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    Originally posted by Meng De
    Tsubasa was Ok for the first episode, but the second was so slow, and the design of the street punks anoyingly lazy and generic. I felt like the plot was being beaten into my head repeatedly
    Tsubasa is weird..... Tsubasa is done in such a way that you like and hate it... the evil pointy haired gang (sorry i cant remember their gang name) and Shuogos gang looked the same.... they didnt look the same but each person in either gang looked like someone else from the same gang...sorry if that was confusing...

    Another strange thing i found in Tsubasa was the Kudan-chan thing... i was like "What the hell?"

    The battle with the pointy haired gang and Kurogane couldve dragged on abit longer than just one blow with the piercing sword and its over


      having just got off the movie, 133 looked bad,

      So now naruto is indestructable...? good way to show it, but how are any of the future opponents going to be taken as a threat if naruto can just recover anything?


        Originally posted by oracle
        having just got off the movie, 133 looked bad,

        So now naruto is indestructable...? good way to show it, but how are any of the future opponents going to be taken as a threat if naruto can just recover anything?

        He really has ot be pushed to edge to be able to release Chakra on that level, usually by asking the fox it.. future Anime spoilers from the manga

        or in this case the

        Fox giving him the power to the point where the fox is directing the Chakra Aura around him for those punches that Sasuke even in his Lv2 form can't read, he did lose the fight in the end so having the abililty to recover form injuries won't help if you knock out cold or chopped in half.


          Originally posted by Zapp$ter
 has direct download links but you need to be a plus member to use those(it's like a subscriber thing, you pay something like ?2 a month to have access to All the eps of Naruto, Bleach, Beck and some other stuff) and they've also got bittorrent links on there
          Thanks for the heads up mate, I'm currently pulling a smash and grab there, best ?1.90 I've spent in ages

          It's great to finally watch Bleach from the start, I started at ep 27 previously

          I soooo badly want Funimation to pick up Bleach, I reckon they'd do the best job with it 8)
          Last edited by Geezer; 05-05-2005, 23:54.


            Originally posted by Geezer
            Thanks for the heads up mate, I'm currently pulling a smash and grab there, best ?1.90 I've spent in ages

            It's great to finally watch Bleach from the start, I started at ep 27 previously

            I soooo badly want Funimation to pick up Bleach, I reckon they'd do the best job with it 8)
            Heh, no worries. I've been doing the same thing.


              Yeah but he was techinically dead, so it doesnt matter if he is knocked out or whatever he can come back and own everyone, and that spoils it for me


                Originally posted by Taka
                Has anyone caught Honey & Clover yet? If you guys enjoyed Genshiken, you'll probably like this; it's about a bunch of dead-beat uni students, one in particular who keeps repeating since he's always short on credits to move on. It's all pretty odd-ball, and the intro sequence is very, very original in terms of anime.

                Watched the first 2 episodes today, an i'm hooked. Its got that lazy,Dirty student vibe with a slice of comedy that Genshiken and Niea_Under 7 do so well. Morita is my new Hero, specially after he made that website.


                  what group did you watch the honey and clover from?


                    So I'm 15 minutes through Honey and Clover and its a bunch of guys perving over a girl that can't be more than 12. What?


                      Solar/Anbu Sub sub of Honey&Clover

                      As for the perving, the girl dosen't so up till the last the 5 mins of the show(and then is really only one guy perving on her), and before that its all about Morita, you can't say watching his antics isn't funny.


                        Any news about Speed Grapher? Has everyone dropped/stalled/[whatever] it, or what?

                        EDIT: Ah, episode 4 is out. Sweet! Downloading it now, I'll watch it tomorrow.
                        Last edited by Wild_Cat; 08-05-2005, 02:16.


                          And it ****ing rocks.


                            Indeed it was good, but the animation seemed to have dropped a bit in that episode, I expected more during the fight.

                            Also up to current 176 of Bleach, and wow, not Gantz good but still very enjoyable, although I?m not fan of this 1/3/10 days I?ll train you to make you stronger lark which happens a bit to often in Bleach, and the 2nd string characters (friends or foe) seem extremely weak compared Ichigo, also I do I like how they gave out hints to

                            possible Hollow/Deathgod combination since Ichigo regained his deathgod status.


                              Trinity Blood is fantastic. Very stylish, great art and use of CG. Another hit for Gonzo.

                              At first I was worried that the main character (Abel Nightroad, don't worry all of the cast have equally fantastic names ) was just a Vash Clone, the blundering hero who manages to get through by stupidity, but thankfully he's just playing at it. The opposing Vampire was played and designed well for just a simple bit of cannon fodder. I hope that they can keep up this attention to detail. I also enjoyed to political intrigue at the heart of the show, with both cardinals trying to control the young pope.

                              The Op theme is great too, I'm very intrerested in Buck-Tick's music now! A interesting side note is that Trinity Blood features both the Seiyuu's for Hughes and Mustang of FMA Fame. Can't wait for the next one.

                              Having dropped Tsubasa, Speed Grapher is the only other Anime to get my attention at the moment. I cringed when

                              Saiga started using his camera as a cannon of sorts, but the rest of the plot and characters are interesting enough the bypass this. Having said that I really enjoyed how fast paced the current episode was. Saiga was extremely resorceful and his kidnap/rescue attempt was flawless. I do hope that's not the last we will see of the rubber dancer though, despite his annoying wooping, I enjoyed his character.


                                Originally posted by Meng De
                                Having dropped Tsubasa, Speed Grapher is the only other Anime to get my attention at the moment. I cringed when

                                Saiga started using his camera as a cannon of sorts, but the rest of the plot and characters are interesting enough the bypass this. Having said that I really enjoyed how fast paced the current episode was. Saiga was extremely resorceful and his kidnap/rescue attempt was flawless. I do hope that's not the last we will see of the rubber dancer though, despite his annoying wooping, I enjoyed his character.

                                i would think Getting

                                your head blow off would result in death, after all the rubber guy did say it himself, who knows how many more freaks there are out there, so far just Saiga and Nose-boy

                                Not watching Eyeshield21 or Futakoi? Not serious shows in anyway but very fun to watch.

                                So far the ones i've dropped Law of Ueki, Loveless, and baslisk(it really did turn very **** after the 1st fight, crapper than Ninja Scroll type anime could ever be) and im close to giving up on He is my Master and Tsubasa.

