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    Good luck for tomorrow. The weather forecast is good for running as well.
    Starting my triathalon training now. Going for a 20k ride then straight into the 3k run. Going to concentrate on my speed and will be using some of the guide that Charles was kind enough to send me.


      All the achievements of people on here make me feel so small time fitness wise Gives one something to aspire to though.

      I have managed to reach my own little milestone of dropping to under 170lbs, I was 169.8lbs this morning. Lost just under 20lbs so far this year, so an average of 5lbs a month, not bad going.

      Managed to motivate myself to get on the bike for an hour this morning too rather than leaving it until after the football, which usually means I'd end up not doing it at all


        first tri of the season completed yesterday. Managed a sprint distance in 1hr 19, I'd set a target of sub 1hr 20 so can't complain. I could easily have knocked some off the run time of 22min for 5k if I hadn't been so stuffed after the cycle!

        Biggest place for easy improvements was my transitions they were a total joke, my first one was 2min 42 secs in comparison to 28secs for the fastest time and second one of 1min 28 sec in comparison to 36 seconds for the fastest! what was I mucking about at


          Dunno if I have asked this before, but since seeing a lot of peeps drinking shakes after a workout in the gym, i got talking to one of them and its meant to help body recovery and performance, with the added benefit of fat loss apparently.........

          Now i don't know anything about protean shakes, or if there are any side effect to drinking them, but the helping recovery and fat loss bit has me interested. Can some one please recommend me an inexpensive shake to try please?

          I'm guessing that you would need to be on the stuff for a couple of weeks to notice a difference?

          Ive also been told to drink it within 20mins of a workout and that its encouraged by all the health mags, and sports professionals to adopt it as a regular part of a workout........ As I have only really used water after workouts and maybe fruit juices, i'm hoping that this would provide an ideal alternative, as drinking the same old is a bit boring at times.......... And if it helps boost my performance with noticeable differences then i'm all for it......

          Any advice would be appreciated guys and gals

          Last edited by 112; 03-05-2010, 18:02.


            Completed my 1st 10k in 1hr 14mins. Slower than I wanted but Jesus - I know Edinburgh is a bit hilly but it seemed every corner there was another! Calf held out with no problems so pleased that I can get back on the road in a few days.

            Sore legs today doesn't even come close.

            For cheap shakes you can't go wrong with skimmed milk powder (two to three table spoons) mixed up with 500ml of skimmed milk. Full of protein and a crack of carbs. Flavour it up with a few drops of Nesquik milkshake liquid. Have a banana to up your card intake at the same time. Cheap as chips - try it out for a month or two before splashing out on expensive mixes.


              I've used protein shakes while training for ultra marathons, so can't comment on the weigh-building and strength side. The basic science is that they help your muscles recover and repair after a long/hard session and for maximum benefit you need to drink them within 20 minutes of finishing.

              I've used For Goodness Shakes which come ready made up and you can buy in supermarkets, or SiS ReGo which is a powder you can make up. The powders are a bit more bland and sometimes I'd make it up as more of a smoothy with ice and fruit etc.

              I would take one after a long hill run or hard session. With running I found a noticeable improvement in helping to prevent or reduce DOMS the day after. So for me this helped when doing multi-day stuff, I'd have one of these as soon as I got in from each day's run.

              Not sure about the weight loss element, I'm sure someone will be along shortly to educate us both on that one. Certainly the For Goodness Shakes are fairly carb-heavy as well, so maybe there's more specific ones tailored to aid with weight-loss.

              Well done on the 10k Sanchez! That's a major downside to living in Edinburgh, its so damn hilly and that 10k course takes in more than its fair share.


                Originally posted by Spagoli View Post
                first tri of the season completed yesterday. Managed a sprint distance in 1hr 19, I'd set a target of sub 1hr 20 so can't complain. I could easily have knocked some off the run time of 22min for 5k if I hadn't been so stuffed after the cycle!

                Biggest place for easy improvements was my transitions they were a total joke, my first one was 2min 42 secs in comparison to 28secs for the fastest time and second one of 1min 28 sec in comparison to 36 seconds for the fastest! what was I mucking about at
                All that sounds very impressive dude. Do me a favour and tell me what advice you can give regarding transistions. My wife is doing a shortish triathalon this weekend and I have 2 planned in the next few weeks. As novices we have no idea what to expect and what to do well. Any advice will be gratefully recieved.

                Fair play to Sanchez as well. I hand picked my first half-marathon to be the flatest I could find. Hill running is too much pain.


                  Originally posted by Yoraths mullet View Post
                  what advice you can give regarding transistions...
                  Well I'd plan better than I did. I'd make all the decisions about what you plan to do before the race then stick to them on the day don't get distracted.

                  Make sure you know where your bike is left and how to find it when you run into the transition area, if you get in early you may find when you go back your bike is really crowded so put a towel in front of it to help remeber where it is. I'd make sure your stuff is ready for you, the helmet on bike so you remember to put it on first before you touch the bike. Remember its about getting in and straight out. I'm assuming its a pool swim rather than an open water one. If so make sure you know where you are going to run from once you get out of the pool, finish the swim get out, dont worry about getting dried or anything like that just run for the bike, put on a top if needed, your race belt helmet, glasses then shoes (if you need socks consider talc as wet feet can slow you down putting them on, for the same reason a zip top can be easier than pulling a long sleeve over your head) and get then out of there. Unless you've practiced I wouldn't do what the pro's do and try and clip your shoes to the pedals when you rack then bike then in transition just grab the bike and jump on the bike and pedal on top of the shoes (if that makes no sense check out some transition videos its difficult and prone to going wrong spectacularly). T2 is a lot easier, I found it works to drop into a low gear and spin fast for the last 400m just to get your legs used to turning over quickly. Practice a few brick sessions if you haven't already otherwise you will be shocked with how your legs feel after the cycle when you try and run. Rack your bike (hang the saddle over the bar) throw off your top, helmet, turn your number belt round swap shoes and then go for it. There are some good tips here (IMHO ignore the shoe tip though) Hope that doesn't sound like a lot its a lot simpler when you do it. On the day you will find people really friendly and helpful, look what they do and ask them for tips, i've def found tri's much friendlier than other sports I've done. Also practice at home as well, most tri clubs do transition training as it can be easy time to make up depends where you live but I bet there must be a local one. Good luck and let us know how you get on


                    Went for a fairly brisk 10k yesterday. The first 2 mins I used as a warm up jog (I normally do much more, but felt like gambling) and then pegged it at almost my target race speed. I got an awesome stitch after 15 mins and had to stop for 30 seconds and then jog for 30 seconds to get rid. I still finished in 41 mins, so I reckon my race pace is now down under 40 mins - I had more to give too. Well chuffed! My 35min eventual goal still seems a long way off though.


                      Went out on my trials bike yesterday. Haven't used it for about a year. Muscles I didn't even know I had are aching.


                        I wanted to get into trials badly around this time last year, I need to get into something or I find going to the gym becomes pointless after a while with nothing to apply my new found athleticism to, then I get bored and flat out quit.

                        It would have been perfect getting into it when I lived in the town centre, although after my bad fall on the ice just after Christmas I've had second thoughts. I've also not had my elbow looked at yet, I can still move around all the loose cartilage in there and it's ultra susceptible to funny-bone style knocks. >< My little finger and ring finger go numb for a few seconds after I bang it as well.

                        I'm still doing well at the gym anyway, and my nutrition is storming at the minute which is the most challenging part for me (consuming approx. 250 grams of protein a day, and 6,000-7,000 calories).


                          Originally posted by 112 View Post
                          Dunno if I have asked this before, but since seeing a lot of peeps drinking shakes after a workout in the gym, i got talking to one of them and its meant to help body recovery and performance, with the added benefit of fat loss apparently.........

                          Now i don't know anything about protean shakes, or if there are any side effect to drinking them, but the helping recovery and fat loss bit has me interested. Can some one please recommend me an inexpensive shake to try please?

                          I'm guessing that you would need to be on the stuff for a couple of weeks to notice a difference?

                          Ive also been told to drink it within 20mins of a workout and that its encouraged by all the health mags, and sports professionals to adopt it as a regular part of a workout........ As I have only really used water after workouts and maybe fruit juices, i'm hoping that this would provide an ideal alternative, as drinking the same old is a bit boring at times.......... And if it helps boost my performance with noticeable differences then i'm all for it......

                          Any advice would be appreciated guys and gals

                          I absolutely smash protein shakes into the ground, it's all I drink. I'm just finishing off one now actually.

                          If you're just starting out I'd suggest one in the morning, one immediately after your workout, and one before bedtime. You can just use half a serving each time as your body will need to gradually get used to larger servings anyway so too much will be a waste over the first 2-3 weeks. Giving your body a small, constant trickle will do it wonders.

                          You can go for the discount variety in Holland + Barratt if weightloss is your aim. Once you get 'proper' into weights though you will want specialist shakes that include glutamine and BCAAs.

                          What's your aim? weight gain or loss?

                          Oh, and the only nasty side effect I can guarantee are really bad farts. The only supplement you should be really worried about are the testosterone boosters you might see advertised, when I started taking those I went from looking like a boy to looking like a man in an incredibly short space of time, according to my colleagues I went a bit mental too but I can't remember that.

                          Creatine monohydrate gives me stomach cramps, so I avoid that and go for the capsule form instead.
                          Last edited by dataDave; 11-05-2010, 19:01.


                            Back into the gym now this week now that uni is finished and I have time again. Lost a stone and a half since I was last hitting it hard last summer so need to put all that muscle back on now.

                            Caning the protein shakes too Dave, Phd Synergy and Pharma Whey, 1 and 2 a day respectively along with some creatine pills for a while too.

                            Really enjoying being back anyway, great fun lifting heavy weights again although I can't do squats deadlifts etc with my ankle still.


                              I'm on the nitric oxide again before my workouts. This stuff is insane, I had it for the first time last night and I thought my shoulders were going to explode! I had to slow down a bit but I was proper on one because of the caffeine/arginine cocktail.

                              Originally posted by Rossco View Post
                              Back into the gym now this week now that uni is finished and I have time again. Lost a stone and a half since I was last hitting it hard last summer so need to put all that muscle back on now.
                              I lost a bit too, but I thankfully didn't go back to the MMO days weight. It seems harder to gain weight and get back up to my previous lifting standards as before, although I'm hardly eating as much **** as before.
                              Last edited by dataDave; 14-05-2010, 08:44.


                                NO is great fun. I might try it again. I got severe headaches several hours after my workouts when I used it though.

