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    Sudo or syndicate are about as good as each other for DtB.

    Well let hope this Gundam 00 turns out good, reading about setting doesn't fill me with to much hope.. sounds almost like Gundam Wing. Why can't they do another 08MS team, you think Gundam 00 would give them a clean slate to work with more realistic warfare.


      Well syndicate is Shinsen from what I remember so you could stick with them. For my part I've watcbed sudo's mainly and they've only one episode left to sub so I'll stick with theirs for now.


        I've no idea about syndicate but the quality of the video in sudo's is amazing.

        Also, for anyone that wants some extra amusement, search out for the uncut version of gurren lagann episode 6 (the hot springs one). Just. AMAZING.
        Last edited by Mr.Jeff; 30-09-2007, 14:30.


          Gurren Lagann ep 27 -

          Wow... just wow... That was ****ing amazing. Fantastic final episode with an absolutely epic final fight. The scale... the animation... the music... the brilliantly cheesy dialogue... so many brilliant moments in that fight. Pretty much everything was there that has been a trademark of the series so far. A rather fitting ending (though I'd have probably kept Nia around just because I like my endings mainly to be sugary sweet).

          Lord Genome again shows what a badass he is with his final goodbye. What a way to go. Also loved the bit with the Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann getting progressively smaller until we're back to where we were at the start with the Lagann (the little head mecha) dealing the final blow. Nice touch I thought. Of course there was the wedding scene which is what gave the ending a bittersweet finish and what I'd have changed. It seems in the end Simon couldn't quite save Nia in the way he wanted to and promsied to. Enjoyed the look into the future too, seeing the people grown up and changed. Like lonely badass wanderer Simon . Does beg the question of where those scenes from the beginning of ep 1 fit into things. And with the future stuff after the Anti-spiral's defeat, possibly leaving things open for a second season?

          Loved it. Pretty much from start to finish. There was possibly only one episode that I didn't like much, which isn't bad all things considered. Once again Gainax produced a series I've totally fallen in love with and they didn't disappoint me with the ending. I'm struggling to think of an anime show(or otherwise) this year I had as much fun with whilst I was watching. Excellent stuff overall. Now I need to finish off a bazillion other recent animes to see if they'll end better than this (I highly doubt it). Well worth checking out if anyone hasn't already.


            ^another series that you lot have talked about so much that I'm gonna need to check out. Would a marathon spoil it, should I let myself watch an episode every few days to keep some suspense?


              Hmm... I think I'd rather have watched it in one or two sittings had I not already been addicted to the show as it was airing. I don't imagine it'll ruin much if you marathon it. My thoughts: marathon it!


                I agree with everything Zapp's said about Gurren Lagann's finale including

                having a sugary sweet ending which kept Nia. I'm a sappy **** like that

                Just absolutely fantastic how they kept the quality all the way to the end. I'm still smiling about it!


                  agreeing with everyone about gurren lagann. its just the most amazingly mental show ever. absolutely loved it all. amazing quality all the way through.


                    Love every minute of that last episode, just the fight alone was match for the epic stuff in Gunbuster1/2 final fights,

                    , Big Bang powered Kamehameha, throwing galaxies around like deadly frisbies and the final beatdown ejections from all the Mecha FTW! I'm gonna have to go with Jeff on the Nia ending, wish she has lived on for the crap Nia/Simon went through or at least have Simon and Yoko match, up he really does need a better payoff for saving the universe than wandering around earth.

                    Still if Gunstbuster can get super sequel then im expecting Gurran Lagann 2, 5 to 10 years from now.

                    Just Heroic Age, Dark than Black, Lovely Complex, Nagasarete Airantou, Seirei no Moribito and Seto no Hanayome to go for final eps if the subbers ever get around to them. Any news on AFK next releases of Lucky Star.. i think im gonan go get the crappy speed subs.


                      And just because it has to be said: we want more Dennou Coil!


                        Kenichi 50 End -

                        Nice ending to a decent show, not read the manga so not sure if it carries past Kenichi defeating Ryuoto, but all the same, a good, progressive, predictable show.


                          All right. I just finished The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. Instead of commenting about how it's brilliant and funny and smart (which it is), how it references Phoenix Wright and Hard Gay and Beck and countless others (which it does), I'll make my approach from the other end of the spectrum. This show has one important quality I haven't seen in an anime series since Cowboy Bebop:

                          It's flawless.

                          Let me rephrase that statement: MoHS doesn't have a single element that sucks (except episode 00, which is intentionally bad and therefore good). No crap art or animation, no obvious cell reuse, no useless filler episodes... I keep reviewing it inside my head, looking for suckage (a surprisingly easy process, even for great shows), and I can't fault it. The bloody thing just works. That alone deserves my respect and admiration.

                          Actually, there is one thing: I'll have to wait for the DVDs to be released in Europe to buy them. Because in the R1 release, the episodes have been re-ordered: they're in chronological order, thus forcing the viewer to use the end-of-episode hints (again, but this time in reverse: listen to Kyon, not Haruhi) and fiddle around with multiple discs to get the original broadcast order! How stupid is that!?

                          Anyway, on to the novels now. I hope they're well-TL'd...


                            My only complaint about reading the translation of the novel's is that it's set in the style of the series where it's told/narrated from Kyon's point of view so you get a lot of his thoughts. But unfortunately there's the odd couple of times where it's difficult to establish whether he's just thought something or whether he's said. Other than that, the novels are amazing. Number 7 being a particular favourite of mine

                            Please be released and translated soon volume 10!


                              Thanks to Tobal for help with the question I asked him.

                              Righty, got my new PC and am ready to start getting some funky new anime.

                              I've managed to get Eps 1 - 11 of Sky Girls which looks like amazing fun from the little slice of episode one I've managed to watch so far (spent more time sourcing it than watching it so far).

                              Also got the first 3 of Zombie Loan, first 6 of Hitohara and the first couple of School Days which I thought looked quite nice and easy going but upon checking Wiki it appears that the game it's based on is famous for it's bad endings where characters end up killing themselves

                              I also want to start getting Gurren Lagann after I saw the opening credits. Big robots, crazy looking characters and a kick ass theme song. Sounds like a great show!!

                              Anything else you kind gentlemen could recommend?


                                I would dump Zombie Loan, maybe leave off Sky Girls unless you've got nothing else to watch(like me, it pretty average but it about only loli show going and it well animated). Hitohara is a nice show with some good characters and the best girl on girl scrap i've seen, full clinched fists!!

                                most of these are about to finish or have just finished.
                                #Lucky Star - small talk between 4 school girls and there friends, subtle comedy and plenty of namedrops/camoes from other anime pop cutlure
                                #Heroic Age - great music and epic space battles
                                #Dark than Black - spies with special powers fighting it out
                                #Lovely Complex - comedy about a tall girl and a short 'slow' boy, liked by quite a few around here
                                #Seirei no Moribito - high budget, great story about a women bodyguard looking after a kid who contains a water spirit. has some brutal short spears fights
                                #Seto no Hanayome - mad cap comedy, about as ecchi as you can get without crossing the line.
                                #Claymore - Berserk with women, battling Demons(yoma) with massive claymore swords, loved by everyone
                                #Dennou Coil - the realworld and vitural world exist inthe same space with kids veiwing the 'other world' through computer glasses, que some amazing scenes and crazy A.I./Hacking related stuff.

                                I would get Gurran Lagann, Claymore, Seirei no Moribito, Luck Star and Dennou Coil 1st. There other stuff decent stuff but i can't be bothered to list everything, im sure the others will have shows i've not mentioned you can always reread the last 10/20 pages to get an idea of what we are watching

