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    Originally posted by Kotatsu Neko View Post
    Is that the last episode? Shinsen say the series is complete now, although that could just be because it's been licensed.
    There's a second series due in September. Not sure whether they intended to have it split like that or what but hopefully it should finish up what happened in the very first episode.


      Originally posted by Tobal View Post
      Lucky Star ep15 - not as good as last weeks but good enough to get a fair few laughs out of me, loved the Yuri tease for Kagami and Konota at the very start lol, and another good Lucky Channel plus decent ending. Arika ending song next week? lets hope so
      Can't believe you didn't mention the Da Capo references. I thought that bit with the Da Capo OP was particularly funny especially when Konata mentions the reality of the situation. Enjoyed the April Fool's bit, the bit with the teacher coming late to class and still trying to give them a lecture about not slacking etc... Lots of stuff to like for me. For the episode as a whole I'm kind of torn, hard for me to say which one I preferred between this week and last week's episode. If I were pushed I'd probably say last weeks episodes was better overall. Still the new characters seemed to have added a bit of freshness to the show now.


        i need to rewatch it, i totally missed the Da Capo stuff...


          Originally posted by Zapp$ter View Post
          Gurren Lagann ep 17 - Watched BSSs version 2 sub file with a 1280x720 raw. The subs were good enough, around the same level as anon's so yeah go for those, available in the usual places. The episode itself:

          Well the timeskip occurs and alot has changed. Kamina city built where the old capital fell complete with huge monument to the man himself There seems to be two factions in the human camp now, the old guard from the Dai Gurren-dan and the new generation under Rossiu, with a possible conflict in the next episode and future eps? Seems like Rossiu's lot have got the Spiral/Helix king in stasis or something and are doing experiments on him (at least I think it is him in that containment tube thingy.

          The helix king also seems like he was trying to stop humans from being wiped out, well it was what he said himself so it shouldn't be any surprise. What I make of it is that these new enemies only keep tabs on the number of humans on the surface, so underground numbers don't matter. This probably means that Rossiu's tactic of getting accurate population numbers inadvertently led to the speeding up of the new enemies' arrival. It was interesting how it mirrored the situation in Rossiu's village. I was thinking they might have gone down the road of killing the 1 millionth human and thinking it might be that new kid that one of the sisters had. That certainly would have made for some interesting stuff unfolding, IMO. It was also cool seeing Viral back and this time protecting the humans who want to stay underground which also might mean he'll end up joining the Dai Gurren-dan. That would be cool.

          Major lol moment for me was when Nia rejected Simon's proposal especially her reason for it It seems even after 7 years of hanging out with these guys she still doesn't get everything. Then of course there was evil Nia... Boota is the same as ever.

          New op video, and the rest of the OP song used. Kamina in the OP again, wonder if he'll make a return. Maybe in a Kamina clone vs Simon final epic battle... The new ED song is okay, preferred the other old one but I suppose this one might grow on me.

          Maybe it was just me but it almost seemed like a different show. The feel of it and everything. Not quite as epic/action packed as some of the other top episodes but it was probably just as good in its own way. Very good ep in the end, IMO. Lots to talk about/think about with the new stuff that's been revealed. Long post and I'm sure I forgot to mention some stuff too. Can't wait for the next episode.
          It all feels so very Gainax, this show is giving me that epic GunBuster vibe, they always get that small story beginings to massive epic battles so right.

          I think it not just Humans that the tribe want to kill, it's those that process spiral power (if the translations are correction) above level 1. It certainly does seem Rossiu up to something but i think by the end of it he'll be toeing the same line as Simon if the 1st ep is to go by, all he needs it good'ole fashion punch to the face wake'um'up style . I think the biggest shock so far is that they destroyed the old Ganman. Shame theres no Yoko, but at least we get some Viral(lets hope for a combined Viral/Simon Gurren) and got a good laugh from the wedding proposal


            Lucky Star ep16 - Good ep, plenty of Haruhi cameo's. Standout bits for me being

            the cosplay cafe(loved Kagami's expressions to Konota cosplay) and Akria's "concert", didn't find the live action ending as funny as Minoru ones. Best fan service bit for me was Minoru doing his Taniguchi's "Forgot my Somthing"

            Now for the second 5cm ova.


              Nana ep46/47 finish . Finally all of Nana is subbed and dam, what an ending.

              ep46 was very good, managed to perfectly finish the whole Shoji thing completely, the way they parted was really touching. Ep47 was just one massive cliff hanger, starting us off with the future(where all the opening credits monologues come from) really got me hyped to see how it turned out that way but as the future bit went on i could clearly see this wasn't going to finish in the final episode when it returned to the present.

              Lets hope for a 2nd season, as it has been a great show full of laughs and drama.


              5cm per second - turned out the torrent was the full film, containing Part 1 along with Part 2 and 3, and Oh MY did the art somehow manage to top the stuff part 1 had, some of those backgrounds with the night time sky had my jaw dropping, gods knows how a HD codec would look if SD is this good. Basically part 2 continues with the boy from part 1, but as seen from a new girls perspective as they move through High School.

              Quite touching when she realizes during the that fantastic rocket lunch in the background that the Boy will never see her in his heart

              , then it moves on to Part 3 which while tugs the emotional strings along with the theme song, disappoints by being to short and with it being all flashbacks from his Adult life looking back to his teens, it shows there could have been many, many more stories told

              around how he and Akira(i think that her name) went there seperate ways in life when in there early teens they seemed like soulmates...

              Even if you not into all this romance drama stuff, the art and sound is just to incredible to miss out on, lets hope someone does HD encode of the full film soon.



                The full movie's been released? Is that the Pireze x moeside version that I saw kicking around? I thought it was yet another version of the first episode. That's getting put right to the top of the download list.


                  Originally posted by Tobal View Post
                  Nana ep46/47 finish . Finally all of Nana is subbed and dam, what an ending.

                  ep46 was very good, managed to perfectly finish the whole Shoji thing completely, the way they parted was really touching. Ep47 was just one massive cliff hanger, starting us off with the future(where all the opening credits monologues come from) really got me hyped to see how it turned out that way but as the future bit went on i could clearly see this wasn't going to finish in the final episode when it returned to the present.

                  Lets hope for a 2nd season, as it has been a great show full of laughs and drama.

                  Absolutely. Loads of laughs, loads of drama, great characters. It pretty much had it all.

                  Even some stuff I didn't really like early on in the series like the Hachi/Shouji thing was very well handled in the last few eps which changed my opinion of the situation a little bit. I don't hate Sachiko and Shouji as much as I did previously, maybe I've just mellowed or come to realize that it wasn't going to work and that Hachi wasn't perfect herself. And after so much teasing it was great to see them reunited again in that episode. I also loved the look at the future. From the age of satsuki they mentioned it's about 6 years ahead of the events we were watching for most of the series. And the way they talked to each other in the future time when they met seemed to suggest that they weren't together as a band and had gone their separate ways. Makes me wonder what happened exactly. Possible hints at a Hachi X Nobu relationship forming in the future makes me smile.

                  My only real complaint with the show was the recaps and some of the events that I didn't like but that's purely from a selfish point of view of wanting things to turn out well for certain characters. In the context of the series it was well handled and well explained (eventually) looking at it objectively I've got no complaints with the events. The recaps are/were a minor annoyance, same as in most series' where they crop up. Nothing that'd spoil the show for me.

                  Brilliant, brilliant show. I can't believe it's been a year or so since I first started watching it, it's been quite a journey. I really do hope they have another season planned as I'd love to know what happens to these characters that I've grown attached to over the past year and a bit. There is always the manga I suppose, but I think at this point I'd prefer to see it animated first. I'm gonna miss it

                  Been waiting on 5cm/s but with it's licensing triad won't be subbing it and subs will be harder to come by. Guess I'll get on that torrent and have a look. Sounds like it's my kind of thing.


                    I had no idea the full movie of 5cm was out. I shall have to look for it, as I don't think the US DVD is going to be out for a good while yet. (next year sometime isn't it?)

                    In other anime news I watched Paprika last night and enjoyed it a lot. It's even more trippy than usual for a Satoshi Kon movie, with a mostly mental story line about dreams and reality mixing together. Lovely animation of course which looks fantastic in HD, and a brilliant voice cast too. (particularly the lead role of Paprika herself, who is voiced by the always wonderful Megumi Hayashibara)

                    Oh and is anyone else liking Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei? I love the sheer insanity of this show, and the art is great. And at least so far it's managing to be insane without resorting to too many rapid cuts or slapstick sequences.


                      I got the Pireze x moeside release, but this morning someone used there .ass file to make a HD codec done by Parade, smaller file to


                        just saw the last couple eps of Nana.
                        bit dissapointed to see them do the time skip ending thing. hopefully there will be another series, but it didnt sound much like it from the woman at the end.

                        i would have preffered them to just end with a normal episode, even if it was a big cliffhanger, than show a bit of the future. after watching a few slice of life animes i'm ok with the idea that things just carry on and we dont get to see it all, but either end it or leave it, hinting at stuff doesnt feel very nice to me.

                        (they pretty much robbed me of the idea that hachi and nobuo might get back together... soon anyway )

                        it worked ok in paradise kiss as it was such a short series anyway and it told you the outcome pretty much, but wtaching 47 episodes and then no real end is a bit of a let down. shame really as i thought the majority of it was excellent. particularly when it moved away from hachi a bit and on to the bands a bit more. it makes me want to go watch beck again.

                        fingers crossed we will actually get to see it all properly and soon.
                        Last edited by Fuddle; 31-07-2007, 21:41.


                          Hayate ep18 - to many cameo's to mention, but the standouts for me being new anime rip offs including Gurren-Lagann and Lancelot mecha's came as a surprisie.

                          Zero no Tsukaima ep4 - back on form after last couple of episodes being by the numbers. We got some kick ass Yuri, Siesta on a mission(woohoo) and omfg i never ever though i'd see a main male lead take the romance offensive like that, Satio was all over Louise only to mess it up at the end

                          Code Geass ep24/25 - bloody hell!!! so much happening with lelouch being a king twat all make for a good showing.

                          Loved Orange-kun's come back, Crazy-nina, super cat, more Earl of Pudding(love that title) and the showdown at the end with Lelouch,Suzaku and Karen was total class.

                          is ep26 the last episode or will there be another season afterwards? cos i can't see them finishing this off after only just introducing new characters.


                            25 is the last of season 1. There has been news/rumours of season 2 floating around and that it would air in the fall season. Don't think there's been any confirmed air dates and stuff just yet. But I think it's fairly safe to say there will be a second season, it's just a question of when.

                            Loved the two eps myself. As you said so much happening in the space of those two episodes. Bigger cliffhanger than before and it's left me chomping at the bit for the continuation. Looking forward to it even more now. Easily one of the most enjoyable shows, if not exactly the most intelligent one, of recent times.


                              Code Geas 24-25....F*ckin 'ell, I havent been that engrossed in what im watching since death note (still havent watched the last episode heh). I do hope they make another season. Bloody Brilliant.


                                Anyone seen the first episode of Mononoke? (The new series not the ghibli movie.) Words can't describe how bizarre this series is. Best way I can put it is possibly, similar story to Mushishi with art almost like that of Okami. Interesting mind.

