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    Aye. Seems that some violence is bound to happen. I wonder who's gonna pilot Gaia now, by the way -- my bet is on Lunamaria.

    In other news, Bleach episode 33 is the one of the most hysterically hilarious things ever.


      Aye, Bleach 33 is good filler, slightly changed from the one panel story in each chapter as I can?t remember that cat being there and that Sporty girl and the Deathgod(moaning about the Rangers doing his job) are missing. Looks like we might get some more filler next episode?.


        I almost didn't get hold of Bleach 33 as I love the series and detested the idea of filler (I also heard some bad things about ep 33), but damn, it was **** hot. So many laugh out loud moments and Don Kanonji is an absolute joker, the series could do with him featuring like that every once in a while


          Just watch 2nd gig 21st episode, what a stormer of an episode, nasty close combat and alot of story advancing.


            Gundam Seed Destiny 32 is another corker.

            this is the first gundam show i've watched many episodes is it suppossed to be?

            because at this rate there wont be any characters left.


              If you like the Bleach/Naruto manga I'd seriously suggest reading Black Cat. It's awesome.

              Anime is being made this year as well.


                I'm getting sick and tired of the wankfests that are Trinity Blood and Tsubasa Chronicle, a/k/a respectively "OMG!! He kills VAMPIRES!! Look how BADASS he is!! One one one!!" and "Look how PURE and INNOCENT and KIND she is!! Isn't she adorable?".

                I can't believe there still is a place for freaking *Mary-Sues* in stuff that's supposed to be written by *professionals*.

                I mean, I did this too when I first started writing fiction, but I was fourteen years old when I realized how lame that was. And for ****'s sake, even then I wrote better character development than this!

                Disappointing. Extremely disappointing.


                  only watch the 1st ep of Trinty blood, stil havr ep 2-3 to watch so im not sure what to make of it. As for Tsubasa..... very average, got ep's 3-5 to watch but i can't bring myself to watch them.

                  Speed grapher, Ah!My Goddess and He's My Master are going the same way,i'm at least 2-3eps behind on each show, but i can't be bothered to watch them.


                    Speed Grapher hasn't really impressed me yet, nor has its animation quality, I just watched episode 4 and its still rather bland and unintresting. The characters are quite cool, or rather they should be cool but I just find it impossible to like them, and most of their action sequences lack any kind of intensity.

                    Anyone watched any Zettai Shounen?


                      Originally posted by Zanza
                      Anyone watched any Zettai Shounen?
                      Nope never heard of it,

                      Also you look like One Piece fan , I bet ch267 but a smile on the face on Usopp fans.


                        Is anybody else having trouble connecting to I can view the latest releases on animesuki and baka-updates, but I can't get any further than that. Seems scarywater's experiencing some technical difficulties, just when some of my most anticipated weekly releases rolled out .


                          Are any of you guys wathing Yakitate Japan or Monster?

                          My two favourite shows, both very different but both absolutely fantastic.

                          Yakitate is a comedy about making bread - sounds silly and it is, and very funny too. The end credits sequence is almost impossibly funny.

                          Monster is a very dark thriller about a serial killer in Germany in the 1990s. The story is slow and well paced, and is absolutely amazing at the moment. Best anime series I've ever seen.
                          Last edited by Kotatsu Neko; 01-06-2005, 06:39.


                            I love Yakitate, such a silly and OTT show, you can't help but like it.

                            As for Monster, the 70+ episode length made me buckle in the end and I decided to read the manga to find out what happens. And what an ending it is indeed! So far, the series has been 100% faithful to the manga so it should hopefully continue like this.


                              Wow. Destiny episode 32 was holy ****-worthy too. This show keeps getting getter and better, and gosh, is it brutal!

                              Speed Grapher ep. 7 is out too, and it's still quality. Each bad guy is creepier than the previous one: this time, it's the

                              dentist of doom

                              ! (*shudder*)


                                Yakitate is brilliant, got ep28 to watch when I get back along with school rumble ep22(wooo) and the 2nd ep of Akana Manix(sp?) after months of nothing, I can?t even remember the name of the ace anime it?s a side story to either, either way I always wanted her to win above her sister and her sisters former best friend.

                                Going to wait for Haro?s GSD to be released before I watch 32. As for monster I gave yup on it after 8th ep, I couldn?t take anymore of it slow, slow pace, even if it was quite interesting and very different to everything around it, it always took to long to get to where it was going.

