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    Originally posted by Mr.Jeff View Post
    Sort of interested by Cross Game since I know you really like the series but also majorly turned off by the fact it's baseball. Is it excessively in depth? I don't think I could bear it if it was a complex analysis of baseball and a romance story. Took me years to get round to Ippo because of my sports hate.
    It's quite oldfashioned. Will be interesting to see how the character designs turn out. I'm hoping they stick closely to his style and try not to over-moe-fy it as per recent trends. His style is probably as recognisable as Leiji Matsumoto although the latter is probably more well known (particularly outside of Japan).

    Going by his past works, I doubt it will be that indepth. He did baseball with Touch and whilst they covered the rules it wasn't excessively so (IIRC). I think things were kept pretty simple. Certainly it wasn't quite like Ippo in that regard. Some of his other stuff I've read is usually a decent mix between the two. As I haven't read Cross Game I couldn't say for sure though. Might be worth reading some of the manga to see if it's worth your time to watch the anime adaptation. Or possibly look at some of his other manga if you don't want to spoil Cross Game.

    Sidenote: 1.6GB release of a very anticipated Kara no Kyoukai 5, random isp bandwidth restriction down to 30kb/s and Sub Release Sunday with 15 episode updates leave me with a face like this:

    Heh. The weekend is always crazy. They should learn to spread the releases out a bit more during the week. Luckily I have no such restrictions yet...


      Been a while since i was in here anyways.

      Clannad AS 16: Man very few anime manage to hit the emotional nerve, but KyoAni have managed to do it yet again with Clannad AS ep 16. Like Tobal i knew it was coming, but it didn't lessen the blow any. KyoAni did such a brilliant job with that scene, through its use of animation, art, sound and direction. Hell looking back at th last couple of eps they really set up the scene brilliantly through the character development.

      Like most others ive also been catching up with quite a few series that had been left in limbo, and just generally trying to clean up my MAL list.

      As for the new season, i know its a very early line up but ill echo what others have said, its looking abit weak with nothing really standing out as a must watch atm. No doubt ill end up watching 2/3rds of it tho.

      On a related note, picked up Dynasty Warriors Gundam on the cheap the other day. Man its such a fun game especially in Original mode. Nothing beats rampaging through a battlefield with Domon in the God Gundam, before delivering a God Finger as the finishing blow on the enemy leader. Its also brilliant to see that they got all the original VA's back for their roles (at least for the JP VA's), and as well as just getting them do do various lines from their original series they got them to do alot of original stuff.


        I'm 2 achievements away from 50/50 on DWG, not a great game but it makes me laugh with the interactions between the gundam pilots, like Puro doing a G Gundam call and Heero/Asia stuff

        I think i'm one of the few looking foward to DWG2 with the Seed pilots in it.


          Kara no Kyoukai 5: Glad I put this off till today rather than attempting to watch it last night/early this morning. As usual very odd but made all the more noticable with it also messing around with the time frame of which the events occur(kinda like baccano but over the space of a few days rather than years). Enjoyed it though, nice to see how it ties into some of the previous movies. As usual, animation and music were superb. Looking forward to the last 2. Especially number 7 since it's the resolution to the cliffhanger in movie 2.

          G00 17: The series has taken a flying leap into silyness but at least it's still enjoyable.

          Good job Andrei. I'm sure your mothers very happy with her totally unasked for revenge.

          Edit: ****. Trying to catch up on Clannad is not being made any easier because of knowing what happens in 16.

          Edit 2: Rather than make another post; looks like Spring might possibly be getting another ray of sunshine. They announced a dvd only version unaired episode of Spice and Wolf series 2 will be released in April. Apparently it's been labelled as shipping right before the second series so we can but hope it's a spring not summer release.

          Edit 3: Clannad 16 - I knew it was coming but still; Goddammit
          Last edited by Mr.Jeff; 03-02-2009, 19:48.


            haha the Clannad pic link is so damn true

            Gundam ep17, good episode ruined by that damned ended... as jeff says,

            just wtf was that motive all about, why would his mum want revenge.... only benefit of this is the possiblity of Soma coming back, but still, to trade Bear for Soma still sucks.

            Clannad ep17 -

            even if Nagisa that died, to whom she was everything to tomoya, after 5 years he needs to man the **** up and look after is kid! Still it was great watching them react to one another, Tomoya treating Ushio like a bother and the kid being scared by the "stranger", it was like watching to kids . I'm hoping at some point the other girls will turn.

            Bounen no Xamdou 24-26end - They lost me with the plot at the end,

            i still don't know why they have to do this "Life Balancing/Quickening" at all, and have certain characters lived for 1000 years aready(the Lady and Emperor)? What happens if the Emperor doesn't do it? Was the still born Emperor the same one as the one that did the last quickening... bah.. at least we got a good ending out of it even if it was a bit Eureka7'ish... Nakimi ended up saving the earth from at the cost of her life(kind of) but everyone else got a mostly "good end".

            Worth watching to the finish if your a fan of Eureka7, the animationis strong and the plot up until the end was decent even with a some bit leading up to it mad little sense do didn't matter inthe gran scheme of things. 7/10

            Marimite s4 ep4-5 - wooooo, i love this show, come on Touko*Yumi!!!


              Gundam 00 ep18 - decent build up to the next fight, Wang trying to be secret last level boss?. Could have Anew given Lock2n the Yoko kiss of death?? i think they've both lost their plot armour now . Also the end of the episode with them doing call out, the last 2 just just killed me dead with laughter, Setsuna regains the title of Mr.Gundam and Teira becomes Miss.Veda.


                Watched Clannad 17

                God damn Ushio is adorable. The five years thing was stretching believability a bit but it did hint that he did see her a fair bit and his in-laws had tried to get him to care for her but he couldn't see anything but Nagisa when he looked at her.

                The merging with the ending was very well done.

                Now he just needs to meet a waiter who he inadvertently helps get sacked, hire her as a nanny and fall in love. He could even hire his drunk dad as a butler!

                (I can't be the only person who thought of that when watching)

                Maria + Holic remains very entertaining although it's hard to tell how much of it is the creative directing and art and how much is the script.


                  Clannad 18: Normally I wait for ss-eclipse's version but I've been itching for this all week -

                  Just after getting over 16 this was a right kick to the emotional nuts. Kinda of feels a bit sped up in that it only appears to have taken him 2 episodes to get over Nagisa (granted it's 5 years actual time) but it was done rather well. Slightly sceptical about the whole explanation about Tomoya's father as well. But goddamn Ushio

                  Edit: Index-tan 01: These little extras scenes they add into the dvd's are awesome. Particularly liked the

                  idea that Kanzaki's VA got completely smashed at the opening party

                  Edit 2: Munto 4 - Considering this is a secondary project to Clannad, there's some amazing animation going on in this series; the fight scenes are fantastic. Really enjoying this series.
                  Last edited by Mr.Jeff; 14-02-2009, 15:47.


                    Why double post?! Why?!
                    Last edited by Mr.Jeff; 13-02-2009, 16:13.


                      Clannad A ep18 - Damn, when he picks her up from the field to the train ride home... total moment.

                      While its abit hard to shallow he'd get over what his dad did to him just after meeting his nan, i didn't mind so much as it was like him seeing himself. I don't think he's over Nagisa yet, when he tried talking about her to Ushio he broke down again


                      Rideback ep4 - great stuff, hope it continues like that.


                        Clannad 18: Pretty much mirror what others have said another touching, brilliantly done ep.

                        Ive also finally got round to watching the Kara no Kyoukai films after getting a mental nudge from Jeffs post a couple pages back. Man ive been missing out, really enjoyed them. Brilliant art, animation, and an awesome soundtrack (which im downloading atm :P). The 5th film that ive just finished watching was especially good, although im always a sucker for abit of head****. The little claymation sections at the beginning of each are also worth a mention.

                        Cant wait for the last 2 films, hopefully theyl be the same length as the 5th.


                          The 6th one isn't out till June if I remember rightly so bit of a wait and it's only an hour alas. If you can get your head round some of the more wierd stuff, they're definitely great films. Music is fantastic though.


                            Clannad 19 - Nice episode this but

                            bit kinda baffled how they managed to wrap up the dad segment by reuniting them and then similarly getting rid of him in less than 10 minutes. :unsure: Was nice to see Fuuko again. Wondered if they'd ever get round to bringing her back in some way.

                            Zoku Natsume 7 - A very good conclusion to the cliffhanger from episode 6. I like how occasionally do these stories where they show the youkai as not only reasonabley friendly but also as slightly chillingly evil. The new girl's quite nice too.

                            3rd series of this please!


                              Episode 7 is the last Zoku Natsume? Just caught up to Ep 6, quite enjoying it.


                                No, there's still more (presumably it's a 12 episode series like before) just that I want another series already.

