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    ...and to think that when I was most addicted to FFXI/WoW I'd get in from work with a random large McDs meal and that was all I'd had all day long, and all I would have for the rest of the day. FFS I'd die trying one day of that again.


      Yeah likewise, in just a few weeks I've actually become more interested in going to the gym than browsing the internet. Shocking! I certainly couldn't sit around all day playing games, I hope I never go back to that either as I'm fedup of being skinny and tired all the time.

      You eat a hell of a lot, I don't think I could stomach it to be honest. I'm currently 10.5 stone, (half a stone is probably from my beer gut which makes me look like Starvin Marvin) but hoping to get around 12.5 to 13. Since I got this health kick I've mostly just been eating better - cutting out processed\fast food, more fruit&veg and less alcohol (9 days and counting!) but also drinking protein shakes...though only one a day after the gym.

      If I ate that much I don't think I could do enough exercise to burn off the fat.

      BTW - are protein shakes worthwhile? I bought a huge tub at the gym but not sure how effective they are.


        Originally posted by PeteJ View Post
        BTW - are protein shakes worthwhile? I bought a huge tub at the gym but not sure how effective they are.
        I'm definately telling the difference after going through three tubs of this Sci-MX whey protein stuff I discovered in Tesco. It tastes awesome without being too sickly as well, so for a good nesquik substitute you may as well give it a bash. If you are on one a day (as I was up until before Xmas) make sure you take it post workout or before bed.

        They are also good for maximum protein diets if you are looking at cutting out fat, similar to the Atkins diet I presume, so it should work wonders for your beer belleh.

        I didn't finish those tacos last night btw, way too much. lol. Rest day today although I may go for a run at some point... so just small breakfast, dinner, tea + supper with half-servings of the carb/protein drink in between.


          Just checked and I've put on half a stone in three weeks, which I think is a healthy increase. The machines at the gym are telling me I'm losing around 500 calories a time and I believe I'm consuming about 1200 a day. Not a lot when compared to you Dave!

          Not noticed any reduction in my belly though. Maybe expecting to reduce the belleh at the same time as putting on weight is a bit much to ask


            Fallows how much fat do you eat!!!? That ain't healthy dude.


              Originally posted by PeteJ View Post
              What are you eating if you don't mind me asking?
              Go find quinoa in Tescos; it's easy to cook (just like rice) and has superfood properties.

              From Wiki:

              Quinoa was of great nutritional importance in pre-Columbian Andean civilizations, being secondary only to the potato, and was followed in importance by maize. In contemporary times, this crop has become highly appreciated for its nutritional value, as its protein content is very high (12%–18%), making it a healthful choice for vegetarians and vegans. Unlike wheat or rice (which are low in lysine), quinoa contains a balanced set of essential amino acids for humans, making it an unusually complete protein source. It is a good source of dietary fiber and phosphorus and is high in magnesium and iron. Quinoa is gluten-free and considered easy to digest. Because of all these characteristics, quinoa is being considered a possible crop in NASA's Controlled Ecological Life Support System for long-duration manned spaceflights.
              To go with the quinoa look up the recipe for ratatouille - that should be another standard dish alongside pasta. Tinned chickpeas are good to add to this, broccoli, etc if you like it.

              Can't go wrong with baked potato + beans....

              Also look into having oats for breakfast, mixed with seeds (sunflower, pumpkin), nuts and maybe some linseed. If you can find it, oatmilk is better for you than cow or soya milk, though it probably only tastes nice in an oaty breakfast situation. It might work in protein shakes too. Oh, and don't forget bananas.

              That's all vegan so far, so add white meat & eggs as you wish (chicken, mozzarrella + spinach omlette? Mmmmm).

              I'd say that's a pretty healthy, balanced diet.
              Last edited by Nijo; 12-01-2009, 14:18.


                I'm getting fatty around my sides. My boney hips are no longer boney.

                Running faster and for longer each day though.

                My diet would be almost sound if I wasn't drinking mass-gain meal replacements on top of already fatty meals. ><

                My breakfast shake this morning was mental... 8 egg whites, 3 yolks, 2 bananas, a handful of blueberries, 2 scoops of whey, half a litre of milk, a cup of oats and two snickers bars thrown in! lol! Ah yeah, and some ice cubes... Made almost three pints and took over an hour to down.
                Last edited by dataDave; 12-01-2009, 14:18.




                    Why do it then if you know you're getting fatty!?


                      11st 12lb!! GET IN!!

                      I'm getting better at running too considering my fat bastard diet.


                        11st 2lb, put on about 6lb in 4 weeks. What did you start at Dave?

                        Still going to the gym 3-5 times a week. Able to do my initial program every time now, and I've started to increase weight\reps\time on certain exercises that I'm getting on with. I think I'll give it another two weeks before moving on to another program..


                          Originally posted by PeteJ View Post
                          11st 2lb, put on about 6lb in 4 weeks. What did you start at Dave?
                          9st 12lb, that was WITH clothes on. :/

                          New Powerball record also... 12125!!


                            So I lost 9lbs from the start of December until last week. Started back at the gym on Wednesday and been 3 days since. Still got exams this week so can't absolutely cane it just yet but I'm feeling so good to be back. Really need to put the weight back on, I was quite weak on some exercises today due to my lack of weight and 6 weeks off lifting!

                            And also, my ankle is remarkably better over the last 2 or 3 days! Still really sore on the odd occasion and have to be careful walking down stairs and when twisting it etc, but it's getting there! Still won't be able to run on it or play football/squash again for a month at least I reckon. I think I will be able to start doing some extremely light squats on it in 2 weeks probably. Won't even do any weight, just the bar to get the muscles stretched again, and then some very controlled calf raises too. I done some the other day very slowly on a step at the gym and it felt great!

                            Can't wait to get it back to full working strength!


                              My current routine consists of -

                              Monday - various forms of cardio in the gym for an hour and various weight training excercises for an hour afterwards - all aimed at strenghening my core apparently.

                              Tuesday - go and dance my lil heart out at the dance studio for an hour and a half - hiphop / street dance ish - all kinds of poppin lockin, freezes, etc....... all aimed at giving me more flexibility and rhythm (sp).

                              Wednesday - Rest

                              Thursday - I do circuit training for an hour, which is meant to be a begginers class but feels like an advanced class as our instructor is a saddist! lol........ All over workout which works me the hardest.

                              Friday - Rest

                              Saturday - I do an RPM class which is a good cardio work out that requires you to continually cycle and keep your heart rate up.

                              Sunday - Rest

                              I feel good and better for it, but my knee joints have started aching........ am i over training? Must stress i dont take no supplements or stuff, but generally i eat well mostly and get about 7 - 8 hours sleep a night.



                                Ive just started hitting the gym, the last time I did was ages ago!

                                Its probably covered somewhere in the thread already, but should I be doing my Cardio before weights, or the other way around.

                                At the moment I am only doing 30-40 minutes Cardio - Treadmill, Crosstrainer, Bicycle, and then 3 reps of 12 on 5 different area's - Forearm, bicep etc. So all in all my session are only last roughly around an hour. I am increasing the weights and times everytime I go and I am slowly feeling stronger and fitter...

                                EDIT : Also, do protein shakes actually work, like Promax and the like....?
                                Last edited by SwooseGoose; 20-01-2009, 13:17.

