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    Originally posted by DavidHolliss View Post
    It's a newish name for Gypo basically, bet your life there's a page dedicated to it on Wikipedia.

    Apparently the phrase is quite popular around Heathrow Airport.


      Originally posted by Richard.John View Post
      Somebody should remind him that they stopped BECAUSE of the red light. A little humble pie wouldn't go a miss I reckon.
      Yeah, he's being a right pikey tosser about the whole incident TBH. If he'd just held his hands up and said 100% my fault all would have been forgotten by now!


        I am usually a bit of a lewis fan but I can't beleive he has not admitted responsibility for sundays accident (whats the big deal all he had to say was that he was in a hurry to get out and did not see the red light, and not the blameless twaddle he came out with).


          Yeah he isn't doing himself any favours, and it isn't a given that a race driver has to be so arrogant to succeed.


            You speak the truth Alastair.

            He is coming across as supremely arrogant. Of course you need to be in his position but its not helping in the PR department. It shows his immaturity actually particularly with the we are unstoppable BS.
            Last edited by Richard.John; 11-06-2008, 03:03.


              Hamilton moaning his penalty is too harsh

              So the fact the other two cars spotted the red light and managed to stop means nothing and he thinks he should be able to "fly" out of the pits when the safety car and following cars crawl by ?!? as others have said he's doing himself no favours of late.


                Hmm he should just own up and say "it was my fault, I didn't see it" and get it over with. That's what you're supposed to do, and even me as a huge LH fanboy see's that!

                ALTHOUGH, I think it's down to the team to help you as much as possible with that kind of thing, how often is the red light going to be on in the pit they will be in the habit of barely glancing at it as they drive by at 50mph so the team should have told him 100%, "the red light is on, STOP!!"


                  To be fair to Mclaren they did tell Lewis to watch out for it, but I think he had the red mist down after a slow stop and was too busy ranting at this team to react to the situation with the red light and stopped cars.

                  Rosberg was just as bad to be fair, but at least he has held his hands up and said it was his own fault and he deserves the ten place penalty he will incur at Magny-Cours - Got a lot of class has Rosberg.

                  On to more sobering news, I was sad to read that Ove Andersson has been killed while competing in a vintage trial (pre-1960 motors) Andersson seemed like a nice fellow, and was team leader when the Toyota team entered F1 - I am sure he will be greatly missed.


                    Has anyone seen this shot lol

                    Isnt that the same gopher from indy 4? That rascals getting everywhere lately, good agent.


                      We really need a STOP at the red light gif for Lewis. There must be one floating about on the net by now. In other news, car related, my 2009 model Mazda RX-8 will be delivered on Sunday. Excited and nervous at the same time. My Canon DSLR will have a reason to exist now.
                      Last edited by Richard.John; 12-06-2008, 02:29.


                        I love the RX-8, my and our lass would both like Mazda's. She wants an MX-5 and I want the RX-8.


                          I've driven the lower powered RX-8 and it's good fun. My cousin owns one and would offer these handy tips:
                          1. remember to REALLY slow down for sleeping policemen and speed humps. Very easy to scrape the exhaust.
                          2. Let your lass get out the car before parking in multi storey car parks. Have seen the length of those doors?
                          3. Check the oil. It will use more than a conventional engine.
                          4. Enjoy the sweet sound of the engine and laugh as the rev counter keeps going!


                            So Lewis didnt admit to it (he should of) but its no biggie. I mean its not like he took/tried to take out an opposition driver like a certain 7 times world champion to win the championship on the last race of the season. Half the time drivers don't admit to mistakes , a lot of people in accidents when they tell you what happened dont admit it was their fault.

                            People have short memories in this world.

                            The guy is British in a half British/German car but yet im sure a lot of people here have their italian merchandise packed up ready to be brought out for the British GP. Do you also support foreign teams when a home country plays football?

                            Moan over



                              Originally posted by bwi View Post
                              Moan over
                              rah, that really was a moan too wasn't it!

                              I don't/didn't like Schu for the same reasons as I'm going off Hamilton. Belief in your own skills is one thing and is to be commended, that bordering on arrogance is fine. Being plane arrogant regarding crashes and incidents that are clearly your fault is not fine. Why clearly lie when it would be better for all involved to just hold your hands up. With Schu he couldn't as it would be obvious then (not that it wasn't already) that he was doing these things purely for his own gain. There's nothing wrong with holding up you hands to an honest mistake though.

                              I'd rather Hamilton won than one of the non-British drivers but I'd rather Jenson or DC won rather than Hamilton to be honest. Hamilton's a great driver and a joy to watch but his bravado and big head spoils it for me.


                                Aaaaah, Patriotism. What a load of rubbish.

                                I would prefer see any driver win but Hamilton, and Mclaren have always been my favourite team! I marked out hard when Kubica won - that guy has bags of skill and I said last season that he will be racing for Ferrari or Mclaren within 3 years. Hopefully BMW will reach the next step and he won't have to leave there. Kimi is also a guy I love to see win, even though he doesnt seem to care about his team as long as they are giving him fat wads of dough.

                                I was also the only person supporting Mayweather in the Hatton fight. Guess I just likes who I like, regardless of nationality!

