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    There's a difference between blocking when in front (allowed to do it once in a manoeuvre) and barging when side by side. The way I saw it, Alonso clearly changed his line when he clocked Hamilton on his left and pushed him wide intentionally.


      In reality Hamilton is probably a little peeved that Alonso out-braved him into Eau Rouge, where Hamilton lifted slightly when they were side by side.

      Alonso's swerve was clear, but I feel that aggressive driving is something that has gone by the wayside in recent years and it was actually refreshing to see the FIA not take some stupid action against Alonso for it. You could maybe call it dangerous, but I find it exciting to see two drivers battle it out like that.

      My only worry is that considering how inconsistant the Stewards and the FIA have been with decisions this season, if Lewis does the same thing to Alonso or one of the Ferrari drivers and they don't move out the way, will he be punished?

      Its all very well allowing aggressive driving, but they have to be consistant in allowing it or they could ruin the World Championship fight.


        Hardly surprising, but apparently Alonso and Ron Dennis haven't spoken to each other for ages, and its all through Alonso's will.

        I like Alonso as a driver, but he is being a complete idiot over this whole affair. A five year old child would have more maturity than he is currently showing. Being described as a recluse is hardly a ringing endorsement as a team player. This is something you could never have seen Schumacher or Senna do. They realised that part of the modern F1 game involves motivating the rest of the team, geeing them up when things get tough.

        Apparently he refused to attend the hearing even though he was asked, whereas Hamilton did. I think Hamilton is slightly cocky sometimes, but then I guess I might be too if I had just turned up at a GP and been equally as fast as a two times champion. In the long run, the McLaren team will only become closer to Hamilton and more distant to Alonso, so Alonso's behaviour is only making his perception of the team being pro-Hamilton even worse in reality.

        Looking at this current situation, unless Alonso backtracks and does it super quick, there is no way he will be at McLaren next year, and he may be affecting his F1 success in the next year or so if he is forced to go to a team like BMW Sauber or Renault.


          I can't see him staying at McLaren, like you say BMW or Renault are his only real ways out though. Though Toyota maybe ? be interesting over coming weeks as the seats rapidly start to fill up for next season ....


            I thought BMW had already confirmed Heidfeld and Kubica for next year?

            That only really leaves Alonso with Renault, Toyota or Williams, unless Mclaren decide to use him as bait to attract a driver away from one of the other teams.


              It's obvious that he no longer cares about the team. You can see that from the way he didn't run close to the pitwall in Monza or Spa. The way he also failed to thank the team after his win in Monza was evidence enough of his displeasure. The WCC fight is over so he will do what he has to do and most likely ignore team orders in regards to the WDC. I think he will do it as long as there is no manipulation. The FIA have his back so Mclaren had better play fair or they will find themselves back in Paris.


                They could just bench Alonso under contract for next year dont forget!


                  Do remember that McL's main sponsor is Santander who just happen to be Spanish and are in reality nandos sponsor, not Mcl's. If it wasn't for sponsorship I really do think that nando would be on the bench already.

                  I'm sure Ron is actively looking for next years sponsor already (no problem with a name like Hamilton on board) and next year nando will be in a mid field team. At this point I'd be VERY surprised if he races for McL next season.

                  There has been some talk of JB joining McL but I can't see it as he recently signed up for Honda again, stranger things have happened with him though eh!


                    I doubt Santander will want to pull out even if Alonso does leave. They lucked out with the Hamilton success because it has allowed them to push Abbey forward a lot more in the UK, and made their sponsership of the British Grand Prix look like a complete masterstroke.

                    Of course, it would be at reduced terms though.

                    I get the feeling Rosberg is probably ahead of Button in Mclaren's plans, although Ron does like experienced drivers, so maybe he'll get DC back


                      Hehe this is something our family said at weekend when they mentioned Button, we just said yea have him we will pay for you to have him Just find him overated he is terrible at overtaking and for me did himself no favours firstly trying to crap on Honda then going against Frank to go back. As a Ferrari fan Id love em to have him instead of Alonso then we can sit back with a nice number 1 on our car next year :P


                        Rosberg would please Merc. It's up to Frank. How much cash will he hold out for.


                          That's a very good point about Abbey, it wont be enough money for Ron though so they'll need others as well.

                          Rosberg is under contract aswell already so whatever happens it will be very messy! I'd love to see JB there tbh to see if he really does have what it takes. Personally I think he's shown in the past that he is more than capable of overtaking too.


                            Fantastic news about next years F1 Calender. Valencia on the 24th August. I reckon I will deffo be going to that.


                              I would really like to see button in the McLaren also, give the lad a chance in a decent car and see how he fairs.

                              I expect Alonso to leave at the end of the season also for what it's worth.

                              Remember Hamilton (alledgedly) is "only" on £500,000 for this year, can't see him settling for that next season


                                Originally posted by DavidHolliss View Post
                                Remember Hamilton (alledgedly) is "only" on ?500,000 for this year, can't see him settling for that next season
                                He may not have a choice if he's contracted though. Can't feel too sorry for him, sure he's raking in millions in sponsorship already!

