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    Just finished Season 3 and I gotta say it was just as fantastic as the first 2. Can't wait for payday on Friday so i can buy Season 4!


      Talking of 24. They had an ace 24 / 'unknown brand energy drink' tie in advert while I was in Japan. Featured Jack Bauer in his 24 get up (headset and all) trying to get through a train carriage absolutely rammed with teenage school girls and obviously failing while shouting at them to move out the way. It was quite hilarious.


        Heads-up: three days and counting 'til Season Five.
        With "Lost" and this running concurrently, that's like TV Heaven!


          Theres a prequel available as well which stitches up the end of season 4 with the start of 5. It's included on the se4 dvd i think, but you can also dowmnload it. Enjoy!


            Removed couple of posts, we all know when 24 is "available", so no need to post guys.

            Sure it's not necessary, but polite reminder about posting spoilers correctly please. If you don't know how to spoiler text drop me a PM, cheers.


              Just watched the first episode, gotta say that is one hell of a way to start a season!!


                Jack is most definately back. Roll on tomorrow for the next 2 episodes


                  Cant belive they started the season with two double bills one day after the other, its fantastic.


                    **** yea! That's how you do a season opener!!1! XD

                    Good to have ya' back Jack!


                      Just watched the first episode, quite glad that I'd totally forgotten about the spoilers posted in the previous page of this thread as episode one was massively shocking. Love it!

                      One thing though:

                      One person survives in tact. Chloe. Why did it have to be HER???


                        Originally posted by Zanza
                        Talking of 24. They had an ace 24 / 'unknown brand energy drink' tie in advert while I was in Japan. Featured Jack Bauer in his 24 get up (headset and all) trying to get through a train carriage absolutely rammed with teenage school girls and obviously failing while shouting at them to move out the way. It was quite hilarious.
                        These ads just got linked on Metafilter, Jack Bauer was shilling Calorie Mate. There seem to have been 3 in total, the train ad was the second.

                        iFilm vids:1, 2, 3


                          Stuart Smith! I demand satisfaction, sir!
                          I won't hear a bad word said about every geek's poster-girl, Chloe ... she rules!

                          PS. Great couple of episodes, by the way ...

                          though we appear to have a new "Kim" in the shape of a stroppy lad who wears lipstick ... and am I the only one who groaned at the re-appearance of the drippy Audrey?

                          Last edited by peeveen; 16-01-2006, 21:35.


                            Superb couple of episodes!


                              The first two episodes were quite nice but it can't be a real season of 24 unless some character is attacked by a Cougar.

                              I miss Palmer already


                                It is a bit predictable, but definitely addictive TV of crack cocaine levels. I hate it when I do this as I just can't wait for the next episode to come along. Well, eps 3 & 4 didn't disappoint either although it was more than a bit weird having that

                                Hobbit from the Goonies showing up


                                Oh, and if Jack's

                                new love and her son appear again in a convoluted plot twist where they are kidnapped en route to CTU, then I'll cry. Does no-one learn from past mistakes?


                                And another thing... how the hell

                                do the Americans keep managing to employ so many bent characters and give them direct access to the president/security services? Not very bright. Again, live and learn from mistakes.

                                And finally, why has no-one mentioned in Ep 4 yet that

                                there is obvioulsy someone on the inside who ratted out Jack.

                                Is very weired that

                                Palmer is dead, especially with that ignorant twat still in the White House. And how nutso is his wife?

                                Last edited by ascender; 17-01-2006, 12:50.

