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Official F1/Motorsport thread

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    It's never going to be exciting watching it being used strategically when not around other cars. If all cars had it, when it came to an overtaking opportunity then you know that one car will use it to try and overtake while the other car will use it to stop them getting passed and it's a stalemate. The way it is now, the cars that have KERS can get in the mix with faster cars.


      Yeah but if those cars happen to be a Mclaren/Ferrari who have little hope of podiums let alone winning races, then it fast descends into a joke.

      As was proved when Vettel was totally compromised by Massa for an entire race - That was farcical and is unhealthy for F1.


        Dull race today, it's not just that Button has the best car it's that he is making no mistakes and driving like a champion. The other drivers need to step up if you ask me.


          To the guys that are going to Silverstone... are you all getting there at silly o'clock?


            Originally posted by Yoraths mullet View Post
            Dull race today, it's not just that Button has the best car it's that he is making no mistakes and driving like a champion. The other drivers need to step up if you ask me.
            Not a lot the other drivers can do, when someone has the fastest car and isn't slipping up, you've exactly zero options. Button's getting in front and staying in front. I believe that his car is significantly faster than the others to the extent where he isn't getting the pressure that forces mistakes.


              Originally posted by Yoraths mullet View Post
              Dull race today, it's not just that Button has the best car it's that he is making no mistakes and driving like a champion. The other drivers need to step up if you ask me.
              yeah, Martin Brundle was right on that one.

              I agree though. His dominance is becoming a bore for the sport, but I don't really mind untill he's won at least one championship. Like DC said, when it's your own country man winning, it's not so boring.


                Originally posted by ChrisField View Post
                To the guys that are going to Silverstone... are you all getting there at silly o'clock?
                Getting there Thursday afternoon/evening and staying at the campsite opposite the entrance to the circuit.


                  Originally posted by abigsmurf View Post
                  Not a lot the other drivers can do, when someone has the fastest car and isn't slipping up, you've exactly zero options. Button's getting in front and staying in front. I believe that his car is significantly faster than the others to the extent where he isn't getting the pressure that forces mistakes.
                  To be fair, he seems to do a lot of work over the weekend in the run-up to the race. There have been a few rounds now where he comes to the track and struggles at the first practice but then manages to develop the winning setup.


                    Vettel had pole and lead for only 9 corners, then made a mistake. Other teams have made errors in their strategy, thus allowing Button an easier ride.

                    I agree that he has the better car, but it is more or less the same car as Ruebens and look at him.


                      JB is making the most of his chance. Flawless driving in a flawless car. He deserves his success.


                        I totally agree with that. Button is doing as well as he can, and he is a great person.

                        KERS is gone. Fantastic, and get up yer

                        I'm going to back Barrichello for the British GP. I was there at Silverstone when he won that fabulous GP in 2003 (the battle with Raikkkonen and him going off after Bridge) and really hope he can get his season back on track.


                          I'd like to see someone other than Brawn GP win at Silverstone. Maybe a Red Bull?

                          Good to see KERS getting scrapped. It prevents overtaking and it's green credentials are pointless considering the sport it is used in.


                            Another pleased to see KERS going, seems the teams that have adopted the system this year have seen their overall performance really take a tumble, Ferrari, McLaren etc etc


                              now, something totally different.... but bloody amazing ! sitback, watch and enjoy !

                              ****ING AWESOME !!

                              He has some unbelievable car control !!


                                Imagine being sat in that car. You would need to pay for a in-car valet afterwards thats for sure. Incredible.

