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Official F1/Motorsport thread

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    They mean a game based on the 2007 drivers/teams etc.


      I heard this a few days ago, i'm hoping Microsoft will slap a cheque down on the table and give it to one of their in ouse dev's to sart making a brilliant 360 F1 game.


        That would be good, but Bernie is being a greedy git by the sounds of it.


          Micromachines + F1.

          That is all I want.


            Did anyone watch the GP2 coverage on ITV4? I had it recorded and only got round to watching it this morning. Both were quite interesting and eventful races but am the only one bothered by that tool of a presenter (Charlie Webster, I think..?); she has this really weird habit which is hard to describe, she sort of half-shouts when she talks and seems to just create a really uncomfortable atmosphere managing to whip up many an awkward silence.


              Great race from Rossi on Sunday, really closes up the Championship nicely.

              See one of the (800cc) bikes hit 215mph on the long back straight - sure it was a BBC page I read that on.

              Roll on the F1 this weekend


                No Super Aguri though, confirmed


                  Didn't realise that had been announced this morining.

                  Feel a bit gutted for Davidson, can't see him getting a drive next year easily, same with Sato.


                    Bummer, what a shame.


                      Has Davidson ever done much to deserve a drive though? I can't remember him consistently outperforming a team mate or anything like that.


                        I think it was mainly just because he was quick as Honda's test driver. Without looking at stats, my impression has been that he and Sato have been pretty even.


                          Turkish Grand Prix on ITV

                          Live qualifying
                          Saturday 10 May 1110-1330 ITV1

                          Qualifying highlights Sunday 11 May 1030-1130 ITV4

                          Live race Sunday 11 May 1210-1500 ITV1

                          Highlights Sunday 11 May 2350-0050 ITV1

                          Highlights re-run Monday 12 May 1800-1900 ITV4

                          Live GP2 action on ITV

                          Live feature race Saturday 10 May 1330-1540 ITV4

                          Live sprint race Sunday 11 May 0925-1030 ITV4

                          Due to super Aguri going tits up only 5 cars will be removed for each of the first two qually sessions.


                            Looking good again for Ferarri, top of the timesheets in practice yesterday although Lewis was close in
                            the second session. Hope Kimi can extend his lead this weekend.

                            At least none of the Ferarri drivers made embarrassing public relations appearances during the week. Tee hee.


                              Originally posted by StuM82 View Post
                              At least none of the Ferarri drivers made embarrassing public relations appearances during the week. Tee hee.
                              Huh? Do tell.

                              Kimi has had some gearbox problems but it does indeed look like it'll be another red weekend.


                                Think the McLaren's will be close than in the last race though. Qualifying should be very interesting.

