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    Originally posted by fishbowlhead View Post
    Just a bit of advise also but exercise bikes, treadmills are not a true source of fitness or calorie burn off, as your technically not going anywhere or using all your muscles properly. You also get a false sense of fitness too, you can half the distance on the streets what you were doing in the gym.
    Sorry but thats rubbish, you could get extremely fit just using a decent treadmill and/or exercise bike.


      He didn't say you can't get extremely fit. He just said that the calories shown you've burned is not true and the distance isn't the same too. It's a very different thing to cycle in a gym and to cycle on the streets.


        He also said theyre not a true source of fitness and don't use your muscles properly.

        Yes its very different cycling on the street to a stationary bike, but one is not necessarily better than the other for general non sport-specific training


          Originally posted by rumbletum View Post
          He also said theyre not a true source of fitness and don't use your muscles properly.

          Yes its very different cycling on the street to a stationary bike, but one is not necessarily better than the other for general non sport-specific training
          Im just stating a fact buddy. Someone who has trained on a treadmill will get destroyed by someone who has trained outdoors over the same distance. Not as if you even need to worry about gym fees either, pair of decent running trainers and off you go.

          I had this very conversation with a good friend of mine yesterday who does marathons (and soon to do a super marathon), what you have to take in to account when outdoors is all the bumps, inclines, hills, drops, lefts, rights, all add up to work you muscles and body in ways indoor stationary training could never do.


            I do agree with what you say above, if you're running/cycling or training for sports etc you do need to get outside for the different terrains and get your body used to them, but if general fitness & good health is all you're after you can do that perfectly well in a gym.

            Incidentally I've done marathons, half-marathons, 10 milers, 10kms & a handful of triathlons, and do at least 90% of my training in a gym, and I wouldn't say I've ever been 'destroyed' (ok maybe in a couple of races ;-D ). I found the treadmill invaluable in improving my speed, and reckon I'd be a much slower runner if I'd only ever ran outside.


              Originally posted by powkisser View Post
              so should i add a couple of protein shakes into the mix balance things out?
              You don't need to buy expensive stuff, as I said standard skimmed milk with some milk powder in is just as good for your needs - it's way way cheaper than the stuff roidheads would use.


                increased my biking last night to 40 mins, getting my punch bag up this weekend.

                Does it take a while for your body to start dumping fat? only started on the healthy eating 2 weeks ago, and about 8 weeks for the kickboxing, i have noticed my muscles firming up slowly with little weight loss..
                My main target is to just get fit and lose this beer belly, currently at 6"2, and around 14s 9


                  I want to start running long distances. There's a really long straight road near me and it looks like fun! I'm sure there's a brilliant post in this thread for idiots that know nothing on how to get started, what footwear is good, etc, so if someone remembers it I'd appreciate a link, it's a pretty long thread to find it myself!

                  Mainly, I want to do it without losing any weight, tips? "Eat more, lolz"?


                    Originally posted by powkisser View Post
                    increased my biking last night to 40 mins, getting my punch bag up this weekend.

                    Does it take a while for your body to start dumping fat? only started on the healthy eating 2 weeks ago, and about 8 weeks for the kickboxing, i have noticed my muscles firming up slowly with little weight loss..
                    My main target is to just get fit and lose this beer belly, currently at 6"2, and around 14s 9

                    punch bag will do you wonders, look online for "bas rutten" he does a great 2minute and 3 minute bag drill, you'll soon get fit doing kickboxing, ive been doing it 3 years (although had a year off due to knackering my knee in a tournament)

                    my training consists off 2 nights a week kick boxing, 2 nights a week running 6km, 2 nights a week rowing 6km, mixed in with some weightlifting, stretching exercises and a few nights of punchbag drills, since xmas ive started taking it more seriously really concentrating on my all round fitness, and i know eat all the right stuff, and highly recommend protein shakes (i take 4 a day)

                    oh and i always start my day with 50 press ups and 50 situps


                      jesus i dont think i could ever get that much in to training...

                      i will look for the rutten videos, he's a bloody nutter though ! and a little crazy


                        i find training more addictive than booze and nicotene (never done drugs so not sure if its more addictive than that)


                          Did the Chi 10k today.
                          Having done no training at all, I was quite pleased with my 42min time. I did the first 5k in 19min and then realised I was going far too fast
                          Winning time was 29min wtf.


                            Well done mate, I would be impressed if I could manage that sort of time. I am just about to go and have 5/6k jog and was planning on it taking me 30mins!


                              Thanks man. It's all relative - if it makes you feel any better, I'm totally unfit for my potential so am not really doing myself justice, whereas your 30mins could be the fastest you've ever run

                              Met a guy on the train in the week who is doing the antartica marathon in march. He's 53. Hardcore.


                                I quite fancy learning how to jump over backwards and land on my feet. Looks easy enough (skip to 2.35ish):

