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    Mai Otome Zwei OVA3 out on RAW, where's my HQ subs ><

    also it seems the DVD's are selling slow : NSFW :


      Claymore ep8 - wow! first gurren lagan putting on an excellent show and now Claymore follows it up,

      Teresa fights off all 4 Claymores without breaking out the Yoma power, then get gets in a nasty fight with Yoma-Priscella. After that i was like how would they kill Teresa, it had to be one of those 'Take the Hit' for Claire moments from a mad Priscella but they really pulled a fast one on me, never expected such a cheap ass win from her. Lobbing off Teresa arms and Beheading her after Teresa was showing mercy, theny Claymores 3-5 brutally wiped out... I wonder why Priscella let Claire go?

      Lucky Star ep7 - Another good episode, loved the Maria-sama impressions through the ep by Konota it had me laughing everytime she did it. Another highlight being Konota's moblie phone.... 'Fathers are always worried about there Daughters' que shot of Konota's phone and the ring tone... . Lucky Channel didn't fail us either(looking kind of hot there Sebastian).

      Also someones put up what the Ending karaoke songs are on wiki, which is good as i only knew ep3's FMP ending.


        the cha la head cha la song konata was singing a couple of eps back was the original opening song from dragonball z. hearing that again sure brought back memories, i remember watching dragonball z on old rm 10mb filles, downloading them all on a 56kb modem.

        theres also some quick bits of gunbuster music in some bits of the show too. I think she did one of the songs from Space Battleship Yamato aswell, can't remember if i imagined that or not.
        Last edited by SuperBeatBoy; 23-05-2007, 23:45.


          Originally posted by Tobal View Post
          Lucky Star ep7 - Another good episode, loved the Maria-sama impressions through the ep by Konota it had me laughing everytime she did it. Another highlight being Konota's moblie phone.... 'Fathers are always worried about there Daughters' que shot of Konota's phone and the ring tone... . Lucky Channel didn't fail us either(looking kind of hot there Sebastian).
          I don't suppose you noticed that Strawberry Panic's 2nd opening theme was also featured(when Konata wakes up and turns on the tv to watch anime). Maybe it's because I've only finished watching the series and have the track on my walkman that I noticed it. Felt proper geekish for spotting it though.

          Great series though.


            Dam, i'll have to rewatch that bit.


              Toward the Terra eps 7 - Heh I knew Shiroe would show up eventually but I wish they'd get back to Jomy and the Mu; im finding E-1077 to be kind of dull.


                Calm down. They have to get the setup for the "normals" before they can switch back.

                [Thoughts on the series setup]

                Judging from the opening, it's clear there's going to be many numerous fights between the norms and the mu's with jomy being the leader of the mus and keith leader of the norms. As they're both trying to get to terra, there'll be numerous tragedies but keith will also fall in love with the mysterious woman in his dreams who happens to be that blind? mu we see but which he doesn't know about.

                Or something. I'll probably edit this after I've seen ep 7.


                  calm down? CALM DOWN!? IM CALM!! hehe jk

                  Yeah about that blind woman keith supposedly falls in love with (according to the intro), I think she looks a bit like that Mother Eliza (or whatever the computer is called)


                    I watched the first episode of Denou Coil tonight. What an utterly bizarre, mental, nonsensical and completely random show. Has anyone read the manga? (assuming there is one) Does it make any sense later on?


                      I've read so many comments about Dennou Coil being confusing but I don't see why it's so nonsensical. I never had a problem with understanding what was going on. Can't find anything about a manga though. Maybe it gets easier to understand in the next few eps.

                      Hayate 8 had me in stitches.

                      Despite being really disturbing I couldn't stop laughing at the scene with Tama and Hayate


                        i didn't find dennou coil nonsensical at all. I didn't have a problem with it myself.


                          Denou made no sense to me at all. There was no explanation for any of the bizarre events, or the bizarre alternate earth where the characters live. We are just expected to accept that some creatures for no apparent reason are somehow not entirely real and can only be seen with special glasses, that there is an alternate world which is somehow like a computer, and that people can go to and from these worlds at will using holes in walls and random objects. Oh there are bizarre naked Captain Caveman creatures too, computer screens which appear out of nowhere, and floating metal balls which shoot people. And of course a giant pink blob which can appear through buildings to chase people.

                          I think that deserves at least a couple of lines of explanation at the start or end of the show, as none of the characters made any attempt to explain it.


                            Dennou Coil seems perfectly normal to me. Once you realize (that takes 5 minutes tops) that the show is about of augmented (not virtual, augmented) reality and the effect it can have on our lives, it all falls into place.

                            The kids' glasses are highly-miniaturized computers, with screens, speakers, wireless networking, microphones and cameras (or some other sort of gesture recognition). They enable them to see (and presumably interact with) AR constructs, such as the dog the main character is looking for (Densuke).

                            The blob has no physical body. Neither do Densuke, the electric cat, the floating metal balls or the computer screens. The screens, just like the "finger-phone" or icons on today's computers, are metaphors, just an easy way to display information. None of the apparent threats can actually hurt the characters. Yet the fear is real...

                            The point of the episode is to introduce us to how AR blurs the line between physical and virtual reality, especially to children who were pretty much born with those glasses on. And with that, to the possibility of expressing feelings, even love, toward virtual creatures. Even though Densuke has no physical existence, both girls fear for him when he goes missing, spend time and resources looking for him, are relieved when he's finally returned to them... There's sorrow and despair in the "let's do the spooky stereo panning effect" scene.

                            As far as they're concerned, he's their beloved pet dog (as well as a memento of their dead grandfather). Yet he's a computer program. Isn't there something wrong about that? As computer programs evolve and their behavior approaches the complexity of living beings', can they be considered alive? Just what is life then?

                            As a cyberpunk myself, there's a series of themes I definitely want to see explored in more anime (preferably with a level of maturity and quality that's closer to Ghost in the Shell than to .hack). So far, I like Dennou Coil's vibe.

                            EDIT: Oh, by the way,
                            Last edited by Wild_Cat; 24-05-2007, 23:40.


                              Personally I don't always expect explanations at the start of a show. I tend to accept what's put in front of me and hope there are enough explanations/clues later for me to be able to fill in the blanks. Has worked for me in plenty of other shows. Same with Dennou Coil really.

                              There was a lot of stuff going on and even one of the main characters wasn't sure of everything. So presumably we'll learn more as she learns more. Personally a lot of what Wild Cat says makes sense. Maybe I'm being biased because I was pretty hyped for it before but I loved that first episode. I thought it was extremely charming and introduced a lot of interesting things as well. Of course I'm confused about certain things and it's given me food for thought but I expect/hope these things to be cleared up as we progress.

                              It's an original creation and not based on a manga as far as I am aware. Ah well guess you can't please everyone... personally it has matched my expectations with the first episode. Now I just hope the rest of the series can deliver.


                                Dennou Coil ep1 ? liked what I saw, reminded me a bit of that abandoned house matrix short at first then just when off on it own crazy way. I like how well the virtual and real worlds are brought together.

                                Sola ep6-8 ? This is getting better now the skeletons are raining from the closest(though we still don?t know what happened in the past), looks like we?ll get our first Yaka on Yaka fight with super powers instead of a lot of flailing around running from a bloke with a katana, even if the dislike their pointed chinned faces(reminds me crap loads of terribly bad car crash that is Soul Link) the HD encode and the Main Girl?s personality/voice makes up for it

                                Gurren Lagan ep9 ?

                                Emo Simon, hopefully won?t go on for to long as there a giant manly man hole to fill now kami gone and the Spiral Kings daughters not gonna fill his shoes. Also how sad is it Kami?s now completely missing from the intro ;_;

