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    Who is slacking off? Anyone need any encouragement?


      Originally posted by charlesr View Post
      Who is slacking off? Anyone need any encouragement?

      after over a month off of a strained back core muscle my cardio is how can we say?? foooked. Despite my efforts on my new bike doing 10miles a night. On the flip side though ive toned up my upper body and quads a lot more on the bike than i would running, so thats a plus i spose.

      Now to get back to 5 miles running


        Presume you were talking about encouragement, rather than slacking off 10 miles a night is hardly slacking. Keep it up.

        I hope you are inserting rest days when your body tells you to (and even if it doesn't)?
        Pilates for you sir? Preventative medicine.


          Did 8.7 miles at lunchtime, mostly off-road. It felt very relaxed with a quick recovery time, so was dead chuffed I did it in 65mins which is 7.5 mins per mile.

          Looking forward to my 5 mile off-road race on Sunday. I'm going to cane it. Hoping for 35 mins.


            Great times, watch your footing off road though. You still having problems with those Asics or has that calmed down?

            I'm toying with entering the Poloroid 10K series up here in Scotland, 4 10k's over 4 weeks, three on Thursday eve and the last one on a Sun morning. I need to decide sharpish though, last registration is tomorrow.

            Went out today at lunch for a steady 5k, nice int he sunshine.


              The Asics are fine now I've swapped the daft inner-soles for my old ones. A lovely ride on the road, but they aren't really designed for off-road.

              I'm a cross-country runner historically, so am right at home on the rough stuff, and it certainly forces you to concentrate - my legs always feel more worked-out after an off-road sesh. Running up and down the shingle beach is lovely, although tiring.


                First of the 10k series done - knocked 5 mins off my previous (only) PB. Sweet. Was a fair mix of flat and hills (at least the hilly bits were only 100 or 200m at a time).

                For the first time I had 'Ammonia Sweat' - jesus that not only stinks it tastes awful too. I've still got a funny taste in my mouth today. Urgh.


                  Well done Dirty Sanchez, you must be delighted to knock 5 mins off your PB as well.


                    Got my fun triathlon tomorrow, quite looking forward to it, but I haven't been training as much as I should've. The cycling (20k) will be a breeze as I do twice that distance every day, but the short run will be tougher as I am not a sprinter at all.


                      Originally posted by Dirty Sanchez View Post
                      First of the 10k series done - knocked 5 mins off my previous (only) PB. Sweet. Was a fair mix of flat and hills (at least the hilly bits were only 100 or 200m at a time).

                      For the first time I had 'Ammonia Sweat' - jesus that not only stinks it tastes awful too. I've still got a funny taste in my mouth today. Urgh.
                      Smart. I can only dream of improving by 5 mins from one race to the next. That must be an awesome feeling.

                      YM: have fun tomorrow. I have a 5mile off road race - looking to finish in 35 mins, but my body went into purge mode yesterday after eating something dodgy and I'm still recovering. Hopefully by the morning, I'll be back to 100%. I'm going to run absolutely 100% anyway... heheh.
                      Last edited by charlesr; 22-05-2010, 12:59.


                        Originally posted by Yoraths mullet View Post
                        Got my fun triathlon tomorrow.....
                        best of luck should be a perfect day for it. no worries about what to wear anyway!


                          Originally posted by Spagoli View Post
                          best of luck should be a perfect day for it. no worries about what to wear anyway!

                          Cheers dude,

                          Thanks for the advice the other day as well. Got my transistion sorted, talc in socks, elastic locking laces, t-shirt laid out properly, bike in the right gear, tea towel ready to locate my bike etc. Can't wait, just worried about the heat as I am not a big fan of the sun.


                            Things didn't go quite as planned. I set off at a 90% pace because it gets narrow soon after the start. Was running with a guy in 4th place and it felt about right i.e. similar to my faster training runs. There was no way I was keeping up with the people in 1,2 and 3. Half a mile in and I got a massive stitch which I couldn't shake and had to walk a fair amount of the 5 (off road) miles. Finished in 39 mins. Very disappointing.

                            They guy I was running with at the start finished in 33mins. I was aiming for 32 but given the heat, 33 was probably about right. Booooooooo.

                            Next time.


                              Oooof, harsh after doing some great times in training. How warmed up were you? The heat was exceptional over the weekend which wouldn't have helped.

                              Went out today to attempt a max HR test on the hill behind work. Yowsers, legs feel like jelly and felt sick afterwards but now have an accurate max to work off to set out my training plan. 200bpm makes you see stars!

                              Going to experiment a little this Thur with my pace, so far I've been running the 10k distance at 80% max, going to try and squeeze this to 85% - although it will probably be in 1k chunks with a 1k recovery.


                                Originally posted by charlesr View Post
                                They guy I was running with at the start finished in 33mins. I was aiming for 32 but given the heat, 33 was probably about right. Booooooooo.

                                Next time.
                                Well done, given the heat I think you were doing well to get round without exhaustion or injury. 10k or less is eyeballs out all the way n there is no way you can do that in the ridiculous heat of the weekend. Would be worth checking the winners other times in races to see how much they were effected by the conditions. Like you say Next Time it is

