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    Originally posted by rumbletum
    Have you got near visible stomach muscles? If not, you're probably not 13%.
    the thing is you can see the top 2 stomach muscles of the 6 pack and a faint middle 2, but the lower part is bulged out like a pot, I think it all stems back to when i started working out and did it wrong and worked on the lower part of the abbs. Though it may be posture, i dont really know. Im only small and i fall into the correct category for my wieght and height ratio. So i could still be 13% (heres hoping).




      LOL, no just unsure of how much you knew about bodyfat%. Someone who is 13% will in most cases look very fit - I'd guesstimate that most professional footballers are around this range.

      And also someone who's 20% wouldn't look especially fat either.


        Well I get 11% on that wee test thing. Currently going to the gym 3 times a week, doing loads of heavy lifting, 12 reps x 3 of every machine, about 12 different ones I use. Do 50 sit ups and different sets of weights at home every day now. Morning and night.
        Dont do CV at the gym anymore as I'm trying to bulk up a bit and already play squash once a week, basketball once and badminton twice so thats keeping me quite skinny and not letting me build up more hence stopping CV at the gym.

        And I'm also on protein shakes too, high in protein and calories, take 3 a day and eating lots of carbs to put the weigh on too.

        Been on this regime for two weeks now and I already notice improvements.


          Originally posted by Rossco
          Do 50 sit ups
          Is this broken down into 3 sets? Or just all in a row? Sorry to nitpick, cos it sounds like you know what you are aiming for, but if it's all in a row.... you wouldn't do 50 bench press in a row, because you wouldn't see any results. 50 in a row means you are finding it incredibly easy, so you need to find a way of making it harder. Perhas put your arms straight up above your head, or do crunches holding for 5 seconds only slightly off the floor. You should see quicker results like that. If it is broken down into the 3 sets already, then ignore me.

          Oh, although just noticed you said you do it morning and night every day.... If you do 3 sets of 8-12 proper stomach crunches on a particular day, you shouldn't need to do them again for 48 hours while the damaged muscles repair themselves. Same with ANY strength exercise. Any sooner and you end up detraining because the muscles can't get any stonger/bigger before you mess them up again. If your stomach doesn't ache in the morning so much you would find it uncomfortable to repeat in the evening then you need to alter technique. Ask me how if you feel that makes sense.
          Last edited by charlesr; 03-03-2006, 07:20.


            Charlie bear so you saying that if theres no pain theres no gain? So i should always aim to feel sore every time i hit the gym?



              I do two sets of 25! And always struggle with the second sets! So it is working.
              I mainly do it just for something to be doing at home, its not a massive workout, just 10-15 minutes worth, to actually keep me active on days away from the gym. I think I'll try doing it the way you suggested though, makes more sense as thats the way I work it all at the gym! And do it every second day from now on instead.



                Originally posted by charlesr
                Is this broken down into 3 sets? Or just all in a row? Sorry to nitpick, cos it sounds like you know what you are aiming for, but if it's all in a row.... you wouldn't do 50 bench press in a row, because you wouldn't see any results. 50 in a row means you are finding it incredibly easy, so you need to find a way of making it harder. Perhas put your arms straight up above your head, or do crunches holding for 5 seconds only slightly off the floor. You should see quicker results like that. If it is broken down into the 3 sets already, then ignore me.

                Oh, although just noticed you said you do it morning and night every day.... If you do 3 sets of 8-12 proper stomach crunches on a particular day, you shouldn't need to do them again for 48 hours while the damaged muscles repair themselves. Same with ANY strength exercise. Any sooner and you end up detraining because the muscles can't get any stonger/bigger before you mess them up again. If your stomach doesn't ache in the morning so much you would find it uncomfortable to repeat in the evening then you need to alter technique. Ask me how if you feel that makes sense.
                Massive high-five. Technique the the most important think here, especially with sit ups (which I assume most mean crunches rather than a full sit up, not a good exercise). Best way to get the right kind of resistance is to lie face up and lift your legs up to a 90 degrees. Gradually extend yours legs out, lower the upper part of your legs to the floor slowly so you feel your transverse abs are tight without lifting/arching your lower back off the floor. Hold that position, do your crunches and keep the abs tight (i.e. don't move your legs from the position your put yourself in, everyone is a little different here).

                If you want to loose the pot belly, do more cardio.

                edit: You can train your abs each day although you really only need to do 3x12 if your technique is spot on.
                Last edited by Commander Marklar; 04-03-2006, 14:57.


                  Originally posted by 112
                  Charlie bear so you saying that if theres no pain theres no gain? So i should always aim to feel sore every time i hit the gym?

                  You should feel an ache the next day for sure. You get used to it after a while, cos there's always something aching. But it shouldn't be painful.


                    Oh yeah, for sure. The ache is mostly due to muscle repair


                      Right. I want updates people.

                      What's going well? What's not going well? Anyone need fresh ideas or motivation?


                        Physio exercises for me after a bastard bad back incident due to excessive table tennis. Basically, lay front-down on your bed and do a sloooow press-up from the waist up (keeping the front groin down.) I do 20 on a morning and 20 on an evening. I used to have mini man-tits but I don't now.


                          well, ive been trying to do more set with reps of about 12 with free weights and it really hurts and i struggle to do all 2 sets, which is a good sign. I should aim for atleast 3 sets really.

                          Ab work ive taken on what someone said earlier about quicker and more sets dont equal a good ab workout as its a sign my body is gettin used to the routine, so im doing them slowly and really squeezing into it which really hurts.

                          Im slowly adding extra minutes onto cardio training to really get my body pumping. I did a 30 min treadmill run with a set program that made up a series of hills and speeds throughout the 30 min sesh, man that killed me. I wouldnt normally do it but my cuz is doing a competetive run and he is workin hard so i joined him and boy does it show how out of shape i am in! sheesh!

                          Im off the gym later on, so ima take on more of what peeps have said in this thread. Im not trying to lose weight, but i guess my goal is to lose a bit more off my abbs and define my arms as i want to see the definition of traps, my arms look flabby until i flex, i want them to look toned without having to flex.

                          Time will tell!



                            Originally posted by charlesr
                            Right. I want updates people.

                            What's going well? What's not going well? Anyone need fresh ideas or motivation?
                            Started doing what you said now. 3 sets of 12 sit ups after one another on the same days I go to the gym which is Fridays, Sundays and Tuesdays, then Wed n Thur rest then back at it again. And I feel it working better now, doing so much at the gym, its brilliant. Its like I can see improvements by the week!

                            Also put on 3lbs since last week too and still see more muscle definition all round so its all going to plan perfectly.


                              Went to the gym for the 1st time in 20 days yesterday. Ooops.

                              Did 35 mins cardio, then 80 situps. Then onto the weights - I had to lower everything by 5Kg to get thru all the reps and I'm still feeling it today!

                              Got on the scales this morning and total weight loss so far is.... (checks 1st post)....

                              OK, I was 14st 2lbs. This morning I was 13st 8lbs.

                              8lbs loss so far. Not too shabby.
                              Last edited by djjimbob; 09-03-2006, 07:38.


                                update? i'm gonna hit the turbo HARD this evening... i'm gonna bust out a slick 45 minute sesh at a decent pace, see if i can't kill off my legs.

