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    Originally posted by ascender View Post


    Still sore today... Surprise surprise. I really need to get back to the gym. Maybe gonna go tomorrow and do upper body obviously, sitting down doing everything, can't put any weight on this at all.


      Been back two days in a row now having had 11 days off!

      I'd lost 5lbs by Sunday morning since last being at the gym, so now is the time I'm gonna be absolutely caning it to put some more weight on before uni starts again. Wanna see if I can make 13st by February!


        Well, I've decided that after struggling to get the enthusiasm to get back to the same level of fitness I had previously the thing I was missing was a challenge. To commit to another marathon at the moment wasn't appealing so I've just signed up for the London Triathlon. The 10k run will be a doddle although the fact that I swim like a brick and I don't own a bike could be a little more problematic. Anyone else done one and got any tips?


          Get a bike would be the first tip!

          My ankle is still ****ed. 3 and a half weeks and still sore to walk on.

          Totally not managed to go to the gym at all over the holidays, not had the time with friends family etc and had loads of uni work plus my gym is bloody well closed for 2 weeks over Xmas/New Year!


            Said it every year for about the last three, have seriously got to lose some weight and get fit next year, have a very high metabolism which is going to say f-off at some point (I'm 37). Amazed have only put on a single pound in 2008, have eaten some serious crap this year.

            Working in an office where everyone always seems to be stuffing their faces doesn't help.

            Am 5' 9", 12st 11lb, not exactly fat, but need to get down to eleven and half stone, and start cycling again.

            Knocking the three or four bags of crisps and bar or two of chocolate a day on the head should be a good starting point lol.

            Aim to cut out the junk and hit the walking/mountain bike hard in January. Will report back at the end of January with the good/bad news.


              Its months since I posted in here.... I started running again about a month ago. Knee finally seems sorted. Currently taking it very steady but it feels good to be moving again.

              I was quite ill as well towards the end of the year and have had to pretty much stop drinking (though I won't lie I've taken "advantage" of the festive season). Lost a bit of weight as a result and I think that in turn has helped the knee.


                Originally posted by Ish
                Its months since I posted in here....

                I'm going back up the gym at least two times a week to go swimming and possible take up the body-combat class if there are any spaces left. I will also continue what I have done most of the (last) year and go out for the occasional long jog or a good bristly run.

                I am currently eleven stones and 2 pounds. My legs are strong but my arms and chest is somewhat lacking and I hope to - for the lack of better word - buff up my upper body a little bit.

                Anyway, good luck to everybody this year!


                  Yeh so I havent been at the gym for ages now! Lost so much weight, it's annoying as hell!

                  ET, I think the word is bulk, rather than buff. Sounds so much better!


                    Started up the gym again after realising I had done nothing in 2008, and was constantly tired (which was partly due to overworking but hey). I wanted to make sure I wouldn't look back at this year thinking I had just been chained to a desk like before, so joined up two weeks ago on monday in the hope that I would become addicted by the time I went back to work (today).

                    Been seven times in twelve days (3 of which it was closed) which is pretty good I feel. Unfortunately this whole time I've had a cold so probably not doing myself any favours.

                    I usually get bored of the gym quite quickly so this time I've joined one which offers proper classes (RPM, Body Pump etc) as well as tennis, swimming etc. I also paid up for the year which may have been a mistake but hopefully it'll keep me going!

                    I'm 6ft and 10stone 6, so trying to actually put on some weight though my main aim is fitness and generally trying to be a bit healthier!


                      Starting back swimming tomorrow morning. Its my 30th on March 15th. I want to lose between a stone and a stone and a half by then. I did well last summer and lost nearly a stone. Its all come back on though, damn xmas and beer.


                        I get free access to the badminton courts as part of my gym membership, so thought I'd pop along to the beginners lession tonight. Oh My God I didn't realise it was such a tiring sport!

                        I also got trashed by everybody. Including a ten year old girl and a 80 year old woman who didn't move and yet seemed to be everywhere (seriously, she was like the Mr Miyagi of the racket sport world).

                        Haven't been so tired in ages, my heart is sill beating like crazy. Shows how unfit I am I guess!
                        Last edited by PeteJ; 05-01-2009, 18:44.


                          11st 9lb. My weight has gone up but my strength is staying put for the time being.

                          Consuming an average of 12000calories per day, I eat every hour without fail. Feeling on top of teh world. Getting up at 6am, working out 7am-8am, then back there at 8pm-9pm before bed.

                          I now have Hulk Hogan style stretch marks in front of my arm-pits.


                            Didn't do any running last week but I did cycle to work 3 days. Would have done all 5 but, unusually, I actually needed the car on the other 2. Was quite annoyed about needing the car today as I've really enjoyed cycling to work again.

                            Planning a run tomorrow and then cycling all 5 days next week.

                            There's a gym along my way, in February I may join and call in and do weights in the morning before work. I've had hankerings to resume my weight training regime lately. My old gym turned into a **** heap and at the time I was hardly using it so just gave it up.

                            I'm feeling quite positive about fitness for the first time in ages.


                              Originally posted by DavidFallows View Post
                              11st 9lb. My weight has gone up but my strength is staying put for the time being.

                              Consuming an average of 12000calories per day, I eat every hour without fail. Feeling on top of teh world. Getting up at 6am, working out 7am-8am, then back there at 8pm-9pm before bed.

                              I now have Hulk Hogan style stretch marks in front of my arm-pits.
                              What are you eating if you don't mind me asking? I'm also trying to put on a bit of weight, so far I'm just eating a load of pasta most evenings but that's largely because it's one of the few things I know what to do with


                                Today I've had... a milk, eggs, porridge oats, banana, blueberries, honey, milkshake (2pints) with 2 bagels and 150g of nutella (or philadelphia usually) wapped all over em... or wholemeal pitta breads with butter and cheese. (this is everyday without fail)


                                on the way to work I drink whey protein with water.

                                I got to work, and had toast and a bowl of porridge with tons of sugar and milk. Some fruit as well.

                                brunch = more bagels with cheese this time as I took my phila. to work yesterday, plus a carb/protein shake and a big Snickers bar.

                                dinner = large chips, peas + butter pie from the chippy, more chocolate and a 330ml bottle of orange.

                                afternoon = same carb/protein shake again, and a bag of kettle chips, there was also a meeting upstairs for some guests, they'd left over a load of veg from lunch so I managed to scavenge a plate of cauliflower/carrot/green-beans + cheese

                                before going home I had some chocolate cake and full-fat cream that was left from the meeting upstairs also, yum, proper gooey. <3

                                I got in (4:45pm) and finished off some quorn chili con carne I'd made myself a couple of nights ago with rice. apple, banana + more chocolate for desert.

                                sat down at PC with my final carb/protein shake of the day. bag of McCoys crisps and some cadbury's choco rolls...

                                ...and right now I'm making a meat-free Taco feast that it says can feed four people.... yeah right. I'll wash that **** down with some semi-skimmed before running to the gym after it's settled...


                                When I get in I have a couple of Quorn pork + apple qtr. pounders that I'll wash down with another whey protein shake with extra water to see me through the night.

                                Originally posted by PeteJ View Post
                                pasta most evenings but that's largely because it's one of the few things I know what to do with
                                Pasta + cheese = fat camp, same camp as me only I'm not fat. Get yourself some grated mozzarella(sp?) from Tesco's and you're on it.

