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    Originally posted by Commander Marklar
    The way you describe that thought sounds a bit fubar. You sit all the way up? You don't need to 'cos you're transferring weight all over the shop. Crunch it. 50 is defo. a sign you're doing it wrong. Break it up, 3 sets of 12. Crunch it, keep your lower back on the bench and don't 'bend' all the way up. Lift your shoulders off the floor, fingers behind your ears, elbows out and control your breathing (out when you lift). That'll fix ya, it should hurt your abs not your back; keep your pelvic muscles on the floor/bench. By chest, I assume you mean teh sex pak You won't really tighten your muscles mind, just build muscle mass and it'll be meaningless if you're a fatty. If you really mean your man boobs, you're doing the wrong exercise.

    Back = what the c man posted.
    Cheers guys - thankfully Im a long way from having man boobs, and am not a fatty either so am just after getting more muscle definition - I figure I need to lose a bit more weight though around that area for that. Ill try out what you and Charles suggest, typically I would do situps on the bench. I use the crunch device-thing at the gym, I aim to do 100 during a session, and that does kill my stomach area


      Ive elected to take the entire month of april off from uni and work (yeah, crazy i know!) and i'll be smashin the gym and pounding the streets for the next five weeks in a bid to get in my best shape come summer. Currently dropping about 1/2 lb of fat per week with little noticeble muscle loss although my strength has suffered a tad on a few exercises such as barbell rows but this is offset by an increase in the number of reps i can do on the chinup bar for example by virtue of a lower bodyweight.

      At the moment:

      day 1 - chest and back
      day 2 - legs
      day 3 - shoulders and arms

      abs every training day. Simple, effective, only three times in the gym a week. As much as i love the gym, frankly its boring to be stuck in there too long. Cardio, 2.5-3hrs per week on non gym days, a mix of longer, slower running and shorter, but faster interval training.

      No dietary changes, just eat clean and avoid too much fat, sugar and high sodium food. (I'm guilty of not doin this today, as i had 3 BK whoppers after the gym!)


        last night i did some comedy training... ridge racer 6 and a turbo trainer is possibly the most fun i've had in a while (regarding getting fit anyway).

        turn the sound up, way up. whilst the game is loading etc or in between tracks just pedal at a steady pace...

        when the race begins and you're accelerating PEDAL LIKE A BASTARD!!! when you've hit top speed just level out at a moderately fast pace. then when you abuse the nitrous PEDAL LIKE A BASTARD ON SPEED!!!, sprint as hard as you can until it runs out (a bitch on a triple and tracks where you can nitro 90% of the time).

        it made the session different anyway oh and i'm even more tired today than i usually am. anyone else tried something quite as stupid as this?


          Nightstalker: Why oh why did you have that BK? Absolute crap food. Your body would have been screaming as you ate it !

          Diet is 75% of the cannot underestimate the damge of eating crap.

          There are various schools of thought on when to eat to gain maximum benefit from your training. I agree with the school of thought that recommends high protein intake AFTER a session. Your muscles are hungry and need to feed... )


            Originally posted by Street Turk
            Nightstalker: Why oh why did you have that BK? Absolute crap food. Your body would have been screaming as you ate it !

            Diet is 75% of the cannot underestimate the damge of eating crap.

            There are various schools of thought on when to eat to gain maximum benefit from your training. I agree with the school of thought that recommends high protein intake AFTER a session. Your muscles are hungry and need to feed... )
            You are what you eat! Actually, you are what you ASSIMILATE!!

            Yes i know its bad, but its the first time in YEARS that ive had one and theres no better time, metabolically speaking, than after a workout where the rate at which calories is burned is elevated and also the rate at which glycogen can be replenished in the muscles. Its not like i'm making a habit of it (Maccy D's next week for a change!!)

            Plus those whoppers are high in protein too and coke has plenty of fast digesting sugars!!!

            Theres a diet somewhere thats based on eating just fries and burgers and it works wonders for putting mass (both lean and fat) on!

            Occasional splurges in fat consumption, like that achieved by eating 3 whoppers actually temporarily upgrades the body's ability to retain glycogen and so in a weeks time i may find myself being able to work harder in the gym one day. If strategically used, junk food can have its benefits. Certainly its helps motivation; ive done 3 hrs cardio since that fateful day, partly driven by my guilt.

            My only gripe is the damn sodium content; iv'e been limiting my sodium in an attempt to shed water weight and after i ate those burgers i consciously made an effort to drink gallons of water.


              thats a lot of bull crap to justify you giving in to yah urges!

              Credit to yah man, if i was as convincing as you are at justifying the stuff i do, id be a wealth person by now!

              Man the gym i go to has suddenly become busy again, Grrrr.............. damn noobs are back and gettin in the way of my routine! must be the sudden change in time and weather.

              I give em a month tops!



                Its actually all truth there. I don't need to justify eating a burger king for the first time in years. I could of said i just felt like it. No guilt. No remorse. Its only a single meal fer cryin out loud. Everyone waxes on about choosing the healthy option and nabbing a sandwich from a supermarket, without realising just how much **** in this supposedly "healthy" option. The gap between that and say a big mac for example isn't as wide as people think.

                Live life, be happy and if that means eating a burger king once in a while then so be it. People who are on diets are BORING people and probably unhappy to boot.


                  i had pizza last night, **** y'all!

                  i need to think a bit more about what i eat, my diet is poor at best.


                    Pizza is not too bad actually. There's a decent amount of energy there with a little fat too. Balances out a diet nicely, it's one my 'running' diet for example.

                    Not a whole one mind, you fcking blimp


                      Originally posted by Commander Marklar
                      Not a whole one mind, you fcking blimp
                      dominos cheese and tomato (fussy eater see) large one too... i'm aiming to become slightly more blimp sized and a stack fitter, i'm not too bad but not as fit as i want to be.


                        Originally posted by nightstalker100
                        Its actually all truth there. I don't need to justify eating a burger king for the first time in years. I could of said i just felt like it. No guilt. No remorse. Its only a single meal fer cryin out loud. Everyone waxes on about choosing the healthy option and nabbing a sandwich from a supermarket, without realising just how much **** in this supposedly "healthy" option. The gap between that and say a big mac for example isn't as wide as people think.

                        Live life, be happy and if that means eating a burger king once in a while then so be it. People who are on diets are BORING people and probably unhappy to boot.
                        Thats the spirit mate! say it loud say it proud! Im with yah on that all the way! a burger, or THREE in a row, is all good in my book!



                          Originally posted by nightstalker100
                          Everyone waxes on about choosing the healthy option and nabbing a sandwich from a supermarket, without realising just how much **** in this supposedly "healthy" option. The gap between that and say a big mac for example isn't as wide as people think.
                          Too fcking right that. Often, the 'healthy' alternative has an imbalance of saturates or cholesterol. You eat that healthy stuff all the time love? No wonder you're teh blimp

                          Idiots parading on about protein this, protein that do my nut just as much. Balanced diets, you idiots. Your body produces enough amino-acids and can happily repair muscle degradation without OD on the stuff. I hope your liver fails


                            I have lost serious weight since Christmas.

                            I use to be a healthy 10.9 stones (I'm 18) whereas now I am 10.2, which worries me. I use to go up the gym 2-3 times a week but since the monthly fee jumped from ?31 to ?42 because I just-turned 18 and the facilities were 'improved' thus the Next Generation Club decided to piss us off and raise the price even more!

                            Now that I have quit, I go swimming every now and again, but I haven't felt so useless and weightless in a long time. My white median sized Nike t-shirt use to fit me like a glove, now it is a bit loose - I'm losing all my hard work and muscle now!!


                              ET, I can totally relate. I was about 12 stone when I left the Army, but I was well fed with three cooked meals a day. Back on Civvy Street I went to a leaner and meaner 11.5 until I foolishly decided I wanted to become a journalist and spend all my time studying instead of working out. Now I'm about 10 stone.

                              I'm also vegetarian now which is probably contributing to my weight loss.

                              Oh well, after the next month or two I'll have done most of my exams and should have the time to get back into the Temple of Massive again.


                                Originally posted by nightstalker100
                                Its actually all truth there. I don't need to justify eating a burger king for the first time in years. I could of said i just felt like it. No guilt. No remorse. Its only a single meal fer cryin out loud. Everyone waxes on about choosing the healthy option and nabbing a sandwich from a supermarket, without realising just how much **** in this supposedly "healthy" option. The gap between that and say a big mac for example isn't as wide as people think.

                                Live life, be happy and if that means eating a burger king once in a while then so be it. People who are on diets are BORING people and probably unhappy to boot.
                                Like anything else, doing something in moderation is generally fine. There are people who are so concerned so as to let healthy eating control their lives, which cant be a positive thing. I do watch what I eat more than before, but not the the point whereby its like an obsession which I see happen to a few people around me.

                                Anyways, went to football last night and didnt enjoy it at all, Im thinking of not bothering with it anymore as Ive not had a decent match for weeks due to such a small number of people turning up. Used to be 12 a side, now its down to around 4-5 :/

                                On the other hand, I felt much better playing badminton this weekend and am getting back into it again. Numerous people comment on how Ive visibly lost weight, and, dare I say it, Im in danger of developing a flat stomach lol

