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    Originally posted by Mr.Jeff View Post
    Texhnolyze seems to have a fairly deep plot although it seems fairly Lain/Kaiba-ish in that bits might not make sense. No idea about action though. I think Orka's seen it though so he might have some idea
    Yeah ive seen it, actually own it on dvd. Anyways yeah it is a rather dark and deep series in much the same way that lain was. For the most part it follows the story of a city and its interpolitics and so on between the various Mafia-ish factions, interspersed with sections of techno and psychobabel which you should be familiar with if you've seen lain. It does get abit strange towards the end but overall well worth a watch. As for action there's not a great deal, just the odd bouts of violence and gunfire etc you'd associate with a Mafia type setting.

    As for other similar series, Ergo Proxy pops to mind. Its no too action heavy, is quite dark in its post apocalyptic setting, and again features similar sorts of psychobabel sections throughout.


      Ooo you know I was watching Ergo Proxy at some point and completely forgot about it. I've no idea how far I got but I think I was planning on getting the rest on DVD but never did. I've seen the first episode of Texhnolyze too and was possibly planning the same with that. I don't mind seeing some action I'd just rather there be plot as well, I really liked that sci fi one that came out a couple of years ago where

      the main character's friends were wiped out

      in the first episode

      by her own brother

      . I like shocks and surprises. Don't mind school kids as well I suppose, as long as the story is dark, I'm just not in a romcom mood but then I rarely am anyway, heh.
      Last edited by stainboy; 25-12-2008, 18:50.


        That would be Soukou no Strain, pretty good as also never expected them to kill off secondary characters like cannon fodder which would setup the main girls ambition perfectly, shame at actual reason for main badguy wasn't so well thought out.

        On older stuff, perhaps Wolfs Rain, Gilgamesh or Red Garden? lots of bleak and dark stuff in them.


          Soukou no Strain that's the one! Couldn't remember the title at all, I wouldn't mind seeing it again cos I can't remember the end, I know I didn't think it lived up to the excellent beginning tho.

          Haven't seen any of those three you mention, I'll check them out. Can't wait to get back home so I can start downloading some new releases as well.


            I actually when back at rewatched most of Soukou no Strain after you mentioned, makes abit more sense on a rewatch.

            I forgot the alien girl had mind melded him in a nutcase(by accident i think) to turn him in to a total bastard killer, also thought about the timewarp/light warp stuff which still didn't make much sense beside alien girl destroys brain warping brother back to is sisters side of the universe..... i think.

            Still i liked the strain fights, the ****ty little gambee's and the music.

            Ef melodies 1-12, marathoned it all today as part of my "watch all the stuff i've stored up the last 2 seasons" event. Enjoyed it as much as memories, probably a bit more although it did get a little stupid after ep6,

            i fully understand that being raped is shameful for the victim but even stupider for Yu not to protect her and shop that dick in to the police, even if she was at he time out to get revenge it was clear to him that Yuko did feel love for him.
            Also never expected Mizuki to become a main character which also got nicely tied into the adult characters past. I think my fav bit of the story was the original key holders Yu/Yuko ended up with them being returned for a sad parting.

            also i think i must have been a bit thick during memories but i never noticed it took place in different 2 cities, i thought that all lived the other side of town from each other... Shaft kept up with there intro changes through again and the surprise for ep11 was good between them both i'd give 8/10.

            Next up either Alison to Lillia 2nd half, Telepathy Shoujo Ran or Code E
            Last edited by Tobal; 27-12-2008, 22:19.


              Originally posted by Tobal View Post
              Next up either Alison to Lillia 2nd half, Telepathy Shoujo Ran or Code E
              Just finished Allison to Lillia myself. (3 AM watching sprees yeah!) Quite a nice little series in the end. I'm torn between liking the fact that the plot lines for each arc were nice and concise and disliking them because they were so short. No doubt they're perhaps better in the light novels with more narration on the characters part or some such.

              Anyway, quite happy with the ending to the Allison segment although I would have liked it if they'd gone a bit further to round it off with

              the proper resolution of what Trieze does about the marriage/telling Allison he loves her. What boggles me is why he wasn't in her school in the first place. Didn't seem he was doing anything important beforehand anyway. Maybe it was mentioned at the start and I forgot.

              Edit: Also no resolution to the

              Will/Travas being Allison's father

              Overall a fairly solid series but nothing mind-blowingly awesome. Dvd sales were poor apparently so unlikely for any more.

              Last episode of Kurozuka tomorrow.
              Last edited by Mr.Jeff; 28-12-2008, 02:14.


                Just finished watching the Kekkaishi anime, ah what a great series Does anyone know if the manga carries on after the Kokoburo story arc? I WANT MORE

                Edit: Totally forgot about the mangaupdates website, just answered my own question by checking there
                Last edited by Orgun; 28-12-2008, 14:09.


                  Originally posted by Mr.Jeff View Post
                  Last episode of Kurozuka tomorrow.
                  So um. What?

                  I understood mainly up to

                  he re-unites with Kuromitsu. so she keeps his head and continues to switch bodies to keep him immortal along with her. Then he wakes up in the future? the past just before the time he was in? presumably starting the "chase" again after Kuromitsu. Then I have no idea what happened. He ends up back where he started? But it's not because it's in crater in the ruined future world? So is she just repeating the cycle inside that crater perhaps?

                  Other than the ending though, it was quite a good slashy series. Some really nice fights and animation throughout.


                    Kannagi ep13 - Shame it had to end, liked all the characters, had some great comedy, good animation/art through out. Hope it get a second season even if the nerds of the manga are still raging. 9/10

                    Akane-iro ni Somaru Saka ep12 - Another last ep, pretty much total crap once ep11 hit, copout-nonsensical ending to a ok'ish harem show... i'm not even sure why they bothered with that ending as its not like it'll get another season. 5/10

                    Linebarrels ep13 - just wtf!!! this show is full of surprises. While it can never get balance of comedy and drama right, which is often done so badly when the drama does happen it removes most of the impact it will still put a smile on my face. Anyway nice little setup and Linebarrels coping some of 00's newest moves made it very enjoyable.

                    Index ep13 - GGaaahhhh, i can't stand the pacing but for the love of god i like the story and the characters... that bit where Touma stood up to accelerator and the hand slap bit had my hairs standing on end. 2weeks to till next episode

                    Gundam00 ep13 - brilliant half way mark ep, pretty much the deathstar run from starwars done gundam style, great stuff.

                    Allison to Lillia - finished that of now, pretty good in parts but got alittle stupid and cheesey at the end.

                    And for them not to reveal her dad was really strange to, also that right hand girl agent.. wtf was the point of it? was she inthe onthe act as it just seemed to come from totally out of nowhere and meant absolutely nothing to the story.



                      Originally posted by Mr.Jeff View Post
                      So um. What?

                      I understood mainly up to

                      he re-unites with Kuromitsu. so she keeps his head and continues to switch bodies to keep him immortal along with her. Then he wakes up in the future? the past just before the time he was in? presumably starting the "chase" again after Kuromitsu. Then I have no idea what happened. He ends up back where he started? But it's not because it's in crater in the ruined future world? So is she just repeating the cycle inside that crater perhaps?

                      Other than the ending though, it was quite a good slashy series. Some really nice fights and animation throughout.
                      agreed great series with some nice action, but yeah it wasnt a exactly clear ending, as far as i understood it:

                      As its revealed he body swaps every x amount of years as a form of immortality, but in the process loses his memory of the past cycle etc.

                      I think the bit in the unwrercked city is the cycle before the one thats the main focus of the series, however certain parts that seemed out of place etc now look more like flashbacks to this past cycle when i think back.

                      As for the end with the other monk guy im pretty lost as well. the best idea i can come up with is that she also body swapped or whatever the monk guy aswell, and allowed them certain memorys of that first time so they apear to carry on from where they originaly started bar with the odd sense of deja vu. Whith her little forest hideaway being some sort of sanctuary free of the effects on the world around it.


                        Happy new year all!

                        Finishing the old and starting something new:

                        Chaos;Head Final: Well, it's ended. Bit rushed in the final episode I thought - seemed to be all over in about 10 minutes which is a slightly sad. The part with

                        Takumi being impaled on a steak and him still talking was really well done I thought even if you couldn't see details.

                        Overall not a bad series. I would have liked it if they'd kept the balance between horror and the regular life side like Higurashi but I guess they had to go into the technobabble to explain everything at some point.
                        That reminds me, the scene in episode 11 with

                        the nurse/Grim scooping out the doctors brain while he was still alive

                        was amazingly brutal. Hats off to them for making scenes like that.

                        Maria+Holic 01: Higher quality than the pre-airing version of Akkikan. I'm liking where this is going. It's like a cross between Otome wa Boku ni Koi****eru aand some really vicious humour. The voices of the cast are perfect especially Maria's done by Kobayashi Yuu although you could complain that it's shaft being lazy and using 4 va's from SZS. Looking forward to more.

                        Edit: Oh and if you'd like more Biri biri action from To aru majutsu, you might want to check out the manga spinoff. Turns out the authour liked her so much, he gave her own series. Goes by the name of To Aru Kagaku no Choudenjibou.
                        Last edited by Mr.Jeff; 01-01-2009, 16:41.


                          This week I have mainly been watching Hajime No Ippo! Finally started on it after having it lying around on my HDD for near enough 3 years now. I guess the new season coming up was a motivating factor. Having said that it's made me realise it might not be best for me to follow the new season weekly but in batches of 5-6 episodes perhaps. There's nothing quite like marathoning a really good shounen anime, I find (certainly helps alleviate some of the problems inherent with them like fights lasting multiple episodes). I had this same sort of feeling with Naruto when I first started out and Bleach (when I still liked it) and then of course One Piece. It's almost a bummer when you catch up and have to follow them weekly.

                          It's awesome anyway. Just the kind of thing I was after at this point in time. The characters really make it for me. Ippo (who's fast becoming one of my favourite lead characters... he's like Naruto without the annoying bits), Takamura, Aoki and Kimura especially. Love the interplay between those guys. It's alot funnier than I was expecting too. More knob gags than Inukami! It's probably this aspect that may sway me into watching it weekly (the characters not the knob gags...). The whole thing is wrapped in a delicious layer of GAR too. Which is a nice change from the sorts of shows I have been watching in the past year or so (not many I admit).

                          If I plan it right I should be all caught up with the anime and OVAs by the time the new season starts... Only 25 more episodes plus the additonal stuff to go...


                            Originally posted by Mr.Jeff View Post
                            For any Aria fans, Amano's new series has started. First chapter!
                            Second chapter now as well. Only just started but already I love this. Even more silly faces and silly humour.


                              Hehe love the silly faces


                                White Album 01: Hmmm. Straight off, I don't like this. I can see they've tried to give it a good feel and copy some "ef" kind of vibe with the random floating text but it can't really cover such an overdone cliche story (this from me who watches most harem comedy).

                                Don't know if it's just the first episode but I can't seem to care at all for the main couple and the side characters are confusing and boring as well - the best friend is jealous of the main guy over some girl even though there's absolutely no interest from either of them.

                                I'd rather reread I''s than see this flounder through a near identical Love vs Idol+fame theme. The only one of interest is the other female idol and that's really to see where she fits in.

                                Still, got Marimite's new ep to watch and another 50 eps of Ippo so not too disappointed.

