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    Originally posted by marcus
    dare I say it, Im in danger of developing a flat stomach lol
    Good news! Keep at it man.
    I'm doing a short 5 mile race (running) soon and I'm finding running harder than ever, mainly through lack of doing any. Too much time on the weights and not enough CV, so I'm sorting that out sharpish. Running used to be dead easy for me.


      How do you think running on a treadmill compares to outside? I find the treadmill harder going, I guess its because of lack of real air and the constant speed as opposed to running outside at various paces. 15 mins running at 12.5kmph is hard going for me, but I run for 30-35 mins outside with less difficulty and for further.


        Do you keep the same pace outside as on the running machine? It's easy to slow down without realising it. I find it easier, generally but the whole point of the treadmill is to push yourself harder, use the machine to keep pace. They're great for a short length of time and for doing intervals (say, for example, three miles in twenty minutes).

        It still bugs me the amount of repetitions you do but if it is working, keep it up! It's great when others notice the difference too. Fancy a burger, can of coke in celebration?


          Did 4 hours on the motorbike yesterday. I can barely walk now. Some ace roads though. Triceps are aching a treat.


            Originally posted by Commander Marklar
            Do you keep the same pace outside as on the running machine? It's easy to slow down without realising it. I find it easier, generally but the whole point of the treadmill is to push yourself harder, use the machine to keep pace. They're great for a short length of time and for doing intervals (say, for example, three miles in twenty minutes).

            It still bugs me the amount of repetitions you do but if it is working, keep it up! It's great when others notice the difference too. Fancy a burger, can of coke in celebration?
            Treadmills are okay but theyre boring as hell and i always take the view that i go to gym to do things i can't normally do at home, eg, lift weights. I'm not paying to run on a conveyor belt when i can get a much more challenging workout by using the terrain outside. Its far more interesting, and modifying your pace or incline is easier to do instead of pressing a few buttons whilst running at maniac pace.

            They can be challenging if you use a pre set mode and i guess you can more accuractely determine pace, calories burned etc, but i read somewhere that merely running outside at equivalent intensities burns more calories than the treadmill.

            Go figure.

            Hit legs today, squats, front lunges, walking dumbell lunges, leg extensions, leg curls, calf raises and some ab exercise for the ladies. Can't walk now. I fondly recollect squatting when i was nineteen to such an extent i fell down the stairs at the train station on the way home! Eerily echoing Schwarzeneggers experience in youth of falling off his bike after an arm workout!

            I second that burgers and coke suggestion, infact its on me
            Last edited by nightstalker100; 07-04-2006, 16:49.


              Originally posted by nightstalker100
              but i read somewhere that merely running outside at equivalent intensities burns more calories than the treadmill.
              Wind resistance!


                Im off for a 40 minute run this morning, Ill compare how I feel after it to what I feel like after a 12.5kmph 15 minute run on a treadmill and get back to you


                  I do a 40 minute run Mon-Fri and I find it a fantastic way to start the day. Certainly perks me up before I have to go through the boredom of my job. I don't do anything strenuous, it is only about 4.5 maybe 5 miles. I find it alot better than the treadmill.
                  I am hoping to get fit for the army so I have a lot of work to do, need to lose some weight

                  I also go to the gym during lunch time to do a wee bit of CV then work on my upper body strength.


                    Yeah early morning cardio on an empty stomach is a fantastic way to start the day, it really perks you up and sharpens your focus. 20 minutes suffices, plus your sugar levels are low so the body will preferentially dip into fat stores for energy so its a great way to lean out, fast.


                      Just got back from the 40 min (well, cut my time down to 37 mins just now) run, feel pretty good. I do find the treadmill harder going, Id say its because its so constant, I probably run a bit faster on that, and most of all the lack of outside fresh air makes a lot of difference as in no time my mouth is bone dry due to the air within the gym. Still, its all good, and I always start my workout off with a 15 min run as its great for getting the muscles warmed up and heartrate going.


                        Currently cardio mad in an effort to lean out without sacrificing muscle mass. Ive completed 56 hrs of cardio in roughly eight months with the first 50 not taking an supplements to boost efforts. 50 -100 hrs i'm consuming a cup of green tea pre cardio in an effort to accelerate fat loss (had i started with green tea, my body by now would of adapted to it and not responded as well). After 100hrs as my bf levels get lower and leaning out more difficult i might resort to a OTC fat burner starting at half dose but we'll see!


                          I don't know how you guys run on treadmills. Its so damn boring (unless you have a hotty nearby wiggling her bits). I'd sooner be out in the wet and cold than on a treadmill.


                            i've been relatively lazy today, went out on my faithful steed and did some riding. maybe 10 miles total playing (heartrate was high due to scare factor of some of the descents) then went to the local trails and did some dirt jumping so another few miles there.

                            tonight i am hitting the turbo


                              Ok. It's now nearing the end of April, so 1/3rd(!!!!) of the way through the year. Who's still going and who's fallen by the wayside? Or anyone achieve their goals already and just staying still now?


                                I didn't really have any goals except to keep fit. Which I have (hard not to when you cycle everywhere). I'd fallen out of my running but have got back into that.

                                Weights wise I still go down the gym a couple of times a week and continue to make steady progress.

                                That said I've been drinking far too much lately and need to nip it in the bud. I've put on a couple of pounds. This Saturday is the last game for Bedford Blues (rugby) so I'm off to the match and after that am going to take a month of all alcohol.

