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    Is Spencer the new Nina Myers I wonder

    On one hand I hate having to wait and see if a new character is evil or not, but then on the other hand, it's great fun trying to figure out if they are or not as well.

    TV crack indeed.


      I'm so pissed off that

      they killed Michelle. Hopefully Tony will pull through though. He's cool as ****

      Stil got Episode 4 to watch. Looking forward to it hugely.



        Watching series 5 before seeing 4!

        That's like wiping your arse before you poo! It's just wrong.



          I've seen Season 4.

          I meant I've still got episode 5x04 to watch, which I have now watched.

          Unless, of course, you're addressing someone else, in which case, ignore me.


            haha whoops!

            Sorry i read your post wrong. You put episode and i read it as series


              Great follow-up episodes, a bit slower paced than the first two, but typical 24. Best thing on TV!

              Oh, and guess who's coming back...

              KIM BAUER!!11 made my day that has!


                Wow, just watched the 4 episodes there. Just fantastic! Cant wait to see how it all pans out now!


                  I just thought of something really strange. The whole show is supposed to be over 24 hours- right? Like EVERY minute of the day?

                  When the **** do you ever see Jack Bauer take a piss?! Or any other member of the cast go for a ****?



                    When the camera is off them... Jack can't go under pressure; he just can't handle it.


                      Originally posted by MrKirov
                      I just thought of something really strange. The whole show is supposed to be over 24 hours- right? Like EVERY minute of the day?

                      When the **** do you ever see Jack Bauer take a piss?! Or any other member of the cast go for a ****?

                      In one of the previous seasons (I think it was 3) you see Kim go into the bathroom, Michelle is in there as well just finishing up...


                        that's sad you remember that, plus he has the longest lasting phone battery ever


                          Originally posted by DavidHolliss
                          that's sad you remember that, plus he has the longest lasting phone battery ever
                          Shaddup! hehe.

                          I remember because just before season 3 aired there was a big thing about it. "Why don't they ever evacuate themselves? Why do they never piss?" and then in the following season they did.

                          Dunno about longest lasting, remember it's only 24 hours and my can take some punishment in that time too

                          The things that annoy me are the "moles". Every single season it happens whether its at CTU or the White house, it's so so so infuriating.

                          Having read detailed spoilers of the next few episodes, it's gonna be rather annoying for the people who don't know whats coming...

                          My wife goes hot/cold with 24 but she's liking this season so far, but it did annoy her when

                          the first lady was chloroformed, we actually thought she might just get it to the president safely, do they have no ****ing cameras anywhere?

                          her exact words were "That isn't neccessary" and I know what she means, sometimes they purposefully drag the storyline out to the point where it is pure frustration incarnate.


                            A friend just told me that he thought the guy who has been giving all the terrorists their orders in the new season reminded him of:

                            The last episode in season 2, where two guys are talking one on a boat the other in a restaurant or something, and it was never followed up. Anyone got the episode to check if its the same guy? I must say he did seem familiar.


                              Ohhh thats a possibility!


                                That was max, and it isn't him... (Unless he's behind the guy behind the guy, and we've not seen his "reveal" yet).

                                It's a real nasty twist actually but I shan't spoil it.

