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    It is mate, and we have another one next in Monaco. Hopefully it will rain, the race is usually brilliant when it rains.


      I can't see more than about 10 finishers so a good chance for the lesser teams to grab some points, it'll be good come rain or shine


        Why do you see so few finishers David? Reliability has been pretty good this year and not many crashes either. I reckon it'll be a decent field that finishes, Monaco's not hard on tyres either is it?

        Barca was a bit dull I thought but nice to see Kimi storming away from the rest. Nice track to play in games but all the fast corners do make it hard to overtake especially when all the cars seem pretty even now.

        Looks like BAR may be up in front of a judge again for bringing the sport into disrepute Good work guys, keep it up and you wont race again this season.


          Monaco always sees a metric shedload of retirees, though. It's particularly hard on gearboxes, which means keeping an eye on Ferrari is going to be 'interesting' for a start, given their problems earlier in the year.


            The end of F1 as we know it?

            Story out today that Bernie may be going to work for the FIA.

            That would mean giving up his stake in F1 the company and major changes.


              sounds a real possibilty, Bernie's "run" has to come to an end at somepoint so why not bow out gracefully ?

              Agent L, I based my prediction on few finishers really on; previous history, the amount of people on the same engine for a second race and lack of BAR participation.

              Should be a good race whatever, gonna be so annoying not seeing Quali 2 live, bound to be some great action in both Qualifying sessions.


                Sunday qualifying to be abolished, thank fook.

                PS. look at this "Monza" laptop


                  good news indeed, wish they'd settle on something though and stop changing round.

                  can't look at the laptop cos i'm on my pda and pictures cost money! will when i'm back at work.

                  Fingers crossed for a good race.


                    Well I was enjoying it until DC was once again cruelly taken out of the race. It was no-ones fault but I was well and trully gutted. I didn't stop sulking until the last 15 or so laps when it got exciting again. I also thouygh Jenson was a welcome addition to the commentry box, although I got the impression he isn't Webber's biggest fan.


                      Yeah, was unfair for DC. But that's the nature of Formula 1. I liked the Storm Troopers as mechanics, or mechanics as Storm Troopers. The Renault/Alonso strategy certainly wasn't there today. Which was unfortunate cos the car looked good, and I expect they could've had a comfortable 2nd position. Roll on next weekend - I like this business of two races in a fortnight.

                      Will it be too much of a good thing thou? The two week break between most races is usually just right.


                        I neither like or dislike MS, but Rubens has made a comment to the press about his anger at Michael's move on him on the last lap. Interestingly, I cannot recall an example were Rubens has been openly critical of his team mate. Is this the first sign that the Ferrari dream team is falling apart under the pressure of bad results?


                          I think it is safe to say that Rubens won't get his contract renewed at Ferrari, and he has been a bit off the pace this year (even taking into account Ferrari's issues)

                          I expect Rubens will start to be ever so slighly more critical over the coming months.


                            I always assumed that when MS goes, so will Rubens. Changing of the guard as such.
                            That is the one thing about MS that always makes me question his greatness. He has never had to fight his teamate for the WDC. If you had put FA or KR in the sister Ferrari, I am sure things would have been different.


                              Originally posted by Yoraths mullet
                              Well I was enjoying it until DC was once again cruelly taken out of the race. It was no-ones fault but I was well and trully gutted. I didn't stop sulking until the last 15 or so laps when it got exciting again. I also thouygh Jenson was a welcome addition to the commentry box, although I got the impression he isn't Webber's biggest fan.
                              DC is Mr unlucky, glad to see Montoya was placed at back of grid for the start, I'm not a big Webber fan either, and the Williams is so slow off the start line it's embarressing. Ferrari's were only saved from being lapped by the safety car, woefully off the pace. Still, busy time for F1 ;7 races over the next 10 weekends I believe

                              Get the feeling Jenson is the "Lineker of F1" ie. he's got his head screwed on and will jump into a commentating role once his racing career is over - bit of a premature assumption considering he has 10+ years left (hopefully) but he was good behind the mic.

                              Oh and Agent L, I was well wrong about number of retirements.


                                That race was BORING, until the last 20-25 laps then wow, really exciting to see that kind of agression round Monaco. Loved Trullis Banzai move round Lowes but very embaressing for him to pit only to find nothing wrong and then finish the race no problems except being out of the points and a lap down

                                JV did himself no favours there either, I would kill him for that if I was Mr Sauber, he'll be driving for Irvine/Midland/Jordan/Yellow team next year at best I fear.

                                The mighty Renaults faultered for the first time too. Rear tires were knackered by half distance, strange as no other Michelin runners seemed to have the same problem, Fisi got stuffed too getting taken by all those cars in 2/3 corners too, very poor, surely he could have parked in the middle of the track and only lost 1 maybe 2 places? The car did look pretty undriveable though.

                                Interesting to hear about Barichello too, I thought he would have been angry about being taken on the last lap. Made for an exciting finish though, closest 3 cars ever?

                                6 Ralf Schumacher Toyota +37.1 secs
                                7 Michael Schumacher Ferrari +37.2 secs
                                8 Rubens Barrichello Ferrari +37.5 secs

                                David, I was just gonna comment about all the finishers too 14 out of 18 is pretty good going eh. And that laptop you linked to is great.

