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    Think it was suggested that the first hour won't be in real-time, but the second hour will be.


      Ah that could be quite a cool and interesting way to do it! Hopefully we'll get some details soon.


        Jonathon Ross (with Keifer and other (non-24) guests) is on BBC1 tonight at 10.35


          Originally posted by DavidHolliss
          Jonathon Ross (with Keifer and other (non-24) guests) is on BBC1 tonight at 10.35
          bit of a plot spoiler by Keifer last night

          looking at the Sky1 show they are onto the episode where you find out Audrey's motel meeting with one of the presidents aid's who

          hangs himself - yeah right

          when Jonathon as talking to him he mentioned that he thought 5 was great and the fact there was

          corrupt president

          made it good

          now to the guys who download - its not great news, but those who watch it on Sky1
          Last edited by buster_broon; 06-05-2006, 07:52.


            Yeah I think that was pretty terrible! I'd be so pissed off if I hadn't seen any of S5. They introduced him by showing

            him shooting hendersons wife -

            which was a pretty shocking and suprising moment.

            And the thing about the

            corrupt president

            Maybe Keifer did not realise that normal people (not downloading) are a 4 or 5 eps behind.

            I think what will happen is a lot of people won't realise what he just said, but when the episode comes they will be like "oh crap, i knew that was gonna happen" even though theres nothing in preceeding 17 episodes that could let you know!

            Interesting that they dont' plan the series in advance, i think series 3 suffers from writing as they went along the most. But S4 too.


              New ep out today one your favorite channel. Anyone else a little excited about it?

              Dunno why but i am, with it being 21 im pretty much expecting summit big to happen!

              Sadley i cant watch it until after work! sigh!


                Just seen episode 15 and it was really stupid!

                Gas in the pipes, blow it all up! Why not just raise the pressure again? It only had to go up 1 % to become inert...

                Last edited by MartyG; 09-05-2006, 09:43.


                  Ep 21:

                  A wee bit predictable, but enjoyable all the same. The actor who is the pres keeps out-doing himself.


                    Epi 21:

                    What was that red thing that Miles waved over the recording at the end? Seemed like some sort of interferring device, to destroy the evidence. Will be interesting to see where it goes now the evidence has been destroyed



                      Looked like some kind of laser or magnetic device, he certainly seemed intent on destroying the recording. If they haven't made a back up why not? And Miles, get ready for a kicking Bauer style. Even if that's destroyed, he made a call via the Whitehouse phones, not the Presi's mobile, they get recorded and transcribed remember ( as we learnt in the first couple of eps )

                      Last edited by MartyG; 09-05-2006, 20:05.


                        ep 21

                        I really hope jack kicks the **** out miles he so deserves it. For me the only way they can get logan now is Bierko as he knows logan sold out the russian pres. Good ep setting up the ending nicely and is anyone really suprised heller is alive. Also the trailer for next weeks episode looks great.


                          Episode 21:

                          Having the phone ring just a second before Logan blows his brains out? Low blow, writers. Somebody needs to drop Jack in a place filled with bad people, so he can unleash a world of pain.


                            Ep 21:

                            I was wondering if the guy who looks like John Malkovich had actually destroyed the receording when he waved his thing over it. I'm guessing he has and that it won't take long for Jack and the blonde bird who looks like Helen Mirren to suss out what he's done. I'm sure his call to the Pres won't be found, that would be far too easy. Even if Julian Sands does cough up and implicates the Pres, I can't see that standing up as evidence on its own. Maybe Jack will go and have to interrogate the Pres in person?!

                            There's always the option that they made a backup of the recording as Helen Mirren must be suspicious about him after the reaction to letting him in on the secret.

                            The only thing that annoys me about 24 is this sort of thing where they just take it that wee step beyond suspending your disbelief. Of course they would have made a backup in some way by now, even if it was just Jack playing the recording to someone down a phone.


                              I but remember

                              Mike knows that logan sold out the russian pres as does his wife and Agent Pierce if he's still alive. So there still other options in that regard but your right they could have copied the recording



                                But surely a copy wouldn't stand up in court as evidence due to possibility of someone tampering with the recording etc. And why did Jack want Chloe to "tidy up" the recording ? there was nothing wrong with it...

                                Last edited by VR46; 10-05-2006, 11:52.

