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    From what I understand, the golden tribe created all the races and eventually they all went out into the big wide universe, the silver and bronze tribes had some scuffles but the silver wins. The heroic tribe also go into space but are more involved with fighting among themselves that they wipe themselves to near extinction. 5 of them presumabely get changed into those gems which got placed in 4 of the silver tribe and 1 in a human raised by the golden tribe.

    With regards to Age, I'm not entirely sure whether he really will go on an universe spanning genocide. It just doesn't seem in his character (bar killing the bronze tribe but they're bugs so who cares). I'm thinking something else might happen instead.


      Gurren Lagann ep 11 -

      That wasn't too long I thought. I didn't think Simon would be emo for the rest of the series and it seems with this episode he's on the road to becoming the new Kamina-esque figure. I did think they might have kept him moping around for a bit longer. However I think it was just about right, enough to make it seem like he was hurting from Kamina's death etc... but also not dragged on enough to get really annoying for me. Wonder if anyone else agrees with me on that

      The last few minutes or so of this episode made up for the annoying emo phase of the past two episodes for me too. Great to see a bit more of Kamina as well. Again going back to the last few minutes I loved the little Kamina montage as Simon was powering up for the Giga Drill Break(er?) On that subject I thought the flashback was nicely done too. Kamina said pretty much what I had been thinking i.e. that it was usually Simon that saved him. I'm starting to warm to the idea of Simon being a replacement for him, although obviously he won't be quite the same (the point of this episode really, wasn't it?). Anyway with that it seems like Lagann is getting back to the bits I enjoyed most from the series, something I wasn't sure would happen with Kamina dying though I'm glad to be proven wrong. Fanservicey(as if they all haven't been ) beach episode next week with a confrontation with Adiane. Looking forward to it.


        first episode of wangan midnight isnt bad.
        not entirely convinced that racing on those roads will ever be as exciting as the mountains of inital d, but its a promising first episode. the cgi is pretty good at least.


          Originally posted by Zapp$ter View Post
          Gurren Lagann ep 11 -

          That wasn't too long I thought. I didn't think Simon would be emo for the rest of the series and it seems with this episode he's on the road to becoming the new Kamina-esque figure. I did think they might have kept him moping around for a bit longer. However I think it was just about right, enough to make it seem like he was hurting from Kamina's death etc... but also not dragged on enough to get really annoying for me. Wonder if anyone else agrees with me on that

          The last few minutes or so of this episode made up for the annoying emo phase of the past two episodes for me too. Great to see a bit more of Kamina as well. Again going back to the last few minutes I loved the little Kamina montage as Simon was powering up for the Giga Drill Break(er?) On that subject I thought the flashback was nicely done too. Kamina said pretty much what I had been thinking i.e. that it was usually Simon that saved him. I'm starting to warm to the idea of Simon being a replacement for him, although obviously he won't be quite the same (the point of this episode really, wasn't it?).

          I think you're right about the emo Simon. Any longer and it would have been approaching Shinji levels of whining which is just no good for any series. The last few minutes had me smiling again as Simon gave his little Kamina-esque speech. Just proves that there's some hope for the character without Kamina being around.

          I'm not liking Rossieu being in the Gurren though. I think they need someone with a bit more personality in it really. All he's got going for him is a giant forehead.

          Edit: Don't suppose anyone saw Seto no Hanayome 10 with it's amazing

          Terminator 2

          parody. I was in stitches.
          Last edited by Mr.Jeff; 13-06-2007, 21:29.


            Theres a Devil May Cry anime aailable at . Not into this stuff myself but thought it might intrest people here (not been subbed yet.)


              anyone catch the new eps of genshiken. watching episode 13 now and it made me burst out laughing.


                Death Note 34 & 35 - Still going good, im still amazed at how they can make an anime about writing names in books and killing people interesting I really hope Kira kills N, dont like him heh.

                Nodame Cantible 20 - One of the few animes that makes me laugh out loud..hard That Chopin song gave me goosebumps. Looks like theres another gay character going to be in the show, can't wait to see him and Masumi to have a face off (you know it will happen).


                  New Genshikken eps, especially the latest one 15, have been amazing. Really looking forward the new series in the autumn now. Maybe 26 episodes this time? :P

                  Nodame: Just amazing stuff. Personally, I think they've left it a bit late with only 3 episodes to go, to focus on Nodame's skills rather than the constant focus Chiaki's gotten but seeing her play like that made me smile.


                    Originally posted by Orgun View Post
                    Death Note 34 & 35 - Still going good, im still amazed at how they can make an anime about writing names in books and killing people interesting I really hope Kira kills N, dont like him heh.
                    We might have to wait a bit longer for the last two episodes, since VIZ Media have issued the likes of Animanda and Kuro-Hana C&D orders, so consequently, they've both dropped Death Note.

                    Kuro-Hana NEET are doing the 12-episode run of Devil May Cry now though.


                      Originally posted by Bleeders View Post
                      We might have to wait a bit longer for the last two episodes, since VIZ Media have issued the likes of Animanda and Kuro-Hana C&D orders, so consequently, they've both dropped Death Note.

                      Kuro-Hana NEET are doing the 12-episode run of Devil May Cry now though.
                      Kuro Hana did say on their website (briefly) that they would continue to sub death note but under a different name. That message is long gone now though.

                      I'll just keep watching places like Baka Updates to see when/if the last two episodes pop up. Sad thing is I'm not actually that bothered anymore as I think the series has ended up like too many anime shows do - overly long with the plot stretched paper thin and with lots of new and pointless characters thrown in to try and keep it running. It all went downhill once L was killed.


                        I agree that once L died it wasnt the same, but i do still enjoy it and there is only 2 episodes left anyway.


                          i still like death note, but its good that there is a definate end in sight. hopefully somebody will do subs for these final two episodes as quick as kuro hana have been. i didnt realise it was so close to the end though, i would be much more annoyed otherwise.

                          the general idea of the death note world is pretty cool though, they could easily do a completely different type of story dependant on who gets the book.


                            Up till now, Seto no Hanayome was somewhere between "not bad at all" and "really good." Episode 10, however, is an absolute riot. Watch it. Now.


                              Been a while since new seto came out, still downloading ep9/10. it best have alot more Masa in it.

                              Apart from that..

                              Devil May Cry ep1 - very gun grave, but then thats what i expected from the same guys that made it, not sure what there thinking with the loli though... still had plenty of violence and good'ole fashioned gore.

                              Watched and enjoyed the latest Gurren Lagann, Seirei no Moribito, Lucky Star, Angel Heart, Lovely Complex, Kaze no Stigma(will mention Kazuma mad laughter at hurt the rival family, makes up for the lack of him+Ayano in recent eps) but nothing outstanding worth talking about.

                              Marimite ova 4 - more good stuff, i think the highlights for me where Yumi's controlling of Sachiko becoming an art form, and it pretty clear they seem to be setting up once long time rival/player-hater Touko as soeur? Touko seems be taking a liking to Yumi in the OVA's.

                              Gigantic Formula ep8/9 - Nooo those dirty german's/spanish,

                              Brave Britian is out along with france , nice to see the pilots live though and give up something to think about why the Gigantic's did that at the end. Wonder if we'll ever get back to watching Japan fight anytime soon, the plot device for use viewing the other Gigantic battles is getting tiresome.


                                Originally posted by Tobal View Post
                                Been a while since new seto came out, still downloading ep9/10. it best have alot more Masa in it.
                                There's a tiny ammount of masa at the end of 10 but when you watch 10, you won't need masa to enjoy it. Just amazing.

