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Official F1/Motorsport thread

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    ITV is trying to make F1 mainstream rather than a minority interest sport.
    Some moan about commercials but in th Beeb's final year in '96, they were the only broadcaster not to include ads in the broadcast. Strangely it was only during their final year that they started to treat F1 properly with live qualy, etc.
    For the BBC to get it back, they would have to out bid, ITV,C4,Channel 5, etc. Can they afford it?

    Just be thankful that Murdoch hasnt been able to get his dirty hands on it, and bought the rights outright, forcing every fan to get SKY.
    Last edited by Richard.John; 26-04-2005, 10:53.


      Originally posted by Yoraths mullet
      I was annoyed like everyone else with the ads on Sundays race but I don't understand why ITV's entire coverage is getting slated. It is loads better then when the BBC had the rights, all we had then was the race itself. I really enjoy it when they focus on one team and actually have some of their men talking to us while the race is on.
      I once watched the coverage on the F1 channel thing on Sky and it was ****, no passion.

      Aye but you're a DC fan, so obviously very easily pleased

      The multi channel affair that SKY did for one season was excellent. Of course it's a personal preference, but I don't need an idiot like James Allen slavering down his mic to enjoy an F1 race

      Granted, the BBC coverage wasn't that great, but at least they took their own cameras to the races. It also pays to remember that part of ITV winning the rights was that qualification had to be shown live, so we would have had qualification regradless of who won the bid.

      ITV's presentation is poor, and I have always held that opinion, not just because of this latest farce.


        Fair play, apart from the DC comment!
        I think the ITV team clearly has a good relationship with the F1 teams, that interview with Paul Stoddart was ace, nice Benson and Hedges product placement as well.


          Originally posted by don_caballero
          The press conference was a lot of ****....Alonso won fair and square and deserved a lot more congratulations for a stunning drive, the interviewer was more interested in sucking the arse of Schumi, Schumachers statement was an overblown lot of self congratulatory nonsence, it sounded like an oscars acceptance speech, His overtaking of Button was super impresive however.

          and to top it of they cut of Button.
          Lot of **** from the TV, Race was awesome.
          This Schumacher hate must stop now !!!!!!!

          He cant help winnning and everyone loves the under-dog but give repect where respect is due !!!!


            His move on JB was incredible. JB was in traffic but MS commited, and made it stick. Jenson hardly did himself any favours looking like a wimp.


              Originally posted by Peanuts
              ITV is trying to make F1 mainstream rather than a minority interest sport.
              Some moan about commercials but in th Beeb's final year in '96, they were the only broadcaster not to include ads in the broadcast. Strangely it was only during their final year that they started to treat F1 properly with live qualy, etc.
              For the BBC to get it back, they would have to out bid, ITV,C4,Channel 5, etc. Can they afford it?

              Just be thankful that Murdoch hasnt been able to get his dirty hands on it, and bought the rights outright, forcing every fan to get SKY.
              It wont go to Sky, Bernie wouldnt have it, no sponsors would come into F1 if it wasnt getting terrestrial broadcasting!


                Which means those in the UK should be thankful that they even get a terrestrial F1 service. ITV coverage is not perfect (James Allen! Bring back Murray), but it is the best you are going to get until someone outbids them for the next rights contract.

                Here in Japan, we are treated to the Takuma and Toyota show and it is always shown pre-recorded at around 11pm, so I wish that I could watch ITV once again.The grass is is always greener .....

                11 years ago today, we lost the greatest of his generation, arguably any generation. A.S forever.  
                Last edited by Richard.John; 01-05-2005, 10:15.


                  BAR go to court today and should know their fate tomorrow afternoon:


                  F1 Racing

                  That little bit of reading indicates it's all become quite serious with the likely outcome being at least Buttons race result stripped if found guilty (and Sato investigated too) but the possibility seems to be there to throw them out of the championship all together.

                  Maybe it'll all blow over but I'm expecting the points to be taken away really, seems quite clear cut that they broke the weight rule wether thay had fule in it or not.


                    probly a small fine and jensons podium taken away, cant see the two blue chip companies who own the team letting them cheat in such a way, reflects way too badly on them


                      Just heard; BAR stripped of their last result plus two race ban. Couldve been worse i suppose.

                      Who did i hear was possibly being investigated regarding claims their race car had an extra fuel tank? Mebe i was dreaming....


                        Part of the same thing, I don't really understand the secondary fuel tank thing tbh but it was inside the main fuel tank and something to do with using fuel as ballast.

                        2 Races is fair enough I suppose but BAR already said they would appeal it if found guilty so I might even expect to see them race while the decision is fought over. Expect more today and tomorrow on that front.

                        Who will James Allen cream all over now?


                          This clears it up a bit:

                          Basically they fuel the car more at the end so it is heavy after the race but during the race it can run lighter by being down to the dregs in the second tank, or something like that.


                            fair enough penalty, still all a bit dubious about these extra fuel tank(s) for "pressurising the fuel" or whatever BAR call it, all sounds a bit suspicious.

                            What's the difference between BAR and a tooth pick ? ..... a toothpick has two points - the old ones are the best


                              Quote from that BBC report, makes me think there was a lot of scheming going on and that they were actually quite lucky not to be found guilty of fraud!!

                              FIA president Max Mosley said: "The facts in this case are very clear.

                              "The team was asked to pump the fuel out of their car. They left 15 litres in the tank and told us it was empty.

                              "Under the circumstances, we feel they have been treated rather leniently."

                              Not a good start for deFerran anyway, bet it was all his doing


                                They were very very very lucky. Toyota were completely thrown out of the WRC for a season for cheating, albeit in a slightly more advantageous way (an ingenious bypass machined into the turbo boost limiter).

                                Something that retained fuel, and thus weight, that wasn`t disclosed until discovered by the scrutineers is blatant cheating no matter how its worded.

