;

                                Umisho is a total car wreck full of noseless sluts... but i can't stop watching! I think that big titted girl that acts all sweet and innocent then sneaks in a slutty dirty line when you thinks she's finished talking... saved the show for me after that awful ep1.

                                Lucky Star ep15 - not as good as last weeks but good enough to get a fair few laughs out of me, loved the Yuri tease for Kagami and Konota at the very start lol, and another good Lucky Channel plus decent ending. Arika ending song next week? lets hope so
                                Last edited by Tobal; 23-07-2007, 22:17.

