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    Great to hear how everyone is getting on.

    Back up to around 22 miles a week running and a couple of bike sessions following my broken foot. Plan is to just keep upping the long run over the winter and see how I'm set next year. Have entered some events to try and have stuff to aim for as interim targets.

    Duathlon Series - 3 over December - February
    Great Winter Run - 5k round Arthurs Seat
    Lochaber Marathon - April
    Great Scottish Run - 10k in May
    Edinburgh Marathon - June
    Devil of the Highlands - August

    Need to find something towards the end of next year, maybe a winter marathon if such a thing exists.


      Originally posted by ascender View Post

      Need to find something towards the end of next year, maybe a winter marathon if such a thing exists.
      Theres Luton 2 Dec I considered it myself last year but in the end I just had a rest as had done 2 already in the year and felt tired. I know someone who did though and enjoyed it i'm sure they said that it was a 3 lap event.

      Just had a quick look and depending on where you live there are a couple a bit later on theres the, Portland Costal 26th Jan and Gloucester 27th Jan. Maybe best you dont do them both though unless you feel real fit


        Originally posted by Spagoli View Post
        Theres Luton 2 Dec I considered it myself last year but in the end I just had a rest as had done 2 already in the year and felt tired. I know someone who did though and enjoyed it i'm sure they said that it was a 3 lap event.

        Just had a quick look and depending on where you live there are a couple a bit later on theres the, Portland Costal 26th Jan and Gloucester 27th Jan. Maybe best you dont do them both though unless you feel real fit
        Thanks for the ideas, I'll get a look at these over the next while. I think you're right, two in two days might be a bit much! Although apparently I need to be doing 20 mile runs on a Saturday and Sunday every few weeks by next summer. Eek.


          Bit of advice please, guys

          I think I'll regret it by next week but I'm thinking of going to two Circuit Training classes a week at the gym. I currently go to it on Thursday nights, after an hour of Boxing. So I do two hours of pretty intense exercise on a Thursday. A few people at the gym have said I should go the harder Circuit Training class on Saturday mornings. So that means three hours of heavy, intense, exercise a week. My plan is to do these classes as my sole form of cardio and fitness exercise. Then every other time I go to the gym, I'll be weightlifting as I'm trying to build up my body and lose fat at the same time. I went a bit too easy on myself over the last few months (manflu ) so I lost a lot of my motivation. But I've been going quite heavily at the gym over the last few weeks, and I'm starting to see a big improvement in my body AND I'm losing weight

          So I'm thinking of the following schedule:

          Week 1:

          Monday: weightlifting
          Tuesday: weightlifting
          Wednesday: off
          Thursday: boxing, Circuit Training
          Friday: weightlifting
          Saturday: Circuit Training

          Week 2

          Monday: weightlifting
          Tuesday: weightlifting
          Wednesday: off
          Thursday: boxing, Circuit Training
          Friday: off
          Saturday: Circuit Training, weightlifting
          Sunday: off

          And then go back to Week 1 for the following week. So I'm asking if this sounds like a good idea to any of you? Would you have different rest days, or change the patterns (perhaps have 2-3 days of back-to-back weightlifting and then a bigger gap before the next exercise day)?

          I currently have four good weightlifting programmes that do a variety of all-over exercises and then one specifically for my arms and upper-body, and one for my legs. These change regularly though and I am being monitored every few weeks by the trainers in the gym


            I suppose I should put my name down here.

            Started a get fit regime a while back.

            Mon, Wed and Fri I'm at the gym doing a combination of Running, X-Trainer, Rowing, Bike and weights

            Wednesday I also do Yoga in the evening.


              Keeping Fit, and general Health stuff!!

              Started playin football again on a regular basis recently and couldnt quite believe how un-fit I am! I am knackered after about 20 mins each game!

              What do you guys do to keep fit and healthy (if you do!), and what are the best things to eat for daily breakfast, lunch, dinner etc??

              I want to start some kind of fitness/healthy eating regime but not really sure where to start.

              I am a non-smoker (although only given up recently) I do drink alchohol quite often so that will have to be cut down.

              Eating meats, fish eggs and steering clear of sugars and bread and such is obviously my first thing to start cutting down on right? Amongst other things.

              Im not over-weight by any means, only 12 and Half stone, but can see my "beer belly" growing and I am completely out of shape.

              Any hints and tips guys??


                might be worth reading the sticky keep fit thread at the top of this page

                when i started playing football i found it very hard, but it got better after about a month, and i also started to go to the gym which helped even more. started to feel really good.

                i really should start to go the gym again, not been in a couple of months now


                  I recently started training again and one of the first things I addressed was my diet. Cutting out bread and sugars isn't going to help since they're carbs which provide energy which is ideal if you're going to be playing footie regularly.

                  The other thing I've changed is how frequently I eat. Several small meals a day are better than 2 or 3 larger meals since it helps your body's metabolism which will make you better at converting food into energy. This is however easier said than done, what with work and the daily grind of life getting in the way.


                    Tis the usual story for me.

                    Get fit, look trim, get girl, get lazy, stop exercise, get fat, lose girl and then want to get into shape again.

                    As anyone here with a decent level of fitness will tell you, the fitter you are, the more energy you have, and that`s what I buzz from when I`ve been training in the past. It`s been about 3 years since I was full on training and I really want to do something about it now and feel the lost motivation has once again returned.

                    I`m 15 stone and 6ft tall. I used to love running and I`d like to get into that again. I want to try and run everyday, short distances at first and then try and build it up to either a decent run per day or two shorter morning and evening runs, but because of my weight I`ll have to see how it goes due to running being high impact.

                    I also went to Blacks yesterday and got kitted out with some new outdoor stuff as I want to start doing a bit of walking and climbing. This is something I used to do a longtime back and as the Lake District is pretty much on my doorstep there isn`t much of an excuse not to combine exercise with seeing some beautiful places.

                    I have set a goal which maybe unrealistic but I`m really inspired into giving it a try. It`s going to take years to complete but I want to try and complete ALL of the Wainwright walks in the lakeland fells, I think there are 214 all together. From when I used to walk before, my favourite was Helvellyn and that is where I`ll begin. Walking along Striding Edge in the snow is sublime.


                      Does anyone know how much the off-peak membership / monthly fee is with Fitness First gyms? Failing that, what's the regular price?

                      Originally posted by Nembot View Post
                      I have set a goal which maybe unrealistic but I`m really inspired into giving it a try. It`s going to take years to complete but I want to try and complete ALL of the Wainwright walks in the lakeland fells, I think there are 214 all together.
                      That sounds awesome Nembot, better than "I'm going to run around the park 370 times a week"


                        Originally posted by MattyD View Post
                        Does anyone know how much the off-peak membership / monthly fee is with Fitness First gyms? Failing that, what's the regular price?
                        Theres not a set price, it depends on what gym you sign up at, time of year etc.

                        I'm currently paying ?31 per month (regular price) and have had notice that it will increase to ?32 from next year.


                          Originally posted by MattyD View Post
                          That sounds awesome Nembot, better than "I'm going to run around the park 370 times a week"
                          Cheers Matt!

                          The fella that holds the record managed to do it in 7 days 1 hour iirc, but for a mere mortal like myself it might take a bit longer!


                            Originally posted by rumbletum View Post
                            Theres not a set price, it depends on what gym you sign up at, time of year etc.

                            I'm currently paying £31 per month (regular price) and have had notice that it will increase to £32 from next year.
                            So they say, I thought that was just a ploy so you had to call and let the salesmen get their teeth into you Do Fitness First gyms have proper free weights equipment like squat racks and all the crazy benches and stuff or just machines? I'm not interested in machines at all TBH, and just feel like I need to join because I've reached the end of what I can practically achieve with my own equipment. I know a lot of these trendy chain type gyms are just full of bikes and rowers and crap though.

                            Anyway I'm thinking there's bound to be loads of membership deals when the new year comes and everybody makes New Years Resolutions that end up becoming five minute wonders.
                            Last edited by MattyD; 03-12-2007, 17:48.


                              Theres an offer on at my local one at the moment, I think now is the time to join as its when they experience a lull in new members. Come January there will be a mass influx of new bodies.

                              As for free weights, it depends on the particular branch, my current one has a pretty good selection, loads of dumbells, squat rack, several benches, hammer machines, as well as the usual Life Fitness machines that they all seem to have


                                It is nice to see everybody getting on alright and seeing more people wishing to get back in good shape; good luck to you folks.

                                I did the Norwich half marathon on Sunday and it was great but when I got home - by train - my legs were starting to ache a fair bit so instead of getting on a bus or shout for a taxi, I ran 6-7 miles from the station, through the town and up the long hill to get home.

                                20 miles - not too bad.

                                I did four half marathons since I last posted in this thread so I'm quite pleased with my performance lately although it will probably go slightly downhill over Christmas as I do like the odd drink or two.

