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    They just opened a Gourmet Burger place outside my office.


      And very nice it is too.


        Hey guys, before I start reading some of the pages, is this thread just for people wanting to loose weight? Not sure if it will be any help to me as I want to bulk up and add some muscle to my skinny frame.


          No, it's for anyone doing any physical activity. Read through the pages, especially Chain's posts, there's plenty on gym routines and bulking up. You'll need to join a gym, and if you do, have a scout and find one with the most helpful instructors.


            Thanks Paradigm.

            I joined a gym around august last year, slacked off towards the new year but have picked up again in the last few months. Just got back from the gym now - eating my chicken and fruit as I type.

            I'll read though the pages but my biggest problem is getting the weight vs posture right. Too much weight and my posture goes out the window so I lower it like instructed but I've been struggling to bench press 40kg (3setx10rep) now for a while. Now I know that is a pathetic amount compared to lot of guys but any advise for a weakling on getting passed this wall I've hit?


              You'll have to increase the weight, obviously you'll do fewer reps.

              Try 42.5kg, see if you can get get a couple of sets of 8, then stick it up to 45kg, you should be happy if you can get 4 or 5. The only way to break through plateaus is to get used to pushing a heavier weight around. Make sure you're really giving it all you can; do your flat bench press first as it's more of a compound exercise for your chest, rather than something like a flye, which is an isolation move - you can't move as much weight on these type of exercises so strength and size increases are relatively slower.

              Always use good form - don't bounce the weight off your chest, perform the exercise relatively slowly - a 2 count up, and 2 down, don't lock your arms out at the top, as this transfers the stress from your muscles to your joints and bones.

              Focus on your goals, train your chest twice a week if you want to, and you'll soon feel and see results!

              Good luck, let us know how you get on!


                Well I've gone and injured myself. Bah. I think its just a tweak but it hurts like hell. Laughably I seem to have pulled my tricep getting out of the bath.... ludicrous.


                  Oh no Ish! Sorry, but I had to chuckle though


                    It was gym today today too. Dammit. Hopefully it'll ease off enough that I can go for a steady run this evening instead.

                    What a joke. I had to laugh myself


                      Funny you should say that, I got out of the bath via the same method the other day and slightly strained whatever the muscle is under my armpit! It's alright now though.

                      Had a bit of a calf niggle after running past few weeks so I've given it a rest for a few days longer. Feels OK but I'm going to wait 'til Monday morning to attempt my 5 mile run. I'm setting myself up for a fall again


                        Ow. Well this is starting to hurt like hell - I can't really move my arm now. Who would have thought getting out of the bath could be such a dangerous activity.


                          Showers FTW


                            Thanks for the advise Swallow.

                            To add some more I basically bench press 40kg and aim to do 3 sets of 10 reps, I can do something like 9--7--5 reps. Up to now I've classed that as a failure and kept the weight the same untill I could do 3x10.

                            Now after reading your post I feel better but how long generally would you say I should stay at a weight before increasing it?


                              Until you can manage about 8 reps, I would say, it's a good target to work towards, and a decent rule of thumb for optimum reps in a set for bodybuilding. The more and harder you train, the faster you'll recover too. It's a hard, slow process, but if you're in it for the long haul , small increases every month add up. Good luck!


                                4-6 reps for mass, 2-3 sets, LOTS of food

