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    anyone know what has happened to
    it appears to have died recently and i need my anime fix!


      Give a try, it's what I use when tosho's gone down.


        cheers mate. your a life saver!


          HOLY ****!!!!

          Hellsing OVA is coming


            Announced a while back mate

            I enjoyed the original series immensely and would never part with my R4 set, but it has a lot of haters for straying off the manga's path, I admittedly haven't read the manga so I don't have the same issues with it as a lot of other people.
            From what I hear, this is going to stick to the manga and the manga story ****s all over the previous anime so I'm looking forward to it a lot


              Da Capo 2nd season started, which i couldn't pass it up being a fan of the orginal. Alot of changes this time specially the character design's, Asakura looks nothing like himself, the other characters look same but with a few touch ups.

              Story seems to have taken a change to, gone is the crazyness of Robo-Miharu replaced with the real Miharu(in hosptial all through s1), cat-girl, Mako sister, so i don't expect we'll get any more nutty epsiodes, and for the moment.... music video's. Timeline's jumped 2 years ahead, with Nemu completely gone from the story but im hoping she turns up as she was my fav from s1(with Kotori 2nd), real Miharu now living with Asakura, and hes now good friends with Mako, and it seems Sakura's MIA at moe with no mention of her at all in the episode

              the hooded girl towards the end migth be her, although i hope its Sakura but i'm not sure as she was suppose to 'grow-up' with her trip back to america and Asakura did recognise her...

              , making that a bit strange as she is the 2nd 'main' girl with Nemu in s1. the new cast of girls seem normal stereotypes, don't really like the look of them at all, but then we haven't had there 'fan service' episodes yet .

              Episode 1 seems only give teasers that bad stuff happened after s1 ended, and is maily Kotori fan service episode which is good thing , Asakura still a moron though, i bet he could have had a piece of the 'fans favourite' in the 2 years since s1, and she seems gagging for it.


                New Naruto end sequence! I like it, quirky animation like some sort of late night Channel 4 cartoon. Not too keen on the end theme though, much preferred the previous end theme to this new one.


                  Karas ?

                  i downloaded the first episode absolutely ages ago, and just got round to watching. cant beleive i was so stupid to leave it sat there for so long, its unbeleivably cool.
                  unfortunately, i cant see any more anywhere.
                  so i'm sure some of you clever folk will know, whats going on with it?


                    Originally posted by Fuddle
                    Karas ?

                    i downloaded the first episode absolutely ages ago, and just got round to watching. cant beleive i was so stupid to leave it sat there for so long, its unbeleivably cool.
                    unfortunately, i cant see any more anywhere.
                    so i'm sure some of you clever folk will know, whats going on with it?

                    karas ?


                      does that mean you dont know what it is?...didnt know it was out?
                      i thought you was the resident expert around these parts.

                      i've had a look around since then, and it looks like 6 episodes on DVD.
                      so maybe the others arent out yet.


                        it completely passed me by.... i found a torrent for the 1st ep, so im gonna take alook.


                          Karas looked AMAZING.
                          Wasnt subbed earlier due to no-one having a decent RAW, so it was generally decided to wait for the DVD release.
                          From what i've heard. I dunno tbh.
                          But shall go looking for infos now. Thankies!


                            Haven't been keeping up with my anime lately (the only show I download is GSD), but I have been keeping up with my manga.

                            Naruto and Bleach both having their moments right now (Spoilers for Naruto 267 and Bleach 186)

                            Sasori is onesick bastard, and his Grandma doesn't seem to pleasant either. Sasori's Mum and Dad were the first puppets he ever made.

                            Bleach is even crazier with the revelation that Ichigo's Dad is a Shinigami type person.

                            Oh and a new Anime called Suzuka is out. Luckily I read the first chapter of the manga today. It features

                            A boy in a woman's dorm
                            Said boy cleans woman's bath in return for staying there
                            Love interest hates boy initially.
                            Hole in wall connects both the room of the love interest and boy
                            Love interest is called Asahina.

                            We haven't seen any of that before at all eh.


                              Originally posted by Stelvia
                              Oh and a new Anime called Suzuka is out. Luckily I read the first chapter of the manga today. It features

                              A boy in a woman's dorm
                              Said boy cleans woman's bath in return for staying there
                              Love interest hates boy initially.
                              Hole in wall connects both the room of the love interest and boy
                              Love interest is called Asahina.

                              We haven't seen any of that before at all eh.

                              whatever, could you be on about?


                                Originally posted by Kizzycrew
                                Karas looked AMAZING.
                                Wasnt subbed earlier due to no-one having a decent RAW, so it was generally decided to wait for the DVD release.
                                From what i've heard. I dunno tbh.
                                But shall go looking for infos now. Thankies!


                                a-kraze are STILL doing it, lots of delays unfortunately... the version that was released a while back was by arabic-subs and was a terrible sub by anyones standards. But, like most i still watched it

                                Oh, people should pick up the comic being published by dark horse it's not bad but the releases are infrequent.

