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    I was really dreading starting Fate Zero for some reason but I've been pleasantly surprised so far. It's amazing how much enjoyable the series is when it doesn't have Shirou in it nor any of the high school garbage. It's more like the took the Fate story and went for a feeling similar to the Kara no Kyoukai movies.


      Still not watch ep2 or 3 of F/Z, think i'll do what i did with Steinsgate and watch them in batches of 4/5 eps.

      Last Exile 2 - Its pretty much last exile with improved CGI(looks gorgeous) and spunky MC called Fam instead of reluctant hero Claus. Not sure whats going on with the plot but it is a sequel but no sign of the first shows MC's, but Dio is in and the OP credits hint at 2 more returns so it can't be set to far into the future in which the Guild seems to be gone, two major powers are duking it out (sadly no kickass riflemen so far) and sky pirates everywhere.

      Mirai Nikki - Kind of like death note, seems there will be alot of oh trying to outwit 12 people each with the ability to read 90 days into the future from there phones diary and try and kill each other to become the next God of time and space. Main feature is a crazy, crazy Yandere girl, which made me chuckle alot.

      I think thats everything watched now, quite a few shows i want to watch the next episode for. So far my dead certs list is longer than what i watched of the good/bad shows combined from last season..

      Hunter X Hunter
      Last Exile
      Gundam AGE(even if it not great so far...)
      Working 2
      Boku_Ha Tomodachi Ga Sukunai
      Shana 3
      Mirai Nikki

      Needs to improve or be dropped list
      Persona 4 - been abit dull so far
      Guilty Crown - needs more episodes to judge
      Maji de Watashi ni Koi Shinasai
      Mashiro-Iro Symphony
      C3 (improved alittle with the gory fighting)


        How many goddamn cliches does BokuTomo need?! The last couple of minutes and the preview, shove them down your damn neck. Also, the revelation at the end that Yozora

        is male lead's old childhood friend

        makes me even more dead set against her. I DESPISE characters like that. If it was possible to root for a side in an unending harem, my flag would be firmly hoisted in Meat girl's fort. Where's the next episode of Tamayura to calm me down..


          Guilty Crown ep 2 was sick!

          BokuTomo is also sick.

          I agree Persona 4 is pretty crappy though.

          Also I finally watched REDLINE the other day. Amazing audio!
          Last edited by speedlolita; 23-10-2011, 00:17.


            Guilty Crown is pretty terrible in everything but the animation and art. Its like sunrise are trying to copy Code Geass but failing to realize what made that trainwreck fun wasn't to make the lead a typical japanese teen weiner, and for a 2nd episode that ass pull at the end had me head scratching, why not just kill the enemy ace as he is clearly the a massive danger, how did know what void to pull out and what it would do. Also cringed at the enemy ace standard portrail to show that he is EVIL and should be hated..

            Also one more vote for the Meat camp O.O/


              Yeah I'll echo those sentiments about Guilty Crown. It's reminding me a lot of Dragonaut minus the obvious dragons. The severe mood swings of the ally leader are baffling. Also, calling it now that in typical fashion, wheelchair girl will start off by first hating hero-boy then after some kind of event will then have a massive crush on him.

              I'm not really sure what Un-go's meant to be about either. The stand alone episodes don't allow for much of a mystery and everything seems to be resolved with

              lol! government coverup


              \o Team Meat!
              Last edited by Mr.Jeff; 23-10-2011, 15:54.


                You guys really don't like Guilty Crown huh?

                I don't even recall a wheelchair girl. :<


                  she's the rebel mecha pilot in the test tube with the boob bounce, she in a wheelchair after the fight.

                  Sunday's a good day! new Ben-to, HunterxHunter, Shana and Fate/Z


                    It's not that I'm particularly against Guilty Crown, it's just aside from the action, it seems to be suffering a bit from excessive cliches and weird character writing.

                    Been hearig good things about Ben-to for humour though, think I'll give that a shot.


                      Humor and asome decent fighting with what you'll think is a reluctant japanese school boy weiner, but he quickly turns it around the space of first episode.


                        Oh man, just saw the first episode of Ben-to. That really should not have been enjoyable as it was based on the premise. I see why there's been a fair few good comments made about it now.


                          Tamayura - watched the second ep now, i like that they included the OVA into the TV canon instead of retelling it, ep1 -> OVA's -> ep2.

                          Sunday packed line up ended up including Last Exile, Gundam AGE(which isn't terrible is about the best thing i can say about it) and Working which is as fun as ever, just wish relationships between the characters would develop but its so damned unlikely to ever happen.


                            I've added Ben-To to my watching list. Up to 9 shows now.

                            Also added Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko to my torrent list..


                              So after blasting through the first season of Working (More enjoyable than I thought) I moved onto the more recent second series which looks like it was getting off to a good start since there was less Inami and more Yamada. But then I spot this in the karaoke lyrics:



                                Ha, lets hope thats a translation error , i like new working OP but the song is terrible compared to season1, and as i keep saying my only problem with working is the lack of relationship development.

                                Caught up with Fate/zero ep2-5, alot more enjoyable that ep1, the animation and choreography of the fight is a step above everything this season(though i still perfer ben-to to this). Still to my choice i made with F/SN innot looking up heroes till they gave there name as part of the fun of the show is guess the servants. So much better than the F/SN even if we know the outcome already.

                                Berserker showing up Giglamesh was total class and he's gotta be connected to Arthur for him to be in a total rage against her so i'll assume it was one of Arthurs enemies that held a grudge like

                                Mordred or Lancelot

                                . No idea who

                                Bluebeard is so i had to look that up along with Hassin

                                , which the later being pretty cool choice to have for a "Hero" specially after completing AC:brotherhood recently.
                                Last edited by Tobal; 30-10-2011, 19:36.

