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Official F1/Motorsport thread

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    I've loved what I've seen of Le Mans today but I have to go to bed now!


      Originally posted by Roddie View Post
      This should help you then:

      Speaking of the different classes, I remember in GRiD, I used to love cutting the first corner in a GT car and then blocking the Prototype cars for the next half-hour
      The times don't display on an Itouch.


        Get a real phone


          A PC would do, but I can't be bothered to load it up now.

          Besides, my Itouch isn't trying to be a phone.


            Just to give you an idea then:


              Shame to see the Aston not doing too well in any class at the moment then.


                Don't think anyone expected them to be doing as well as 5th in the LMP1 class. Be interesting to see if they can hold off the #7 Peugeot.


                  I obviously have too higher expectations of them. The Lola Aston's chassis and Gulf livery looks beautiful, as does the Pegeout's body shape.


                    Sniff Petrol were doing Twitter updates from the circuit but I think they must've fallen asleep since they've said nothing for the last six hours...

                    I need to head out for a pit-stop myself soon; need to fill the car up for a trip tomorrow. Should probably also head to bed sooner rather than later.

                    Not sure what to do about tomorrow since the MotoGP will clash with the last couple of hours of Le Mans and then I need to be at the cinema for 17:00.


                      Well, I'm finished too. I keep drifting off to sleep, so i'm going to bed now and hopefully catch the early morning racing tomorrow, or today now.



                        [See you in here tomorrow]


                          I have returned 9 hours later!

                          Lots of retirements seem to be happening, but I'm not suprised as it's amazing how cars can race flat out for 24 hours, and you'd expect some part of the car to give up. Especially the gearboxes and clutches what with all the aggressive shifting they do for 24hrs.


                            Was gutted when I woke up this morning and saw Peugeot were still 1-2! Great comment from Sniff Petrol on their Twitter:

                            "With Peugeot currently 1 & 2 surprised the ACO haven't suddenly announced this is now the Le Mans 21 Hour race."


                              Is it Pegeout or Audi that have dominated Le mans for the last few years?

                              Whoever it is I'm glad that the Lola Aston is enchroaching on their territory after the sucess the Astons have had in other classes. I also apreciate their ethos of refusing to use a diesel engine. It's obvious the cars with those engines are winning in the LMP1, but the fact that The Lola's normal petrol engine is working for them and giving good results is brilliant. Also the sound for the spectators - and drivers i'm sure - for the Lola's engine is so much more exciting and loud than the pathetic sounding diesel engines.


                                as far as i know Audi's R8 and R10 have dominated Les Mans P1 for many years now. glad to see Peugeot could come so close this year.

                                someone else going to play 24h Les Mans on Dreamcast afterwards?

