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    Originally posted by Spagoli View Post
    I find running supresses my appetite, also make me a lot more tired, asleep by 10 on the sofa most nights. When I spent 2 weeks tapering I was up till all hours with the extra energy and bounciong out of bed a 6.30am as well! That said I also satrted to eat like a horse which wasn't good and I'm currently in a battle of wits with my stomach as I return back running. My current weapon of choice is the rice cake. Not that tasty but fills you up a little!
    So im not wierd! phew............

    dude if you wanna supress yah appetite you should drink water, it really fills yah up! Also, snack a jacks are great tasting rice crackers!



      Running makes me hungry in the hour or two after it. I usually have a batch of special healthy muffins that I make and eat afterwards. It does make me very sleepy too. Slept like a log last night.

      Heavy weights make me hungry though. And I mean hungry as in eat half of a cow hungry. And then still be hungry.


        Originally posted by 112 View Post
        Ive recently gone back to running again, something i gave up abruptly a few years back. But it helps clear my head and cheer me up when i have a lot on my mind (which is a lot latley)
        Thats one of the things I like best about running. It does the same for me. And weights help me work out any aggression.

        This probably explains why I've been a grumpy explosive sod over the last few months...


          Another decent day for me. Got down the gym before work and worked on my shoulders and arms. Did well on my arms but struggled to get my arms pumped this morning.

          Plus I've strung together 5 days of the healthiest eating I've managed in a long time.

          All in all pretty pleased.


            Weekend blowout, followed by a Tuesday blowout! Oh well, doing well some of the time

            Exercise is ****. Dropped to 2 sets of 4*100kg bench, zero energy despite the pizza Sunday night.

            Tomorrow I'm aiming to redo the shoulder and back workout I done last Thurs, really felt that the next day.

            Plus side I'm finally doing some abs.

            Kinda given up ATM TBH


              Come on, Chain, if you can encourage us lot to keep going even when we feel a bit rubbish you can do it as well!

              Mummy bought me Kayano 13's. They were pricey. Paradigm loves his mummy! Also got a pair of Falke socks, they're well cool.

              Now, a question: should I bother doing weights with my legs as I'm planning on gradually stepping up my running mileage? The reason I do weights in the first place is because I think I'm a bit under-nourished in the upper body region. My legs have always been bigger and there's blokes at my gym who have big arms but tiny legs. As I don't do you think it's silly to continue with weights on my legs? And should I do those weights on the same day I go running to give me more recovery time before my next run?


                I quit my gym last month and have managed to improve my everything in the process. Hah! Screw you gym membership!

                For the amount I was using it the gym was far too expensive -


                - so I decided to shift to a DIY programme. I got one of those tubs of protein, which btw turns out to be REALLY nice, especially when wizzed up with soya milk and optional banana, plus I switched to a slightly lower-carb diet (no more bread, cereal etc in the evening). Oh, and I bought some Robinsons low-sugar cordial for mixing in tiny amounts with water, leading me to double my intake to 3l per day (and cut out the fizzy drink at lunchtime).
                Next I found the meanest hill I could think of and have been cycling up and down it multiple times a night, much to the amusement of cyclist commuters. I cut the grass in my back garden, which I can tell you when it's 1 foot high is no mean feat. Plus I'm working in a daily set of push-ups, crunches, and table curls - aiming for 3x50 of each, which I can do albeit so far using my knees for the push-ups. Table curls are where I lift up one side of my dining table in a bicept curl motion. It's from IKEA so not very heavy - I'll need to find something more practical to do that properly.

                I've dropped from 71 to 67kg in the last couple of weeks while improving my fitness and tone. At least I feel more toned - more healthy - and I'm no longer so sleepy in the afternoon after lunch. So whether or not I'm making real improvements I don't know, but I FEEL in better shape.

                One more thing - protein screws with your digestion.


                  I'm not a runner, so can't really comment on that, but you do feel like Superman when you're training legs, stacking out machines or loading a bar, like


                    Originally posted by Nijo View Post
                    One more thing - protein screws with your digestion.
                    You need to monitor your intake. If you are intaking too much it can cause kidney damage.

                    Edit: though that's excessive amounts. I'm presuming you're not consuming like 300g of protein shakes per day!
                    Last edited by Paradigm; 03-05-2007, 10:52.


                      Originally posted by Paradigm View Post
                      Come on, Chain..........
                      Mummy bought me Kayano 13's.........
                      should I bother doing weights with my legs.......
                      I agree I love all encouraging posts about benching ridiculous amounts that goes on here, dont tell me the cardio boys have the lifters on the ropes!

                      Kayano's are nice, I did swear by them but they were just too expensive even at JJB last years model were nearly £90 and they were only lasting me 2 months at most, had to swop to 2120's very similar but lighter duty and cheaper.

                      IMHO on the legs it depends on what you want to do, check out the difference between top sprinters and top longer distance runners. My legs have too much muscle the top half is like a rake but the bottom half looks like a 200/400m runner (prob why I find 400m interval sessions easyish) . I need to shift some which means a big fat diet which I dont really want to do. I am much stronger up hills than most people I train with so am hoping that going off road more will allow me to utilise this a little more.
                      Last edited by Spagoli; 03-05-2007, 10:57.


                        Originally posted by Paradigm View Post
                        You need to monitor your intake. If you are intaking too much it can cause kidney damage.

                        Edit: though that's excessive amounts. I'm presuming you're not consuming like 300g of protein shakes per day!
                        Oh I'm less than it says on the tub - about 50g. I'm assuming that the change in digestion is down to the reduction in bulk: pasta, potato, bread etc. Since I don't eat huge amounts of meat normally I'm trying to balance my diet rather than go to extremes.


                          Originally posted by Spagoli View Post
                          IMHO on the legs it depends on what you want to do, check out the difference between top sprinters and top longer distance runners. My legs have too much muscle the top half is like a rake but the bottom half looks like a 200/400m runner (prob why I find 400m interval sessions easyish) . I need to shift some which means a big fat diet which I dont really want to do. I am much stronger up hills than most people I train with so am hoping that going off road more will allow me to utilise this a little more.
                          My legs are quite muscular but nowhere near as big as some people's. Can this actually be a hindrance to long-distance running?

                          Will see how the Kayanos fare but as I'm not doing lots of mileage I hope they'll last me quite a while. Did 3 1/2 miles this morning and thought they were super comfy. I tried Saucony, Brooke and Pearls in the shop before having him get some Asics out - they just fitted me better all-round. Pearls were really well cushioned though.


                            Well I was supposed to be running today but after last nights "chill sauce" incident and the sleeplessness that ensued followed by nasty long day at work I think I'm just going to pass out. Right now. On my keyboard. I really fancy a beer but I'm resisting - even though as I type the tasty bottle of creamy stout I've hidden at the back of the cupboard is talking to me.

                            Will be going down the gym tomorrow.


                              Originally posted by Spagoli View Post
                              I agree I love all encouraging posts about benching ridiculous amounts that goes on here, dont tell me the cardio boys have the lifters on the ropes!
                              Never! I'll be down the gym tomorrow. Chest and back to the max.


                                Originally posted by Nijo View Post
                                One more thing - protein screws with your digestion.
                                Good work dude, glad to know it's not just me

