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    Better get some gore-tex trail shoes then!


      Originally posted by Paradigm View Post
      When I was running this morning I was thinking "I can do this - and I can't wait to post about it"!

      Very fast time, Rossco. When I'm doing it in the gym I tend to average around 2:20 for 500m, so if I went really at it I reckon I could get to 8:30 but it'd take some real training to get significantly better. It's a cracking time.
      Yeah, thats what I was thinking when I got that rowing time too! I love seeing what others are doing and how I compare with them.

      I really wanna see more people with 2000m times to see how good I am compared to everyone! I just make sure I have my 500m average under 2:00 the whole time and know that for the last minute I can just hammer it at lightning speed to make up extra valuable seconds. At one point I almost gave up today too but my mate was shouting in my ear the whole time making me go, that really helps!!

      I really hope I can get the time down from 7:43 to 7:30 by the summer. Would be most excellent.


        Just done about 4 miles in one blast (my 5 milers were in two parts). Last mile was hard work but I was going easily up until mile 2. Unfortunately then I hit the river with all the sexy ladies and felt compelled to overtake them. Which made it desperately hard towards the end.

        Damn my libido.

        Probably take tomorrow as a rest day and hit the gym on Wednesday.


          Sorry Ish diet went to **** over the weekend. Huge carvery, pizza, that kind of thing

          Benched 2 sets 4x100 today, not too pleased with that either. Basically, having a bad time.

          Oh and someone new to the gym asked if I workout! ****!


            Oh no! Come on Chain! The devil pizza must be resisted! (except on Friday night )

            Diet wise I'm doing quite well - I've stocked my house up with healthy foods and made sure that I've got enough stuff easy to prepare that I can't easily slip into cheat mode.

            To be fair though I have nothing else to really concentrate on other than this (and the day job). Which makes it a bit easier.


              I'm really getting into my running as well now, not really sure the distances i'm doing as i haven't properly configured the walk and run stride lengths in my mp3 player. Running for approx 20-25 mins and then doing some weights on the days i don't run.


                I've just weighed myself and I've lost 4lbs in two weeks. My trainer at the gym said he wants me to lose a stone in about 10-12 weeks, but I could do it in half that time


                  Originally posted by RLench View Post
                  I've just weighed myself and I've lost 4lbs in two weeks. My trainer at the gym said he wants me to lose a stone in about 10-12 weeks, but I could do it in half that time
                  well done thats a great effort.

                  I'm fully back to training now, 9 miles last night, I took it easy and finished in 1hr10 but it was nice to get out without targets and times etc. I think I may start actual training next week I should be recovered enough by then, plan on doing a 1 hour tempo run, 1 track interval session and a 2 hour run a week with 4 other 9mile slow runs in the hope of maintaining this level of fitness. Half tempted to throw in some hill sessions in light of the cross country run planned for Aug but think it may well be too little to make any real effort will see how next week goes, kind of like hill sessions is a sick way but not sure of real benefit


                    Originally posted by Spagoli View Post
                    I'm fully back to training now, 9 miles last night, I took it easy and finished in 1hr10 but it was nice to get out without targets and times etc.
                    That is great to hear.

                    I rarely go running as in cross-country or up (and over) hills but when I do - Christ - I nearly half collapse when I get back home. It is certainly more taxing on your legs than a straightforward (path / road) run however, the sense of satisfaction afterwards is great.


                      Hey all,
                      I noticed in October that I had like ballooned to almost 20 stone. Shocker! So I bought a multi-gym for my spare room and started playing sports, eating healthily and what-not and I'm down to 16.35 stone as of this morning. Looking to hit 13 stone by the end of the summer

                      Some great stories on here guys, keep it up - its inspiring!




                          Thanks! Still can't run very far though...that's what I get for smoking though


                            Ive recently gone back to running again, something i gave up abruptly a few years back. But it helps clear my head and cheer me up when i have a lot on my mind (which is a lot latley) I must admit i only do it once a wekk, but ill probably change my route and distance as the weeks go by. I STILL need to buy some appropriate footwear, i hear New balance are very comfortable for yah feet and are light in weight also. In some ways ive found that returning to running after so long has somehow suppresed my appetite, im not as hungry anymore, and i feel more tired at the end of the day. Is this a good thing?

                            Im not into the who marathon running thing, im jus doing it to get fitter and to ease my mind so to speak. It really does help clear yah head i must admit. Must be all that oxygen rushing to teh brain lol! Besides the sun shining on your face when you run is a nice feeling.



                              Broke the 19 minute barrier on the C2 rowing machine today, which is what they have at the gym up the road. 18:56 from 19:02 which doesn't seem like much perhaps but it's a lot of effort. When I finished, there's nobody bothered like but I look around and I'm the only person with a sweat on in the place so I know I've done some work today. Then I did ten minutes get-my-breath-back on the treadmill, biceps, triceps, shoulders, chest and the opposite muscles which I can't remember (Latissimus dorsi according to Google). Abs and then a quick stretch and I'm done. Legs next time, yeah.

                              Time for another protein shake.


                                Originally posted by 112 View Post
                                ..... so long has somehow suppresed my appetite, im not as hungry anymore, and i feel more tired at the end of the day. Is this a good thing?

                                I find running supresses my appetite, also make me a lot more tired, asleep by 10 on the sofa most nights. When I spent 2 weeks tapering I was up till all hours with the extra energy and bounciong out of bed a 6.30am as well! That said I also satrted to eat like a horse which wasn't good and I'm currently in a battle of wits with my stomach as I return back running. My current weapon of choice is the rice cake. Not that tasty but fills you up a little!

