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    3 posts in a row, keep up guys

    Anyway there is a god, straight from Fox's 24 email newsletter ...

    SEASON 5 returns to FOX in January 2006 for another non-stop thrill ride.
    Thanks for watching!

    ... the non-stop season concludes. Watch a preview of the final two hours here


      Final two hours tonight - shame, I've been really enjoying this season of 24. The last few episodes in particular have been very good.


        In true 24 fashion, I'm pre-empting a twist.


          I would think thats a given mate. Its not 24 if it hasn't got a twist.

          Really looking forward to watching the final 2 episodes tomorrow.


            I've just found out what happens in the finale.

            I'll just say this : You couldn't guess it in twenty lifetimes. Season 5 is gonna be very hard to write and make it interesting and good.


              2 episodes in a row? :woot:

              A spectacularly unbelievable ending - it wouldn't be 24 without 'em!


                The penultimate episode was really good. The final ep wasn't that great, in fact a little disappointing considering the strength of the rest of the series.

                I think I would have prefered it if the missile had actually detonated - the fact that they spent 3 hours trying to find the thing (and surely Marwan would have selected a target far closer than 3 hours away considering his "mastermind genius" terrorism through the rest of the series), and the F16 picks it out in under two minutes, despite going on about how stealth it is earlier.

                The conspiracy to assasinate Jack was better, it's difficult to see how after that they can bring him back for season 5, and 24 without Jack? Hmm.

                It'll be interesting to see what happens next season.


                  Excellent series. Surely Jack will be back, but how remains to be seen. Poor Audrey and Kim!


                    Great series finale! I though for a sec that Jack was going to let the guy kill him because of what had happened with Audrey - that would have been a bold step to take. Anyway, I'm sure Jack will be back next season, perhaps as a renegade called in because he's the only one capable of saving the world, he is the main attraction after all.


                      Just watched the final 2 eps. Pretty much agree with what MartyG said.

                      As for Jack, surely he will be back in Season 5. Will be interesting to see how the writers go about constructing the season with "dead" Jack. I assume that with their promise to each other Tony and Michelle won't be back.


                        Excellent end to the season, I now await January with great anticipation. XD


                          Was a great end

                          was so predictable that it wasn't the lady and Tony walking to the car, guess there will be many new (and prehaps a few old old faces in Season 5)


                            At least we'll know there will be no "Jack Bauer" and I fully expect the Chinese thing to figure at some point in Day 5 - along with Mandy.


                            Jack, Curtis and Chloe are all confirmed for next season too.

                            Last edited by Bleeders; 25-05-2005, 10:15.


                              Very late on the 24 scene, borrowed the 1st series two week back and ****ing loved it! Watched the series in just over two days and then dreamt that I was Jack Bauer....

                              Ordered 2nd series immediately. It arrived Sat and just finished watching it now. Top stuff. Before I go and buy Season 3, can anybody tell me if the quality is as good as the first two?


                                Ahhh season 3 the one that splits opinions.
                                I personally found it started off a bit slow but gained a lotta momentum later on, my missus hated it and i had to watch the entire series alone, we were glued to season 1,2 and 4. I stuck with the early episodes and found it was very good towards the end, if i was to buy it i would be looking for Series 3 on the cheap personally.
                                Series 4 was just the tits for me though, superb stuff.

